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Template-specific descriptions for Fields


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I've been working on a medium-to-large scale project using pw (browsable alumni works and news repository, for a multimedia design school).

I assume this kind of project is just what PW was written for: loads of information that can be cross-searched, etc.. And for it to work smoothly, sharing fields is the way to go, of course (do correct me if I'm wrong..)

The "problem": some fields acquire diferent roles in different templates ("title" can be a Title or a student name on a student Template), and may benefit from independent descriptions (for setting protocols - specially important on a repository)

Multiple field descriptions would be awesome (specific to each template), but I imagine the work that such a change could mean may not be worth it... I haven't explored the DB very deeply, but I assume the description is in a field entry, and would have to be in the field-to-template entry... Or maybe I'm reading it all wrong :D

Any thoughs? Am I completely off the ball park?

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