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Reno Theme

Peter Knight

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I just find the gap to be to less noticeable. It doesn't necessarily have to be a gap, it could also be a bar of color, which indicates the current drop position. As the drag&drop seems sometimes a bit touchy I feel it's important to at least show clearly the place where the image will get dropped. 

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Here it is what the grid looks like in my backend.

There is CSS problem at the description of the image field in the grid system. The description floats next to the images so a description clearing maybe would solve the problem.


Best regards

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Hello Renobird,

you are right - it depends on the browser.

I use the Firefox 39. If I use the latest IE the description is above as LostKobrakai said. It seems that Firefox has more problems at the moment. I have also a problem with browser resize and responsive images. This is also a well known bug in the latest version.  :undecided: 

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You are correct, that doesn't work (yet). Pete requested this for the superuser quicklinks, and I didn't get around to adding it until now.

I'll submit this and a bunch of other little updates to Ryan today.

This won't work until these changes are added to the dev branch, but you can now define link attributes like so:

$newItem[] = array(
    "class" => "my-class",
    "label" => "<i class='fa fa-asterisk'></i>",
    "link" => $config->urls->root,
    "attrs" => "target='_blank' rel='foo'", // whatever attributes you would like to set here, other than class.
    "children" => array(
        // The key/value for the children now accepts an array for the value.
        // if the value is an array, the first item is considered the link, any other items are considered attributes.
        "Google" => array('http://google.com', 'target="_blank"', 'rel="foo"'),
        "Github" => array('http://github.com', 'target="_blank"', 'rel="foo"'),
        "ProcessWire" => "http://www.processwire.com" // non-array value works as well.
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No biggie, but a 404 error occurs when using "Admin Theme Reno Roboto Colours" and allowing CSS maps in the Inspector (default setting is on I guess).

The problem is that the notification system reports it every time when the Inspector is open:

"404 occurred: /site/modules/AdminTheme/AdminThemeReno/styles/blue-robot.css.map"

Removing the last lines from the roboto colours css files works but perhaps it shouldn't work this way by default.

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Hi, maybe I'm doing something wrong. I selected an image field  in module settings which is assigned to the user system template. But no avatar image appears.

Looking into the code it turns out that in AdminThemeRenoHelpers.php line 81 the property avatar_field has to be renamed to avatar_field_user. After changing that line the image appears. ProcessWire 2.6.8 dev. Table modules column data looks like this: {"colors":"kfi-robot","avatar_field_user":"blog_images","userFields_user":"name",...} (changing the name of the input field should fix this as well).

+   $adminTheme->avatar_field_user != '' ?  $imgField = $user->get($adminTheme->avatar_field_user) : $imgField = '';
-   $adminTheme->avatar_field != '' ?  $imgField = $user->get($adminTheme->avatar_field) : $imgField = '';
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@justB3a, @Macrura,

Thanks, that issue is the same one that Juergen reported.

It's been fixed in the upcoming update (hopefully later today). It will override the fix you have, but glad you have it working for now.

@Peter, Wow, that is a weird issue. I'll see if I can recreate it.

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Whoa. Ummm....well — that is bizarre. Anyone else seeing that with Chrome? I've tried on a Mac and a PC, and I can't recreate it.

Do you have any other custom css/js files being added with the admin custom files module?

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  On 7/17/2015 at 5:40 PM, tpr said:

Dat rotation!

Try to locate the cause using the Inspector, it's probably a CSS transform / keyframe animation collision.

Could be something related to

.fa-spin {
  -webkit-animation: fa-spin 2s infinite linear;
  animation: fa-spin 2s infinite linear;

 located in wire/templates-admin/styles/font-awesome/font-awesome.min.css or one of lines following it which handle some rotation.

Commenting it out removed the problem. 

  On 7/17/2015 at 5:11 PM, renobird said:

Do you have any other custom css/js files being added with the admin custom files module?

No, nothing.

I'm pretty sure it's only happening on this site. Definitely an edge case and noone else seems affected.

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The user image is now displayed correctly. Thanks  :rolleyes:

I also tried to reproduce that bizarre rotation (same Chrome version, PW 2.6.8 as well as 2.6.9, Mac). But everything works as expected.

One more little thing: I changed the user display name field in module settings and used the build in "title" field. This field is of type FieldtypePageTitle and won't be displayed. Could you add this to the allowed text field types please?


- if($field instanceof Field && ($field->type == "FieldtypeText" || $field->type == "FieldtypeConcat")){
+ if($field instanceof Field && in_array($field->type, array('FieldtypeText', 'FieldtypeConcat', 'FieldtypePageTitle'))){
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