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Reno Theme

Peter Knight

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Thanks all.

I've got one issue to work out with mobile safari, after that it should be ready.

@Pete, I have local copies of your colors that are compatible. I'll send everything to you later today - you can make any additional changes - shouldn't take long at all.

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  On 6/26/2015 at 9:00 PM, renobird said:

Sorry all, this is not going to happen today. There is a iOS bug that I can't seem to find; it only happens for non-superusers.

Is it a CSS bug? Happy to try and help if the current version is available somewhere?
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Noticed another issue. I've a module with a static navigation via the module .info.json file. Not it's always showing me the first nav item as current, no matter where I click. 

    "nav": [
            "label": "Dashboard",
            "url": "",
            "icon": "tachometer"
            "label": "Projekte",
            "url": "project/",
            "icon": "list"
            "label": "Kritisch",
            "url": "critical/",
            "icon": "exclamation-triangle"
            "label": "Import",
            "url": "import/",
            "icon": "exchange"
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  On 6/30/2015 at 4:33 PM, LostKobrakai said:

I don't know if this has changed in the new version, but I noticed, that the line-height is set as absolute value (1.6em) on the body, which should really be relative.

I'll need to experiment with this to see what it breaks. Vertical rhythm needs an absolute unit, but that may not be needed in the case of an admin, so I'll take a look at moving to unitless.

I'll look into the static nav issue now.


What browser? I'm not seeing that here.


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I assume you are using executeDashboard(), excecuteProject(), etc… with this module

The current way to check for current status won't work because the path will always be the same /processwire/name-of-page-using-this-process/

So that is why your dashboard item registers as current.

I think the only way to resolve this is to enable URL segments for the admin template. You still need to have the executeWhatever() method, but the segments can then be tacked on to the end of the page->url and checked against. *Unless anyone chimes in with a way to get the full page path including the method.

So, the solution I have is to turn on URL segments for the admin template, and then update AdminThemeRenoHelpers.php

Around line 225:

if(is_array($c)) {
    // $c is moduleInfo nav array
    $moduleInfo = array();
    if(isset($c['permission']) && !$this->wire('user')->hasPermission($c['permission'])) continue;
    $segments = $this->input->urlSegments ? implode("/", $this->input->urlSegments) . '/' : '';
    $class = $currentPagePath . $segments == $p->path . $c['url'] ? 'current' : '';
    $title = $sanitizer->entities1(__($c['label'], $textdomain));
    $url = $p->url . $c['url'];
    if(isset($c['navJSON'])) {
        $navJSON = $c['navJSON']; // url part
        $moduleInfo['useNavJSON'] = true;
    $c = $p; // substitute 

I've tested this here, and it seems to be working as expected. I'll test it a bit more this afternoon to see if there are any unintended consequences.

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Thanks Wanze! :)


That's right. All the other executeWhatever() methods have the same path as the execute() method, which is why it's always showing as current.

The fix I posted above seems to work fine here.

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Ryan mentioned having a few things to add that were related to modifications he hasn't committed to dev yet. Sounds like they aren't style related, but I may take one last look after he adds the things he's been working on. I'll be out of the office tomorrow, so I'm guessing it would be early next week before it's available.

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  On 7/6/2015 at 2:54 PM, LostKobrakai said:

It would be nice if the "user-picture" functionality would support alternate user templates.

Is there some built-in way to define an alternate user template, or do you just mean allowing you to choose which template to pull the image from?

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