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  On 11/25/2016 at 2:49 PM, tpr said:

I added 1px border to the submenu so it will always have at least 0.5px overlap. I'll add this to the next version of AOS.

#topnav .topnav {
    border-right: 1px solid transparent;



I don't think that will work. The submenu is positioned using the jQueryUI Position utility. Anything you do in CSS to change the dimensions and/or position of the submenu is accounted for by Position and it will just move the submenu further over as a result.

The admin menus would be so much more manageable if they were just simple nested <ul>s. I don't understand why the admin theme takes the complicated approach it does.

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You're right it's not working but because the selector should be only '.topnav', these menus are not children of '#topnav'. It seems that jQuery UI doesn't use the border for the calculation. The screencap shows the border increased to 10px:


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  On 11/25/2016 at 10:19 PM, tpr said:

It seems that jQuery UI doesn't use the border for the calculation.


Ah, that's great news!

When I was trying to resolve the problem I was focusing trying to adjust the position of the child <ul>s that flyout to the right - it didn't occur to me to try adjusting the parent <ul>. Good stuff!

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When editing field settings (Setup > Fields > my_field) I'm seeing an error:

PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in ...\modules\AdminOnSteroids\AdminOnSteroids.module:1224

BTW, thanks for making this configurable:


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Thanks, that's already corrected here. Actually I removed that part entirely - I added page-template and page-id classes to the body but there were already classes for that (ProcessPageEdit-id-1033 etc).

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  On 11/28/2016 at 4:40 PM, tpr said:

I couldn't duplicate adrian's issue not showing the action labels on hover so it's probably not fixed


In case it helps, here is the current generated source of one page in the list:

<div class="PageListItem PageListTemplate_course PageListID1018"><a href="#" title="/rock-climbing/basic-rock/" class="PageListPage label"><span data-pid="1018" class="label_title">Basic Rock</span></a><span class="PageListNumChildren detail"></span><ul class="PageListActions actions"><li class="PageListActionEdit"><a href="/admin/page/edit/?id=1018" class="pw-modal pw-modal-large pw-modal-longclick" data-buttons="#ProcessPageEdit > .Inputfields > .InputfieldSubmit .ui-button">Edit</a></li><li class="PageListActionView"><a href="http://sradev.skaharockclimbing.com/rock-climbing/basic-rock/" class="pw-modal pw-modal-large pw-modal-longclick">View</a></li><li class="PageListActionMove"><a href="#">Move</a></li><li class="PageListActionEdit"><a href="http://sradev.skaharockclimbing.com/admin/setup/template/edit?id=44" class="pw-modal pw-modal-large pw-modal-longclick" data-buttons="#ProcessPageEdit > .Inputfields > .InputfieldSubmit .ui-button">course</a></li><li class="PageListActionExtras ui-priority-secondary"><a href="#" class="clickExtras"><i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i></a></li></ul></div>

Any chance it comes back to that span issue that was affecting the page ID being shown? Probably not - thinking a quick guess :)

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It's intentional, I wanted it to be smaller. In the Reno theme it looks OK but I agree that it's not that beautiful in the default. I'll remove the styles for the default theme in the next version.

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Just a request for when you're bored. I think it would be nice to have more than one: "aos_column_break" field available. If you are making use of fieldset tabs it would be great to be able to break up the fields on each of the tabs. Maybe if it was just possible to manually create "aos_column_break_1", "aos_column_break_2" etc.

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  On 12/3/2016 at 5:54 AM, tpr said:

There's a way without additional colbreak fields, see the readme. I didn't want to flood the admin with extra fields.


Ah thank you - I didn't see that!

Just an FYI - adding aos_column_break to a tab actually does seem to work - just of course only for that tab :)

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v108 is up, containing a new feature to add markup to pagelist items:

It uses the [tag.class][/tag] syntax, making it flexible to use. The module also contains default styling for the "em" tag (which is the recommended):

{title} [em.company][b]{company_ref.title}[/b][/em] [em][i]images: {images.count}[/i][/em]

Output in the pagelist:


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Nice feature!! Is there a way to add the label of the field in the tag? Instead of hardcoding "images" in

[em][i]images: {images.count}[/i][/em]

is it possible fe to output the label of the image field like

[em][i]{images.label}: {images.count}[/i][/em]

My site is multilingual and therefore it would be nice if the word "images" could be available in several languages. If not, anyway! ^_^

Best regards

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Yesterday I was not completely happy with the pagelistmarkup feature because occassionally I need to output dates and as I store them unformatted (unix timestamp) I can't output them formatted in the page list. Now I have added a feature to set the formatting using the following syntax (borrowed from Latte template engine):

({date}|date:%Y. %B %d.)

As you can see it's very flexible, the only issue remained is setting the locale. My idea is to leave this thing to the developer and do not add it here (maybe a hook?). Of course this issue only affects multilanguage sites where you would need to output month names in different languages too, but using only number format is OK.

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Still wasn't perfect - "images.field.label" worked only for Image fields but not for other.

However I figured out that this one actually works (for a Date field named "date_created"):


It still returns the label int he default language, but with the %lang_id% it's outputted fine:



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Never thought that the "Always show pagelist actions" could be beneficial to me but I was wrong. While setting editor access, it is handy to see whether they are able to add new pages to a page or not, without needing to hover the pagelist item.

Btw, here's a trick I use to simplify setting up roles. I use the same "basic-page" template for several pages, and some of them may have children, some not. But you can't set it page level, only at template level. What I do is create a new template "basic-page-nochildren" and set it's fieldgroup to "basic-page" (need to set $config->advanced to see this feature on the template edit page). Then assign these templates to pages that shouldn't have children, and because of the same fieldgroup, they will also have the same fields as "basic-page".

Update: don't forget to make the template "basic-page-nochildren" viewable by creating a template file for it, or set the "Alternate Template Filename" to "basic-page" on  "basic-page-nochildren" template (Files tab)

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I don't know if this have been mentioned earlier in this posts. So many posts to scan and see if it have been mentioned. But... I am encountering a little glitch with AOS using Reno Theme. Everytime I select input, I get kicked out when pressed shift key. This is getting so annoying, wondering if you can look into it? 



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