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Examples with the api documentation


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Just gettiing started with ProcessWire with limited php expertise. So far I'm really likely it, and I'll probably switch to using it instead of  WordPress. 

The learning curve is pretty friendly, but it would be a lot nicer if their were some examples on the api as well as the brief description.  Just a thought.

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I never had troubles with any lack of examples (and to be honest, the forum is incredibly useful, which is very rare...) but I came across PW with some experience in php programming already, and didn't need them that much.

But... Being mostly a Javascript dev these days, I came to like the concept of the cookbook which is popular in JS frameworks and such. Basically step-by-step development guides for basic or typical things (like the guide to doing the buildings site, or a guide to doing a custom field, module, or hook...) It could be a nice introductory step, actually.

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Thanks for those replies. Plenty of reading once you know where to look. Really great to have such an active forum.

My earlier comment was referring specifically to the cheatsheet - The onclick description of each method and field is great, but difficult for newbies like me to figure out how to actually include in code  eg $page->find("selector")....A quick example of when you would use this with some actual code would be great. I guess I'm a little spoiled by jQuery, where each item in the documentation has an example of useage, and since ProcessWire is inspired by jQuery......

What about renaming the api heading to Documentation or User Guide (or similar), which includes a list of tutorials (as in the forum). I suspect a lot of potential users might not be determined enough to check out api and forum to find this information. 

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