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Page Image Manipulator | API for 1 & 2


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Hey @sarah_hue, welcome to the forums and thanks for the kind words.

The recreation is forced by the optional second param of pimLoad. If you let it out or set it to false it takes the cached variation:

$imagewithwatermark = $img->pimLoad('tw'[, false] )-> ...

PS: viele Grüße in die Narrenhochburg Köln, Tätä!  :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Horst, thanks so much for creating this module.

I have a question regarding page images that are set to allow multiple uploads per page, and which are placed into the body with CKEditor. Is there a method you would recommend for attacking each of these images, or would I be better off forcing my authors to use Hanna to place their images and tuck the image manipulation call in the hanna code?

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Okay, I've written a bit in Hanna Code editor, and I'm getting this error:

Exception: Cannot read the pngAlphaImageFile!

Now, if I echo the URL for the file I set as the watermark image, it's correct.

Is this error referring to the way my file was saved? I used Photoshop's Save for Web, PNG-24, with Transparency, convert to sRGB. Is there something else I ought to be doing? I checked your sample action but I don't see save settings, and it has too much styling for what I want to do (and I'm using a smaller-than-image watermark).

In case it's an error with my coding, here's my Hanna Code:


if(isset($img)) {
  $myImage = wire('page')->blog_images->eq($img);
  //echo $myImage->url;
} else {
  $myImage = wire('page')->blog_images->first();
  //echo $myImage->url;

if(isset($pos)) {
  // If the position is set, we're good
} else {
  // otherwise we make sure the position is set to the default.
  $pos = 'SE';

if(isset($pad)) {
  // If the padding is set, we're good
} else {
  // otherwise we make sure the padding is set to the default.
  $pad = '2';

$username = wire('user')->name;
$AlphaImageUser = "{$config->urls->assets}images/authorwmk/swmb-{$username}.png";
// echo $AlphaImageUser;
$pngAlphaImage = $AlphaImageUser;

if($myImage != '') { 
    // Here's where the PageImageManipulator watermark code goes
    $imgsrc = $myImage->pimLoad('SwMb')->watermarkLogo($pngAlphaImage, $position=$pos, $padding=$pad);  // **this is the line triggering the error
    $newimg = $imgsrc->height(400)->url;
    echo $newimg;
    echo "<a href='{$imgsrc->url}' title='Click for Full Size' /><img src='{$newimg}' class='align_center' alt='{wire('page')->title}' /></a>";
    echo "<p><small>{$myImage->description}</small></p>";
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Hey, I think you simply need to respect the scope here in Line 26:

$config->urls->assets ...

 Try it with:

$AlphaImageUser = wire("config")->urls->assets . "images/authorwmk/swmb-{$username}.png";
Edited by horst
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  On 1/28/2015 at 4:07 PM, horst said:
$AlphaImageUser = wire("config")->urls->assets . "images/authorwmk/swmb-{$username}.png";

Thanks for the quick reply. Unfortunately this results in no change. The echo of $AlphaImageUser is the same for both wire("config")->... and $config->... (and both result in the correct path).

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Ah, sorry. I'm in hurry. Haven't read thoroughly.

So, 24 bit photoshop png should be fine. The error is triggered here: https://github.com/horst-n/PageImageManipulator/blob/master/ImageManipulator.class.php#L1651

It is only triggered when the file isn't existing or isn't readable: https://github.com/horst-n/PageImageManipulator/blob/master/ImageManipulator.class.php#L2437

It has nothing todo with the PNG type at this point here.

Are you sure the filename is correct?

You can test it in your code here before passing it to the pim:

echo "<pre>" . $AlphaImageUser . "\n";
echo realpath($AlphaImageUser) . "\n";
echo (is_readable(realpath($AlphaImageUser)) ? 'is readable' : 'UHM, is NOT readable!') . "\n</pre>";
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Thanks! I am getting the 'UHM' version, though I'm not sure why.

The results are:


UHM, is NOT readable!

But the image does exist at http://www.creativejay.com/swatchmob/site/assets/images/authorwmk/swmb-mls.png so I'm really not sure what makes this path unreadable.

Edited to add: I had the same problem if I called the URL from an image field (on the user's profile) as the PNG source, as well.

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Oh, so does you have differences between your path and the output from realpath:

echo "<pre>" . $AlphaImageUser . "\n";
echo realpath($AlphaImageUser) . "\n";


..., and what does it say here with this tests:

echo "<pre>with realpath:\n";

// test with realpath
echo (file_exists(realpath($AlphaImageUser)) ? 'file exists' : 'file do NOT exist!') . "\n;
echo (is_readable(realpath($AlphaImageUser)) ? 'is readable' : 'UHM, is NOT readable!') . "\n";

// test without realpath
echo "\nwithout realpath:\n";

echo (file_exists($AlphaImageUser) ? 'file exists' : 'file do NOT exist!') . "\n;
echo (is_readable($AlphaImageUser) ? 'is readable' : 'UHM, is NOT readable!') . "\n";

echo "</pre>";
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with realpath:file do NOT exist!UHM, is NOT readable!without realpath:file do NOT exist!UHM, is NOT readable!

As you saw, there's a path associated in the case of "without realpath" and "with realpath" outputs nothing.

Sorry to lean on you heavily for this, I've never encountered this problem before.

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AH, it says file does not exist!!!

So, we have to use path instead of url, I think. :lol:

// not ->urls
$AlphaImageUser = "{$config->urls->assets}images/authorwmk/swmb-{$username}.png";

// but ->paths
$AlphaImageUser = "{$config->paths->assets}images/authorwmk/swmb-{$username}.png";
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That solves the missing image.

Unfortunately there's a new error now..  :o

with realpath:/home/creative/public_html/swatchmob/site/assets/images/authorwmk/swmb-mls.pngfile existsis readablewithout realpath:/home/creative/public_html/swatchmob/site/assets/images/authorwmk/swmb-mls.pngfile existsis readable

Error: Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded (line 41 of /home/creative/public_html/swatchmob/wire/core/WireData.php)
This error message was shown because you are logged in as a Superuser. Error has been logged.

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According to my host, my server has a minimum "Dual 5530 Gainstown processors with 8 cores, RAID-10 protected hard disk space, and 8 GB of RAM."

I can increase my max_execution_time in the .ini so that it hopefully has time to run. I just have to find the right folder(s) to put the .ini in. Tried to change it in /.htaccess with no success.

Default is to cache these files, right? :lol:

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I've got it running but it's painfully slow on every page load, not just the first. I built a manual check for the resized image into my HannaCode to speed it up. That made a huge difference, even though I thought PIM checks for the file before it starts. Or maybe, as usual, it's me.

Can you tell me what about the following code seems to be forcing the image to re-create every time?

if(wire('page')->template = 'blog-post') {
  $width = '375';
  $myImage = wire('page')->blog_images->eq($img);
  if($myImage->description) {$alt = $myImage->description;}
  if($on='Y') {
	$pimImg = $config->paths->files . wire('page')->id . "/" . "pim_swmb_" . $myImage->width($width)->name;
    $pimImgBig = $config->paths->files . wire('page')->id . "/" . "pim_swmb_" . $myImage->name;
    echo $pimImg;
    if(file_exists($pimImg)) { 
        $wmkImg = $config->urls->files . wire('page')->id . "/" . "pim_swmb_" . $myImage->width($width)->name;
        $wmkImgBig = $config->urls->files . wire('page')->id . "/" . "pim_swmb_" . $myImage->name;
        echo "<a href='{$wmkImgBig}' title='Click for Full Size' /><img src='{$wmkImg}' class='align_center' alt='{$alt}' /></a><p><small>{$alt}</small></p>";
    } else { 
    $username = wire('page')->createdUser->name;
	$AlphaImageUser = "{$config->paths->assets}images/authorwmk/swmb-{$username}.png";
	$pngAlphaImage = $AlphaImageUser;
	$imgsrc = $myImage->pimLoad("SwMb", false)->watermarkLogo($pngAlphaImage, $position=$pos, $padding=$pad)->pimSave();
    // output image
    $newimg = $imgsrc->width($width)->url;
	echo "<a href='{$imgsrc->url}' title='Click for Full Size' /><img src='{$newimg}' class='align_center' alt='{$alt}' /></a><p><small>{$alt}</small></p>";
} else {
	$newimg = $myImage->width($width)->url;
	echo "<a href='{$myImage->url}' title='Click for Full Size' /><img src='{$newimg}' class='align_center' alt='{$alt}' /></a><p><small>{$alt}</small></p>"; 

Thanks again!

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Hi Soma, thanks for reading it over!

  On 1/29/2015 at 3:07 PM, Soma said:

Strange code you have here, not really getting what you doing there manually creating img path etc.

But this condition will always be true.

if($on='Y') {

As I mentioned, it seemed like Page Image Manipulator was making the images fresh each time the page loaded (with no changes to HannaCode or the page images field), so I was trying to test that theory, and also speed up the page load (which it has).

$on is a variable that I wanted to provide for the page author, so that if the image already has a watermark, or if it was sourced from another creator, we wouldn't watermark the image. is $on something global I'm not aware of? I can easily change that name.

  On 1/29/2015 at 3:15 PM, Soma said:

This will also be always true:

  1. if(wire('page')->template = 'blog-post') {

I added that because on my home page (of template swmb-home) I was getting an error that I was trying to get eq() on a non object. Adding that line fixed it.

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@creativejay - what Soma is getting at is that in PHP (and many other coding languages, maybe all ?) a single equals sign does not check if one thing equals the other, but rather makes it equal. So even though you have the if(), that line is always setting $on to "Y".

You need to use two equals signs, eg:

if($on=='Y') {

In some situations you even want to make use of three. Here is a useful discussion on the differences:


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Ah! Thank you for rubbing my nose in it, adrian. I would claim to know the difference, but then I do things like that. And worse, don't spot them after.

My question does remain, though. Any idea why PIM seems to re-process the image on every page load unless I check for the file and skip it manually?

if(wire('page')->template == 'blog-post') {
    // lay some ground rules
  $width = '375';
  $myImage = wire('page')->blog_images->eq($img);
  $prfix = 'swatchmob';
  if($myImage->description) {$alt = $myImage->description;}
    // check if the watermark is needed
  if($on =='Y') {
    // check if the watermark exists already
    $pimImg = $config->paths->files . wire('page')->id . "/" . "pim_" . $prfix . "_" . $myImage->width($width)->name;
    $pimImgBig = $config->paths->files . wire('page')->id . "/" . "pim_" . $prfix . "_" . $myImage->name;
    if(file_exists($pimImg)) {
        $wmkImg = $config->urls->files . wire('page')->id . "/" . "pim_" . $prfix . "_" . $myImage->width($width)->name;
        $wmkImgBig = $config->urls->files . wire('page')->id . "/" . "pim_" . $prfix . "_" . $myImage->name;
        echo "<a href='{$wmkImgBig}' title='Click for Full Size' /><img src='{$wmkImg}' class='align_center' alt='{$alt}' /></a>";
    } else {
    // build the file with the watermark
    $username = wire('page')->createdUser->name;
    $AlphaImageUser = "{$config->paths->assets}images/authorwmk/swmb-{$username}.png";
    $pngAlphaImage = $AlphaImageUser;
    $imgsrc = $myImage->pimLoad($prfix, false)->watermarkLogo($pngAlphaImage, $position=$pos, $padding=$pad)->pimSave();
    // output image
    $newimg = $imgsrc->width($width)->url;
    echo "<a href='{$imgsrc->url}' title='Click for Full Size' /><img src='{$newimg}' class='align_center' alt='{$alt}' /></a>";
} else {
    $newimg = $myImage->width($width)->url;
    echo "<a href='{$myImage->url}' title='Click for Full Size' /><img src='{$newimg}' class='align_center' alt='{$alt}' /></a>";
if($alt) { echo "<p><small>{$alt}</small></p>"; }
Edited by creativejay
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  On 1/29/2015 at 3:59 PM, creativejay said:

Ah! Thank you for rubbing my nose in it, adrian. I would claim to know the difference, but then I do things like that. And worse, don't spot them after.

That wasn't my intention at all :) We have all fallen victim to this one - several times!

I don't ever remember to do it, but it is why it is recommended to do:


With it reversed like that, if you forget the second equals sign, it will throw an error, rather than assigning the value!

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