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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/06/2012 in all areas

  1. i.did alrody.did use logo en my.car stephanos this yusage ok.or no?
    3 points
  2. A pretty neat quick reference to (modern) PHP. With info for beginners but it can also be of use for those already 'in the know'. http://www.phptherightway.com/
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. This is something I don't know much about. But since it's a common law trademark and in process of becoming more formal, it sounds like I'm supposed to oversee usage somewhat. Not something that I want to do, but apparently that's the rule required to protect the name and ensure some other project doesn't take it from us. So probably best to consider it in the same vein as another CMS logo like Modx or Drupal or something. Meaning you'd avoid using it (without permission) in situations where it might imply that the brand is endorsing or promoting something that it isn't. So if there's any question about something you want to do with the logo, then probably best to contact me about it, just to play it safe. I'm sure it'll be fine, but that way at least we can say we're following the rules, and have the right documentation necessary to protect the name for the ProcessWire community. So far I'm loving all the ideas too (particularly the hot air balloon)
    2 points
  5. And I've been raising a fish.
    2 points
  6. Thanks Steve! That's very kind of you. What you may not know is that I've been raising my beer glass to all of you this whole time. Here's the rest of my profile photo
    2 points
  7. I've been working on a site recently that is in WordPress, and have wasted several hours on not noticing that the previous dev had used a mad-crazy image based menu system (should have inspected the CSS more closely). Since I'm not used to WordPress, I was trying to sift through the many (and, in a lot of cases for this site, unnecessary) plugins to find the fault. So okay, it was partially my fault for not noticing that, but just the whole rest of the experience has drawn a line in the sand - everything is so difficult and time-consuming to achieve that I think even if I knew it inside out it would still be long-winded So, no more WP clients for me, thanks all the same, even if there are big bucks on the table it's not worth my sanity any more and is too draining. I'd much rather roll out/update PW sites and enjoy myself rather than tear my hair out over the many and varied caveats of working with WordPress. Call me lazy, but I think it's more about using the right tool for the right job.
    1 point
  8. I see that Ryan is about to become the first forum member to pass the "one thousand and one" thank-you's (likes) so I'd just like to take the opportunity (seeing as we are in the Pub) to raise my glass and say a big "Thank You" for the effort he keeps putting into PW, the site and the forum. Whilst I'm at it, I'll raise my glass to the others who contribute regularly too.
    1 point
  9. Hello. I moved from WP to ProcessWire recently and am busy trying to figure out how to do things in PW, such as backing up a site. For my WP clients, I've always used an extensive, easy to use premium plugin, not depending on the host (hostgator or bluehost) to keep everything up to date. So my question is, what is the accepted best way to back up a PW site to make sure that the whole thing can be retrieved and reinstalled in case something goes horribly wrong? Thank you. Aaron
    1 point
  10. You could also have one template use the fields of another template (share them). If you have the same fields, data will also be preserved. But you can't edit the fieldset, it will just mirror them from the one you choose. You can also switch back to the old fieldgroup. You have to turn on advanced mode in config.php to see this option. It will show up underneath the add fields. template->basics->fieldgroup.
    1 point
  11. Problem solved. I just included the following line at the very beginning of my templates: <?php ini_set("zlib.output_compression", "On"); ?> Update: Don’t use this code. I just noticed that it made ProcessWire output the whole template content two times, one underneath the other. This is not intended.
    1 point
  12. Edit the old template, go to "advanced>alternate template file" and put the name of the new file there
    1 point
  13. If there are fields which are equal you can simply change template and those will be preserved.
    1 point
  14. You can point the subdomain to your normal main domain. From there you could use a "proxy" page to "load" a template to load the page. An elegant solution might be to use have your templates use the same "proxy" template. The alternative template name setting can be used to do this found in advanced tab. Then create a proxy.php in the /site/templates folder. Here a code example: if($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == m.domain.com) { // template for mobile include("./mobile/".$page->template->name.".php"); }else{ // desktop template include("./default/".$page->template->name.".php"); } Then put your different templates each to a corresponding subfolder. /site/templates/mobile/... /site/templates/default/... Another route would be to try symlink PW core folder and separate the site folders and use the same database and setting in config.php or symlink it too. This of course requires you to be able to create symlinks on the server. processwire/wire processwire/site /assets /modules domain.com /wire (symlink to processwire/wire) /site (local) /modules (symlink to processwire/site/modules) /assets (symlink to processwire/site/assets ) /templates (local) sub.domain.com /wire (symlink to processwire/wire) /site (local) /modules (symlink to processwire/site/modules) /assets (symlink to processwire/site/assets ) /templates (local) I think this is easy possible, just have to make sure same template files exists in both local /site/templates folder. I would try something with first example.
    1 point
  15. I want to see the rest of WillyC's profile photo.
    1 point
  16. Well, technically it's a double-handled ProcessWire-engraved beer stein, but you can also use it for coffee too if you want.
    1 point
  17. I used to get clients to do it themselves but sometimes they forget. Now I do it automatically with a PHP script and cron job that copies all files and databases over to AmazonS3. There's a few like that around.
    1 point
  18. I don't think it's a good idea to give them access to the database... There is another nice solution. You can use the http://modules.proce...export-profile/ for backing up the site folder and the database at the same time. And you can do it with one click through the admin. The problem is that, if there is already a backed up folder on the server, the module tells you to delete it before continuing. So much for the one click solution Ryan, couldn't this behavior be changed to something different? EDIT: Forget what I wrote, you can do it with one click Well, with some more clicks, but the module is not prepared for this purpose, and the instructions can become confusing for the clients. Also, be aware that although this does backup the database, this folder will still be in the same computer and folder as the website is. Not a very effective backup if it's the only one.
    1 point
  19. The Save-to-Pages feature is now available in the current version of Form Builder (0.1.4) posted in the Form Builder support forum this morning. It hasn't had a lot of testing yet, but I believe this feature is ready for people to use so long as you test things out adequately after configuring them, and let me know of any issues or concerns you find. To use it, you click "Save to ProcessWire Pages" on the Actions tab of any form. A fieldset will appear asking you to select a template to use for new pages. Hit save, then go back to this screen. More options will now appear, like this: From there, you choose the parent where pages will be created and setup what fields in Form Builder will populate the Page fields. You also get to choose whether you want the pages to be created manually or automatically. If automatically, then you can set whether they should be published or unpublished. Automatic pages are created at the time the form is submitted. Manual pages are created by you checking a box on the entries screen. Here's what that looks like: You click the checkboxes for any of the entries you want to create pages from and then click the "Send Checked to Pages" button at the bottom. The pages are created immediately. Note the "Page" column in the screenshot above. If an entry has already been sent to a page, then this column will be populated with the ID of the page. If you click on it, it'll take you to that page. Should you re-send one of those to a page, then it will update the existing page rather than creating a new one.
    1 point
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