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How to upload heavy data into Processwire?

Vineet Sawant

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I'm trying to import some heavy data into Processwire, but I'm not sure what would be the best way to do it.

Usually I use CSV to Pages plugin, but this time the data is too heavy(~40k rows with 10+ columns of excel sheet), thus this plugin can't help.

I also tried Tasker plugin but I can't seem to go through the setup itself, it requires some template setup but I'm totally clueless about how to do it, so that plugin is not of any use either.

I wanted to know from you guys how you do it and in future what would be the best way to migrate thousands of rows of data in to PW.





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I also would recommend to write your own shell script and bootstrap ProcessWire.

You could use for example the PHP League CSV composer package and write your own import script where you save the CSV entries as pages via the API. ?

It is not that hard and you can import large data this way. If you want to, I could post an example.

Regards, Andreas

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Here is a script I made for the import of thousands of customers.

You have to save this as shell script (f. e. sync-customers.php.sh), make the script executable and execute it via command line (./sync-customers.php.sh).

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