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Siedle brand portal


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S. Siedle & Söhne Telefon- und Telegrafenwerke OHG is one of the leading manufacturers of building communications technology in Germany and Europe. For a company of this size it is important to have a solid brand communication. For this reason our agency designconcepts developed a portal where the employees of the company as well as others who work with or have interest in their brand can find everything that is important for the brand Siedle.

The website introduces the brand, provides informations for different topics (for example logos, typography, colors etc.) and has a large Media-Center with images, videos and documents. The website was build with the framework UIkit.




  • Repeater Matrix
  • Protected Content
  • Media-Center
  • Cart
  • Auotcomplete Search


Repeater Matrix

The information pages are build with a Repeater Matrix field and have a two columns layout. To be even more flexible, a section is a content element containing two Repeater Matrix fields for each column. This maybe sound crazy at first but was no problem and made complex layouts possible. ?



Protected Content

Not all of the informations are meant for guests, so we made it possible to protect each page, section and content element with a checkbox. If this checkbox is checked, the content will only be visible for logged-in users.



The core of the brand portal is the Media-Center. The Media-Center is actually a mirror of a separate digital assets management database where the client can manage images, videos and documents with a nice interface in a protected environment.

All new assets will be synced via a shell script containing PHP and curl commands calling the API of the database. This script will be executed every 15 minutes via cron job. This way all of the assets are saved as pages in ProcessWire and we can expand them with our own logic and fields. Also for the unlikely case that the database is not available, the Media-Center would still work.



Inside the Media-Center you can add assets to your cart. This cart is for downloading selected assets or sharing them with others. A cart will be accessible for 30 days.


Modules used:


Regards, Andreas

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