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Method TableRow::getUnformatted does not exist or is not callable in this context


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I'm trying to compare a date output by a ProFields table field to the current date and have read in the forums that I need to use getUnformatted, but when I do, I get the error in the thread title.

Does comparing dates within tables require special consideration?

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foreach($page->draw as $draw) :
  echo $draw->getUnformatted("date");

With this I get:

Error: Exception: Method TableRow::getUnformatted does not exist or is not callable in this context (in /wire/core/Wire.php line 349)

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You can't do that (getUnformatted is method of Page object, tableRow doesn't have that), but you can do:

$raw = $page->getUnformatted("draw");


But in your case it might be easier just to convert your field into timestamp:

$timestamp = strtotime("pretty much any date format");

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  • 3 months later...

For anyone wanting to getUnformatted regardless, you can do this:

/* Returns:
 * array(8) {
 * 	[0]=> int(1430863200)
 * 	[1]=> int(1433282400)
 * 	[2]=> int(1434837600)
 * }


// Returns int(1430863200)

// Returns int(1434837600)

So you can have your cake and eat it too without having to parse date strings. E. g. you can directly use the inbuilt templating syntax with formatted values, but if, say, you also need a locale aware day name, you can feed the timestamp to strfrtime().

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