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Where do i get?

From here: https://github.com/IDT-media/Pages2JSON (thanks to LostKobrakai for "bug" report)

What does this do?

Simply adds method toJSON() to Page and PageArray elements, is capable to converting image and file arrays to URL containers, travels recursively all objects before outputs actual JSON.

How to use?

Simply install this module, configure data you want it to export in JSON result (similar to Ryan's ServicePages, thanks btw used some of ur code here). in templates or anywhere you need JSON output, call: $page->toJSON(); or $pages->toJSON();

Live example with template: search.php

 Do search

$term = $sanitizer->text($input->term);
$results = array();

if($term) {

    $input->whitelist('term', $term);

    $term = $sanitizer->selectorValue($term);
    $limit = (int)$input->limit;
    $limit = $limit ? $limit : 50;
    $limit = $sanitizer->selectorValue($limit);     
    $selector = "title|categories|content*=$term, limit=$limit, template=default|product";

    // Prevent admin pages.
    if($user->isLoggedin()) $selector .= ", has_parent!=2";

    // Find pages that match the selector
    $results = $pages->find($selector);


header("Content-type: application/json");
echo $results->toJSON();

Customizing values:

if(wire('config')->ajax) {
    wire()->addHookAfter('Pages2JSON::getValue', function($event) {

        $value = $event->arguments(0);
        $page = wire('page');
        if($page->template == 'thumbs' && $value->className == 'Pageimage')
            $event->return = $value->size(28,28)->url;

Here i swap URL of all Pageimage objects in JSON response to match thumbs. Simple hu?

Edited by Nico Knoll
Added the "module" tag and removed it from title.
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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 2/23/2015 at 8:26 AM, vxda said:

Hi. thx for a module :), i wonder is there a way to include translation fields as well. Textarea (default) + other languages, and so on.

Well, it just reads attached fields and outputs data as fields provide it in that context, i didn't test with MLE fields, but i would assume output is in language that is currently in use as this is purely just JSON parser, it doesn't change data anyhow by default. If this behavior ain't correct in your opinion, please open ticket to Github and i'll take a look.

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  • 1 month later...

You can try override default behavior:

wire()->addHookAfter('Pages2JSON::getValue', function($event) {

	$value = $event->arguments(0);

	if($value->className == 'Pageimage') {
		$obj = new stdClass;
		$obj->url 		= $value->url;
		$obj->description 	= $value->description;

		$event->return = $obj;		

Didn't test this btw, you could let ppl know if it works, thanks.

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I added in line 138 of the module those lines to get lat, lng, zoom, address and descriptions of images and files

protected function ___getValue($value)
return $value;

switch($value->className) {

case 'Page':
return $this->toPage($value);

case 'Pageimage':
case 'Pagefile':
return array("url"=>$value->url, "description"=>$value->description);

case 'Pagefiles':
case 'Pageimages':
case 'PageArray':
case 'WireArray':
return $this->toArray($value);
case 'MapMarker':
return array("lat"=>$value->lat, "lng"=>$value->lng, "zoom"=>$value->zoom, "address"=>$value->address);

return null;
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  On 4/13/2015 at 6:54 PM, Manol said:

I added in line 138 of the module those lines to get lat, lng, zoom  and address

case 'MapMarker':
  return array("lat"=>$value->lat, "lng"=>$value->lng, "zoom"=>$value->zoom, "address"=>$value->address);

Was MapMarker currently core module? If so i'll add it then.

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  On 4/13/2015 at 7:08 PM, Manol said:

Okey, i'll consider it but since it's not currently core module use own custom version of this or alter it by hooking, if more people vote for MapMarker it gets in more likely, thanks for awesome documentation tho.

However i'll change file and image files to support description by default just like you suggested.

Those who already use this module, notice that this will break your JSON streams when it comes to files and images.

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  • 1 month later...

New version out (0.0.2)

  • Allows user define global data output in module options + individual data based on template.
  • Added forum user Manol's feature request regarding PageImage and PageFile fields.
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  • 8 months later...

I just installed your module in the latest 3.0.7 dev. It works as expected when accessing a page as guest, but when I'm logged in as admin, I get JSON output from richtext-fields like this:

summary: "<div id=pw-edit-2 class='pw-edit pw-edit-InputfieldTextarea' data-name=summary data-page=1001 style='position:relative'><div class=pw-edit-orig>This is a placeholder page with two child pages to serve as an example. </div><div class=pw-edit-copy id=pw-editor-summary-1001 style='display:none;-webkit-user-select:text;user-select:text;' contenteditable>This is a placeholder page with two child pages to serve as an example. </div></div>",

I don't remember this module doing this in 2.x versions... if you get the chance, could you find out what's causing this?

Oh, and also: fieldtype Matrix Repeater is completely ignored. Is that fieldtype too complex to render as JSON?

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Howdy dragan,

Will look into this matter when i start testing with 3.x series, haven't touched that yet.

And what comes to Matrix repeater, it only works with standard fields currently, special fields would require own checkpoint, and since haven't used Matrix repeater myself yet, there is no check for that. You can always hook to getValue() method and implement you own check without hacking module.

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The markup seems to be by the frontend editing feature, which explains why it's only for logged in users. The internals of matrix repeaters are quite complex and will probably need a special implementation, because it's using a single template for all the different types of data (which doesn't make sense in my mind, but so be it).

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OK, turns out the Front-End Page Editor module is injecting PW-backend specific stuff (all over the place) - in the HTML source too, not just when doing echo $page->body etc.

For now (for 3.x tests) I'll use something like this, when I need JSON output:

if($input->urlSegment1 === 'json') {
	header("Content-type: application/json");

	$ar['title'] 		= $page->title;
	$ar['body'] 		= $page->body;
	$ar['summary'] 		= $page->summary;
	$ar['created'] 		= $page->created;
	$ar['modified'] 	= $page->modified;

        // new way how to render fields (optional) - with "baby" templates for each field
	$ar['matrix_test'] 	= $page->render('matrix_test');

	$output = json_encode($ar);
	echo $output;
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  On 2/7/2016 at 12:22 PM, Stikki said:

So this is turning another Drupal? Shame.


"All of the front-end editing features are provided by a module included with the ProcessWire 3.0 core called PageFrontEdit. Once this module is installed, you can use any of the above options. The module is not installed by default."

So it is not turning Drupal.

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  • 1 year later...

Great module! It came in handy and saved me a lot of work from building my own JSON. Thanks!

I do need to modify the output and I am struggling to understand how to do so.  By default, the http host is not appended to any url and I need that for this particular project. I figured this would be a simple fix, but can't find where to alter that particular value. If you reference the json below, you will see the file node with the url displayed. There are two other nodes that I need to alter the same. Images and video. Any tips are appreciated.

//original code
$items = $pages->findMany("template=item"); 
echo $items->toJSON();
        "pages": [
                "id": 1033,
                "title": "Page 1"
                "id": 1116,
                "title": "Page 2"
        "categories": [
                "id": 1031,
                "title": "Brochures"
                "id": 1036,
                "title": "Photos"
        "file": {
            "description": "File 1",
            "url": "/site/assets/files/1039/file1.pdf"
        "id": 1039,
        "images": [],
        "modified": 1490728945,
        "title": "Test Document 1",
        "type": {
            "name": "file"


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So I figured it out and here is my complete code if it would help anyone else. 

//get the pages you want
$items = $pages->findMany("template=item"); 

wire()->addHookAfter('Pages2JSON::getValue', function($event) {
	//get the host
   	$host = wire('config')->httpHost;
    $value = $event->arguments(0);
	//check if field is an image, images or file type
    if($value->className == 'Pageimage' || $value->className == 'Pagefile') {
		//append the host to those values
       $urls = array("url" => $host . $value->url, "description" => $value->description);
       $event->return = $urls;

header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo $items->toJSON();

Thanks again for the great plugin.

Edited by RyanJ
Updated code to retain key values and description.
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I'm trying out this module as well. I was able to add support for SelectableOption and SelectableOptionArray.

Then I ran into an infinite loop. 

I'm using @Robin S's ConnectPages to connect some of my templates, and it would go on until it reaches max exec time. For example:

Jane (Page)
	- Progenitors (Page Multiple)
		- John (Page)

John (Page)
	- Progeny (Page Multiple)
		- Jane (Page)


So when it's iterating over Jane's fields, it would come into it's progenitor field which is a multi page field, and would start listing John's fields. In there it would come into John's progeny field and would start listing Jane's data again, and would find John... and so on..

Would anyone have an idea on how to stop the loop from going over and over, or a way to stop the recursion from going too deep? I'd appreciate any help. Thanks.


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  On 4/9/2017 at 6:38 PM, Alxndre' said:

Would anyone have an idea on how to stop the loop from going over and over, or a way to stop the recursion from going too deep?


When looping over the pages in a Page field, set some property to the Page object to serve as an indicator that the page has been processed. Then put your code that processes the pages inside an if() condition that checks that the property has not already been set. So something like:

if(!$page->processed) {
    // do your processing here
    // ...
    $page->processed = true;


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Thanks Robin. I was able to make it work with some modifications by just returning the ids (instead of the whole page) for pagefields.

Another concern I have is that the json response that I get has [] brackets at the end.


  "firstname":"Julie Ann Mae",

Is this normal behavior? I can't figure out where it gets inserted. It's been returning that from the beginning.


EDIT: I got it. It was totally my fault. :) Thanks

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am trying to make this module work, but I am stuck with this message:

Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function Pages2JSON::___getFields(), 0 passed in …/site/modules/Pages2JSON/Pages2JSON.module on line 182

What did I make wrong?

  $term = "update";
  $results = array();
  $limit = 3;
  $selector = "title*=$term, limit=$limit, template=entry";
  $results = $pages->find($selector);

  header("Content-type: application/json");
  echo $results->toJSON();


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