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Switching between CSS Frameworks

Peter Knight

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Hey ๐Ÿ‘‹
I'm running a PW site on UIKIT (v3) for many years and I want to migrate to TailWind V4.

Sounds fairly simple. I normally just locally update my templates and CSS.

This time, I want to do add in TW templates concurrently. The idea is I can add/remove content as normal and I thought a good approach might be

1. I have a template switcher in my config

$config->twPreview = true; // Enable Tailwind templates

2. I have a template switcher hook in  site/init.php which updates my css paths etc with a _tw (Tailwind) path

3. All my templates have a duplicate called [template-name]_tw.php

Same for all my includes

It's not going too bad but I didn't factor in for the following
1. I have Matrix field templates and een though I can duplicate with a _tw, the actual field files are hard coded into the PW manager when editing a page

Aside from this, it's not going too bad but am I overlooking a simpler method?



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