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  On 8/7/2018 at 11:58 PM, Karinne Cyphers said:

we do want to keep using the Matrix Repeaters as it really improves the content editing experience for our content team.


I know lots of us enjoy using them and I think it would be a worthwhile addition to Migrator. I bet it would be much quicker to extend Migrator than to look for other options ?

Maybe at some point in the future I'll find some time to look at adding it. It supports all the other ProFields, so it makes sense to include it as well.

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  On 8/8/2018 at 1:50 AM, adrian said:

I know lots of us enjoy using them and I think it would be a worthwhile addition to Migrator. I bet it would be much quicker to extend Migrator than to look for other options ?

Maybe at some point in the future I'll find some time to look at adding it. It supports all the other ProFields, so it makes sense to include it as well.


Yes, agreed.  Thanks for the update.

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  • 2 years later...


I am trying to import to processwire a wordpress site with multi language. I have installed Processmigrator and MigratorWordpress(also in processwire multi laguage support is installed and fields have been change to support multi language). I have exported content(posts) from wordpress and successfully migrated to processwire. Currently both language posts are showing up as different pages.

Can someone point me to right direction is there a way to migrate these posts into one or when i start importing from wordpress what should i do to have them imported in multilanguage?


Thanks in advance,

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Hi @fisnik - I am glad to hear the import when reasonable well. I also just used it a few weeks ago - it's strange to me that it doesn't seem to see much usage.

Sorry about the ML issues. I have never seen the xml export of a ML wordpress site so I don't know the format, but it sounds like they are separate entries. I am sure this is doable but it will either require some modifications to MigratorWordpress to combine ML posts by ID before generating the JSON for the pages to be imported.

Alternatively, you could probably write an API script to match the posts that are separate pages and pull the content to the default language version page, save that, and then delete the other language version. It depends on whether you can match the two pages - the old WP post ID would be ideal but MigratorWordpress doesn't import that is so you'd also need to handle that I think.

Should definitely be doable, but I am sorry I don't have time to help at the moment, but happy to answer questions if you get stuck along the way.

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@adrian Thanks a lot for info. I will try to do something and if it works i will share the info. Regarding usage usually myself when there is not too much content i copy it directly, i think this is the case for others too. But in cases like this one that i have now, we need modules like this i have to move 1000+ posts.

I have to say that this module is life saver and very easy/simple to use, it does the job perfectly.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @adrian i hope you are doing well. I have managed to migrate multi language posts with a help from a friend.
What i just found out is that this module is not importing "featured image" from wordpress, it is importing only images that are embed on body. Is this right or did i miss something? Is there an easy way to fix this since it is very important?

FYI: wordpress exporter by default it does not extrcat that image in .xml file, i did use this plugin to do that.

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Hi @fisnik - I am sorry I don't have time to look into this, but if you dig into the MigratorWordpress code that parses the xml you should be able to grab the feature image (if that plugin is adding it to the xml). 

Looking at your other post on the CMSCritic thread, it looks like you are also considering the approach used there - maybe that's a better option for you? 

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  • 6 months later...

@adrian this module is really useful! But I can‘t get the zip export/import working. Importing via the other options works great.
Iam able to export a zip file. But when I try to import and upload that file into another PW install it says:

Fatal error: Uncaught PDOException: You cannot serialize or unserialize PDO instances in [no active file]:0 Stack trace: #0 [internal function]: PDO->__sleep() #1 {main} thrown in [no active file] on line 0

I tried this on my local machine (Laravel Valet on an old Apple iMac, latest Chrome Browser) with the latest PW version (3.0.184).  
Also when I try to unzip the achive manually, I get a file called files.zip.cpgz, not sure if this is expected. Any clue what's wrong here?

EDIT: It seems to work fine with files inside the templates folder. I had templates under templates/blocks/ and it was not working. So I guess my question would be, if it is possible to allow templates from subfolders as well? Iam currently working an a pagebuilder module and looking into Migrator to update and import the pagebuilder template files. These files live under templates/blocks/ (my pagebuilder creates pages from these template files).

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@jploch - I just tested a full zip export and import and it worked without any issues with the zip. I did just commit some PHP8 fixes, along with properly excluding RepeaterMatrix fields (I never added support for those), so grab the latest commit.

That "zip.cpgz" is weird though - I wonder if there is an issue with Valet and the PHP zip library it includes?

I wonder if you can convert that to a regular zip (https://www.lifewire.com/cpgz-file-2620362) and try importing that?

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  On 10/4/2021 at 4:47 PM, adrian said:

I just tested a full zip export and import and it worked without any issues with the zip


Thx for looking into this! Not sure if you saw my last edit. The zip export/import works for me with files that are directly in the templates directory, however Iam working on a pagebuilder based on page table that creates pages based on templates in the subfolder "templates/blocks" (See my EDIT above for more information). Would it be possible to support subfolders as well? I was trying to include those files with the "Helper Files" option, but the zip seems to fail if the module can not find the tempate files in the templates root folder. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

After some more tests with PageTable, I found out that migrator is not exporting/importing pages under admin. In my use case I have PageTable configured to save all item/pages in a container page under admin. For example admin–>pt-items. However with this setup migrator only exports the main page where the PageTable lives without the items. 

Placing the PageTable items under admin is a common thing, if you do not want editors to mess with them and keep your page tree clean. I think people also use this approach with PageTableExtended. So it would be nice if migrator would export PageTable items that live under admin or a diffrent parent than the containing page. Since PageTable has a field that saves the IDs of the item pages, that could be used to identify the items.

I understand if this is out of scope for migrator. If so I might look into building my own solution.

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@jploch - it's definitely not out of scope for Migrator and it would be great to support it. There are a few places in the code where I have id!=2, has_parent!=2 - it's possible that removing those might take care of things. Can I leave it to you to test?

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  On 10/14/2021 at 2:00 PM, adrian said:

@jploch - it's definitely not out of scope for Migrator and it would be great to support it. There are a few places in the code where I have id!=2, has_parent!=2 - it's possible that removing those might take care of things. Can I leave it to you to test?


Thanks Adrian! I try to remove those checks and do some testing. Will report back soon. 

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  • 1 year later...

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