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Showcase Site - Ideas and Opinions Wanted!

Lance O.

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I'd like to set up a site that showcases projects built with ProcessWire. As an full-time independent developer, I'm hoping a site like this will promote ProcessWire and help persuade clients into using ProcessWire for future projects. My current favorite inspirational showcase site is http://www.siteinspire.com/

With that being said, I have a few questions for the ProcessWire community:

1. Is this a good or bad idea? Has anyone already started something similar?

2. Does this step on Ryan's or the official ProcessWire site's toes?

3. Would you submit your projects to a site that isn't officially maintained by Ryan?

4. I've purchased several possible domains. Is there one you prefer more than the others?





5. If you think this is a good idea, what features would you like to see on the site?

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1. I think it's a great idea. I'm not aware of similar initiatives.

2. Don't think so but of course only Ryan can really answer this question

3. I would (if i had something worth showcasing ;) )

4. The second option, but it probably could also run on a processwire.com subdomain.

5. For starters, the site would have to be built with PW itself :) and follow the processwire.com look.

Feature wise i would keep things to a minimum. Focus on the subject. The site you mentioned does a pretty good job, or even something really simple like http://expo.getbootstrap.com/ . So a couple of pictures, a link and some optional room for additional info.

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Hi Lance,

I agree with much of what SiNNuT said.

1. Yeah, cool idea.

2. Ask Ryan, he may have something in the works already

3. I would submit things, if the site were built with ProcessWire and officially "sanctioned" by Ryan.

4. Personally I'd like to see it as a subdomain as well. builtwith.processwire.com or madewith.processwire.com.

short of that, madewith or builtwith independent domains would be my vote.

5. Just keep it as clean and simple as possible. I like siteinspire as well, so you are on the right track.

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There is already a showcase in house. Why don't we let Lance do he's own independent thing with his own choices outside the pw oficial domain? It helps to spread pw to have such things outside the project and has the advantage of not having any kind of compromise in his chices (wish an official project inevitability has).

I would gladly support this and submit my websites to your judgement Lance :)

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Matthew is already working on a site directory for us, so he may have some thoughts too (?).

I think if someone wants to put time towards making ProcessWire look good, that's always a good thing. One thing is for sure, we definitely need more showcasing of sites built with ProcessWire. If there is more than one showcase, I don't see that as a problem at all. Just more opportunity to reach a broader audience. 

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Although the builtwith.pw domain is free available - for the moment. :)

I was about to snap that up to secure it but Adam beat me to it by the looks of it looking at the whois records :)

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Thank you for your responses.

The consensus is the site should be hosted at *.processwire.com. Since others are now purchasing domain alternatives and there were no offers to contribute to the design and development of the site, I'm going to back down on this idea. But thank you for your valuable input.

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Greetings everyone,

As Ryan mentioned above, I am going to develop a ProcessWire showcase site. I am currently working out the structural details, and I would very much like to hear opinions from the community about design. I also have my list of inspirational sites, which I would like to share here.

I was going to start a new discussion to explore structural and design ideas of the showcase site, but -- if Lance doesn't mind -- let's use this discuasion as the place to share ideas.



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