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How to correctly store accented characters in fields ?


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I'm playing with my first "fields".

I have accented characters : é, è,... to display. I don't really understand how to handle this.

Previously I stored them html encoded in my own DB tables, example :  "évènement" (means 'event' in french).

Now I want to replace my own PDO SQL queries by PW fields.

Do I need to paste html encoded content only within the fields in the admin or will it be encoded on the fly ?

Until now I didn't success to view html encoded version of my data through the view source page in the browser, it's displayed as 'é', 'è', I was waiting for "é" ...

I've tried CKEditor and the textarea, I've played with the markup/html - html entity encoder functions with no more success.

Any idea ?



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With UTF8, it's no longer necessary to encode any characters outside those that have special meaning in HTML, so accented chars are fine as they are. If you enable the text formatter "HTML Entitiy Encoder (htmlspecialchars)" in the details tab of a field that contains plain text, it will take care of any necessary encoding on the fly. CKEditor will do its own conversion as you type, so manual conversion shouldn't be necessary anymore.

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