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Free SSL from Q2 2015


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@peter I had the same issue on a Plesk server. But I found a solution here https://github.com/plesk/letsencrypt-plesk/issues/13

A little down the list, what xgin commented 29 days ago (put a special .htacces file into a directory). You also have to take care of the rights the directories need (tofi86 commented 17 days ago). Then you can keep your original .htaccess and it will (hopefully) work automatically when the renewal of the certificat is due.

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really? mind telling me the steps? was trying to set it up with mail-in-a-box - this is the domain im setting it up on https://mail.nicegrp.com/

No problem, I followed exactly the steps on their website. 

$ git clone https://github.com/letsencrypt/letsencrypt
$ cd letsencrypt
$ ./letsencrypt-auto --help

and then 

./letsencrypt-auto certonly --webroot -w /var/www/example -d example.com

This generates a .pem-File with the full certificate chain ("ssl_certificate") and a private key ("ssl_certificate_key"), both of which you enter in your nginx config – restart nginx and there you go

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  • 2 months later...

Woot - Dreamhost are offering free 1-click installation of Let's Encrypt certs (ok, almost 1-click.) I've tried it out on a few domains and it works really well for the most part. I've had an install fail on one domain but they are working to fix the problem.

Update: Looks like the failure was a user error - I deleted the certificate when installing PW :(

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Woot - Dreamhost offering free 1-click installation of Let's Encrypt certs (ok, almost 1-click.) I've tried it out on a few domains and it works really well. I've had an install fail on one domain but they are working to fix the problem.

Same here with Dreamhost.  I was a skeptic at first, however I'm starting to like the whole process.  I've converted quite a few domains over to Let's Encrypt and plan to convert all others when possible.

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