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This is a fun, simple project I built over the holidays and really goes back to what initially drew me to ProcessWire several years ago after being inspired by Ryan's Skyscrapers Demo. Backwards Compatible allows searching and browsing by various performance related tags and game pages display detailed data on each title. List of modules used: Import Pages by CSV - Essential for this kind of site, the vast majority of data was imported in one CSV upload Procache - Invaluable after an influx of 650k page views in 6 days(!) Form Builder - A simple implementation for monitored page updates and YT video submissions Soma's AjaxSearch Mike Rockett's Sitemap Additional styles/scripts: Bootstrap Grid only for CSS Fancybox.js Tippy.js Commento4 points
3 points
I actually have a new version in the works that allows restricting Tracy completely from specific superusers - trouble is I've been really busy with client work and haven't managed to get it released yet. I also have other changes partially complete. I think for the moment, grab the version I posted for Pete: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/24932-feature-requests/?do=findComment&comment=210040 which will let you prevent your other superusers from messing with things. Keep in mind of course that as a superuser, they could still adjust their permissions to get around this limitation, but I expect that like Pete you're really just trying to make sure they don't do things accidentally, rather than maliciously. Let me know how that version goes for you - it would be good to get someone else testing before I release it.2 points
1 point
This week we have a couple of useful new $pages API methods. They are methods I've been meaning to add for awhile but hadn't found the right time. The need coincided with client work this week, so it seemed like a good time to go ahead and add them. I'm doing a lot of import-related work and needed some simple methods that let me work with more page data than I could usually fit in memory, and these methods make that possible. These won't be useful to everyone all the time, but they will be useful in specific cases. The first is $pages->findRaw() which works just like the $pages->find() method except that it returns the raw data from the matching pages, and lets you specify which specific fields you want to get from them. For more details see the findRaw() documentation page. There's also getRaw() method which is identical to findRaw() except that it returns the raw data for just 1 page, and like get(), it has no default exclusions. The next method is $pages->getFresh(). This works just like $pages->get() except that it gets a fresh copy of the page from the database, bypassing all caches, and likewise never itself getting cached. ProcessWire is pretty aggressive about not having to reload the same page more than once, so this method effectively enables you to bypass that for cases where it might be needed. Again, probably not something you need every day, but really useful for when you do. More details on the getFresh() documentation page. I'm going to likely cover these new $pages API methods in more detail in a future blog post, along with some better examples, so stay tuned for that. I noticed there's some pretty great conversion and examples happening in the posts on page builders here, but have been so busy this week I haven't had a chance to dive in, but I'm really looking forward to doing so. Thanks and I hope you all have a great weekend!1 point
Hi @Ivan Gretsky - glad you're enjoying it! Not really sure what you mean by "safe". Are you worried that non-authorized users may have access to use it? There are no issues there. Otherwise, it's only as safe or dangerous as the code you run.1 point
I was starting to guess that .... but nevertheless, it is a great module and actually a lot more useful than the module description implies as it does cover more than just templates if you use custom page classes (which I do for practically every template other than basic pages). Many thanks for the module and your thoughtful help. EDIT: Now I understand, I could just turn off the notification in the Settings->Editor->Inspections->PHP->Undefined->Undefined property, but I think I'll live with it.1 point
I have figured it out, I was missing some required PHP packages: installed additionally: php7.2- bcmath,bz2,intl,gd,mbstring,mysql,zip,fpm1 point
It looks like PhpStorm doesn't let you override the variable type in a PHPDoc comment when it already knows the type based on the source code. When you get a field value via $page->field_name it is accessed via the __get() magic method, so what PhpStorm is telling you in the case of $this->paymentAmount is actually more accurate than for $payment->paymentAmount, where we are sort of tricking PhpStorm through PHPDoc comments into treating overloaded properties as "real" properties of the Page object. These things aren't fixable issues for the module but are about how your specific IDE understands the code.1 point
It...worked. Thank you so much @elabx, I absolutely am going to save this for later! Now that I am seeing the solution I do understand what is going on, but shouldn't something like this (the safe-guard) be built-in when hooks are facing this recursion issue ? Or it should be made clearer maybe in the doc ? Also it's weird because at first I just tried @markus_blue_tomato snippet, and he doesn't seem to have faced my issue. Is it because he added the hook in the init() function of a module ?1 point
Sorry for my late response, I am more interested in other things right now. There are some great discussions about layout builders at the moment, that I have to catch up and I find it great, because all those new API methods and modules are great, but for me more important is how content can be more flexibel for clients. ? Since you want to here my opinion on this topic: This demo is looking great for a proof of concept and funny thing is, that I had to work with the YOOtheme builder on a WordPress website a month before and thought myself: This is a nice layout builder. Especially how you can make new sections with grids, duplicate them and so on. And all with a live preview. ? One downside was, that you have some many options in the YOOtheme builder to build your own layouts, that it can be confusing some times and you have to search for a few minutes. As for your proof of concept: It is really nice, but if the data would be stored only in the module, I would not use it. Because if something changes in ProcessWire (maybe in version 4) or you would not update the module anymore, I would have to migrate tons of data in the core fields again. I try to build websites with core fields only, that are still working in years and I had to work with projects before, where everything was build around a module that didn't got support be the third-party developer anymore. If it would be possible to combine the power of ProcessWire and its custom fields inside a layout builder field, where the data still would be there without the layout builder field, that would be awesome. So the layout builder would just be an enhancement of the existing structure, instead of the whole structure. I think I will wait for Ryans take on this and you are probably still busy with Padloper 2, but thank you for this proof of concept. It is nice to have people like you, that are driving ProcessWire forward. ? Regards, Andreas1 point
@kongondo, Great proof of concept! I would like to make a case for going the open source route with this and making this a group effort. Reason being that this is a massive undertaking. I recently decided to get a one year subscription to https://thrivethemes.com/ and to be honest I hate working with it, it is buggy, sometimes things save, other times they do not. But I do like the conversion focused page builder aspects of it. AND, what I also like is how this one guy who started it, now has a base of tens of thousands of customers. And the company now has close or more than 70 people working there. Why do I say all of this? Because years ago already I bought padloper, never used it because it is nowhere close to what I needed or need. Then on september 3rd 2018 I saw kongondo taking over, kudos to you I thought and still think. But over time I became worried more and more, because dates kept on moving away further, then on november 29 2020, I saw the post stating that padloper 2 alpha might be released Q1 to a closed base of alpha testers. Q1 2021 is now more than 2 years later than 2018 for a functionality that is key to broader adoption of something as great as PW. IMHO PW needs a good shopping solution yesteryear already. Just like I believe a good PW page builder is needed yesteryear also. There is a huge market out there, now going for products that have IMHO a far inferior engine underneath and are buggy to work with. Then if I see the smarts of the people now sharing stuff on this forum I have hopes that this can be turned into something made by people combining forces and getting a MVP out there asap, and then build on that to get fast iterations of minimum viable productversions. On one of my sites: https://www.backpaingoodbye.com/ @netcarver built all different blocks with repeater matrix, and it is a joy to work with already, and IMO the page builder could go the route of pre-made blocks that serve a specific conversion focused purpose on pages. If thrivethemes can build a base of customers around a page builder for wp, don't you guys think we could do better with a superior engine underneath? And don't you think it is too much for one person to take on? I am not a coder, but I could think of a business model where together we build the best page builder for websites for people that want their sites to generate results. The examples are out there, often buggy, yet making their makers lots of money, mind you I am NOT focused on the money side, but PW is such a dream to work with compared to the other stuff, so why not turn that dream into reality together, AND support our businesses as well. Proof of concept of business model? - subscription based conversion optimised page builder driven by the best engine under the hood - timebased and royaltybased payments to building participants, both coders, marketeers and ??? - a transparent website with access to all participants to see income streams and honest value add based division thereof - allow participants to create derivatives for their own projects @kongondo, I hope you do NOT see or take this as criticism... ....firstly it is not meant like that, on the contrary, you deserve a righteous applause for your taking on padloper on your own. I look forward to it going live. ...secondly, this processwire tribe is not a tribe where we criticize each other, but help each other reach unseen heights, at least that is how it feels to me. So once again, if any of my wording sounds like it is criticism, please excuse me for being Dutch Thanks and kudos to all you processwire lovers and ninjas from a Dutchman who loves this thing called Processwire!1 point
Follw up with my previous post https://processwire.com/talk/topic/12782-regarding-multiple-templates-or-parents-for-users/ For default installation, api to create a new user is something like that $u = new User(); $u->of(false); $u->name = "adrian"; $u->email = "adrian@example.com"; $u->pass = "123456"; $u->addRole("registered"); $u->save(); $u->of(true); With multiple template or parent , how to setup a user object to use which template and parent, before executing save() method ?1 point
1 point