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Marty Walker

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There's not much to this one. It doesn't stretch the limits of PW at all but the client is very happy with how easy it is to edit content.


This is my first PW site (I usually use either textpattern & ExpressionEngine) and it was an absolute joy to learn something new.

Illustrations by the great: http://lewkeilar.com/



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Nice site. When viewing the source i see this:

<meta name="robots" content="noindex" /> <!-- remove before launch -->

Also it wouldn't hurt to fill up your meta description tag. Meta keywords aren't used by any of the major search-engines, so i would probably remove them from my templates.

Also i think there is an error in your canonical link entry (link rel instead of rev)

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  • 1 year later...


Nice job Marty!  I like the whole presentation of this site -- great example of how you can do less and more at the same time.  Nicely unified theme throughout the whole site.

The only page that seems to be slightly out of sync with the theme is http://walkerabercrombie.com.au/our-work/.

Thanks for sharing,


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Hi Marty,
very good design! Good job!
I wish I could do something beautiful like that for my site. (I'm currently working on a renew).
When viewing the code my browsers inspector says that there is an unclosed a-tag (contact-email) in line 77 of startpage.
Also there are a huge amount of resize calls from the video-window (at Line 111). (more than 100 / second)
Fortunately for you :) , I come across that (last point of post) for my site a few days ago, so I think you could change it like:

// On resize show/hide navigation
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8943816/changing-a-class-name-with-jquery-given-a-specific-width-range-media-query
// enhanced with a Timeout

var resizeTimer;

function changeClassNameOnResize() {
	console.log('resize called');      // should be removed in production site ?
	var width = $(window).width();
	if(width <= 767){

$(window).resize(function() {
	resizeTimer = window.setTimeout('changeClassNameOnResize()', 250);
}).resize(); //trigger the resize event on page load.
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Nice work, Marty. The lat/long bits on the events really caught my eye.

I don't know about you, but when I give clients more choices around how & when RWD is done, a lot of them seem to prefer to get the basic/desktop site up first, then work on the RWD parts as a follow-on. Personally I kind of like doing it that way, given the choice. I'm working on a few of those right now.

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Good jog. Nice clean and elegant design. 

our-work might be presented in a more appealing and more legible way. Maybe a simple clean table, or a description list with indention?


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