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I am having cache issues when working on template style using chrome browser at localhost with local server running. There are time color or size didn't change when I save css and reload chrome page. Sometimes to solve problem, I'd have to hit ctrl + alt + save to clear cache from browser. I've looked up Admin > Setup > Template > Cache Tab and noticed cache was already disabled as default. I have already looked into this article http://www.flamingruby.com/blog/processwire-caching-explained/  But realized it has nothing to with my issues and it got me confused rather its a browser or PW issues, does anyone have similar experience in past and probably found a solution? if so please share some suggestion.


Thanks in advance. 

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I noticed the same thing. Template changes show instantly but CSS changes can take a few hits on F5 or even hard refresh. But not always...

I usually work with Opera 12.18 because I love Dragonfly, Opera's DevTools, but it's not possible with PW. Changes never show, even with diskcache and memory cache completly disbaled. Sadly I had to switch to Chrome but PW is worth the switch.

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No TurboMode is active and all caching is disabled in the settings.

With an open Dragonfly window it works fine but not without it. The strange thing is that It's only an issue with PW, not any other CMS. I looked at the response headers for a looong time but couldn't find anything. And on my local development environment there are no expires directives in the htaccess.

It's a mystery to me.

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@klenkes -- Wait a min... which dragonfly are you talking about? the presto based or chrome?  I loved presto based, they were awesome.  I loved Firefox dev tools, unfortunately there were so many inaccuracies, there weren't much updates on FF dev tools lately. 

@AndZyk, yes I am aware about disabling cache in dev tools. It didn't really work most of time.

Well, I guess Ctrl+Shift+Del or getting chrome apps called clear cache is the solution for now.  


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45 minutes ago, Speed said:

@klenkes -- Wait a min... which dragonfly are you talking about? the presto based or chrome?  I loved presto based, they were awesome. 

Of course Presto based :) I am a Presto worshipper since the early days and cannot let it go. I didn't know there is another one like me...

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6 hours ago, Speed said:

@AndZyk, yes I am aware about disabling cache in dev tools. It didn't really work most of time.

Well, I guess Ctrl+Shift+Del or getting chrome apps called clear cache is the solution for now.  

Strange, that it didn't work for you. Be sure, that your developer tools are open, when refreshing the site.

But if the others solutions work for you, than that is fine too. ;)

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