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What Happened To "AdminThemeUikit" ?!


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Since that's the master branch I don't think that's a problem? There's nothing drastically changed in the ProcessWire admin interface since May.

Indeed - the two built-in admin themes haven't had an update in 4 months so they're all up to date: https://github.com/processwire/processwire/tree/master/wire/modules/AdminTheme

The dev branch shows that the main admin theme has had an update recently for improving appearance of language tabs but I'm not sure whether that is required for the other two - I'd guess it would be addressed before it hits the master branch though: https://github.com/processwire/processwire/commit/651e8bd20c1f7bf13c08a2098f862adf82700a28

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@Mustafa Online The Admin Theme Uikit is ready to take to the next level by the community, however, no one has taken a grasp of that project yet. I sadly don't have the time yet to work on it, however I have ideas for it. I expect @renobird will pick it up at some point and guide the project.

It will not hit master until UIkit comes out of beta, which from what they say, will be a very long time.

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@Mustafa Online it will rely on a lot of files in the wire directory but in theory most things should be able to be overridden without changing files outside of the admin theme.

To be honest I've not looked at this particular admin theme (no time recently) so I'm not even sure where to start. Hopefully you'll be able to work it out but please do ask questions if you get stuck.


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