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Release: Ergo Admin Template


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Few days ago I've posted sneak preview of new admin template (it didn't have name then), so I've managed to squeeze some time to finish it and here it is...

Ergo Admin Template









1. Create folder named "templates-admin" under /site/ folder

2. Copy all files (including folders) into newly created folder

3. ProcessWire will load the new admin template automatically


If you would like to use custom TinyMCE theme created for this template, follow this steps:

1. Download TinyMCE Ergo theme from https://github.com/n...ni/ergo-tinymce

2. Copy "ergo" folder to /wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldTinyMCE/tinymce-3.4.7/themes/advanced/skins/ folder

3. Open /site/templates-admin/default.php and change in line 86 "default" to "ergo"

If you find any errors please post them here so I can commit them accordingly.


1. Changes have been made according to diogo's and Soma's posts.

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Looking great! Will try it later for sure.

Have you seen the thread about defining the tinymce theme on the theme itself? (I'm on mobile. Can't link to it). If you use it by testing for the existence of the folder, people can install the theme only by dropping it on the right folder.

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Great work Nikola. Love it so far. Just got trouble sometime seeing which are text fields to enter or just headers/labels.

- Only thing that annoys me a lot is that it doesn't fit on my 13* 1280 laptop screen. :(

- Also it would be cool if the subnav drop down would stay open if you're on a sub admin page.

Also you haven't got the latest changes from default admin for inputfields. As Ryan canged quite a bit and the form-builder has some issues.

On form-builder you see extra "submit" field text which should be hidden. And the entries edit screen has different inputfields markup. Of course this is a problem with all you other themes too. (happy fixing ;))



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I've seen the thread, but that defines default option for built in themes in TinyMCE, this is an extra theme so I think it's better this way.


Yes, that seems to be the problem, my screen is a bit darker so I'll try to apply come darker shade to labels.

As for screen resolution, I can lower the initial width so It will play fine on smaller screens :)

I'm gonna put cookie to subnav's so they stay visible.

I'll correct inputfields, because I've developed this on lower version of PW...

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  On 9/22/2012 at 11:33 AM, nikola said:


I've seen the thread, but that defines default option for built in themes in TinyMCE, this is an extra theme so I think it's better this way.

I actually also think it's a good way to include it in the theme globally. Most convenient.

I really don't want to change core for the theme's extras. It's not a must anyway but wouldn't recommend as you everytime you make a wire update you have to take care of it. I've done it for quite some time with the TinyMCE inputfield and it isn't a pleasure at all.

What if Ryan includes more TinyMCE themes into core distribution? Simple as that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

hi nikola,

thanks for your nice admin theme.

unfortunately i have some trouble as i can't open the following input field in the access section:

<li id="wrap_Inputfield_pass" class="InputfieldPassword Inputfield_pass ui-widget InputfieldStateCollapsed">
 <label for="Inputfield_pass" class="ui-widget-header">Set Password</label>
 <div class="ui-widget-content">
 <p class="description">Password must be at least 6 characters and have at least 1 letter and 1 digit. Password may not have whitespace.</p>
 <p><input type="password" maxlength="128" size="50" name="pass" class="FieldtypePassword" id="Inputfield_pass"></p>
 <p><input type="password" value="" name="_pass" size="50"> <span class="detail">(confirm)</span></p>

due to this problems i can't enter a password for my users. i can reproduce this with firefox 15.01 and chrome 22.0.1229.94 m on win 7 - other browsers i didn't check so far. can others confirm this or could this be a local problem with my system (i have the latest version of the theme)?

thanks in advance

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hi nikola,

thanks for your reply and sorry that it took a while for me to get back.

unfortunately no good news: i've cleared cache (browser and processwire), tried it in ie9 (with which i never visited this site before), uninstalled completely and reinstalled the theme - but to no avail. the field stays in its collapsed state and i can't open it on click.

do you have any other idea on how i could track down the problem?

many thanks in advance

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hi nikola,

many thanks for your reply. meanwhile i checked with a fresh processwire installation on the same server and with that i don't have any problem at all. the difference between the installations is the processwire version: the one that makes me trouble is a 2.2.3 while the working one is 2.2.5. i asume it must have something to do with that. i'll upgrade over the weekend and report back.


i did upgrade to 2.2.9 and now it's working fine. thanks again for your help.

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