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default Page upon login


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Is there a way to specify the default Page which appears upon login, either by role or user? I've made a custom admin Page I'd like to appear instead of Pages. Probably am overlooking something simple...



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This is unknown territory for me...I assume you mean something like this?

public function init() {
$this->addHook('ProcessLogin::afterLoginRedirect', $this, 'helloTest');

public function helloTest (HookEvent $event) {
 echo "Hello!";

...which didn't work for me.

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I went into the realms of logins and found it isn't possible like this. :)

It's strange even if I change the core ProcessLogin module ___afterLoginRedirect to somthing else, it does nothing. Seems this like it is never used.

Though there a redirect in the module that does the redirect after login and appends an id if one found with get input. So after getting into the logic somehow, I found there's a ProcessHome.module that does only that: redirect to the /page/ when calling /processwire/ login. Though I still don't get it fully, nor do I understand why it is so complicated :) Ryan?

So hooking the ProcessHome.module does work, though if you click the "Admin" breadcrumb it also redirects to the changed page.

class LoginRedirect extends Wire implements Module {

   public static function getModuleInfo() {
       return array(
           'title' => 'After Login Redirect',          
           'summary' => 'Redirect after login', 
           'version' => 100,
           'autoload' => true,
           'permission' => 'page-view'

   public function init() {
       $this->addHookBefore('ProcessHome::execute', $this, 'redirect');

   public function redirect($event){
       $event->replace = true; // replace hooked function completely
       } else {


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You can always create your own login page (and template) and have full control over the flow there. Logging in a user in PW is as simple as calling $session->login('name', 'pass'); If it authenticates, it returns a $user. If it doesn't, it returns null.

The $session->login might also be a good one to hook if you don't want to create your own login form. I think this would be preferable to trying to hook in ProcessLogin or ProcessHome.

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I don't mind the existing login page, I just wanted to change what they land on.

How exactly would I hook into $session->login? The whole hooking concept isn't really clear to me, or at least what is hookable and what is not. Thanks again.

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OK, figured it out:

public function init() {

$this->session->addHook('login', $this, 'on_login');


public function on_login (HookEvent $event) {

if ($this->user->hasRole("editor")) { $this->session->redirect($this->pages->get(1065)->url); }


Thanks ya'll!

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  • 2 years later...

Just picking up this old thread. I don't think Evan's solution is applicable anymore but Soma's still seems to work, albeit with the caveats he already spoke about - that every call to admin goes to the new URL.

Just wondering if there is a new hook that will enable a simple module to redirect a user after a login (in my case, back to the front-end).

In the meantime I'll keep trying all the combinations :D

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This seems a bit weird from a UX perspective — If I follow correctly: 

  1. User authenticates with default PW login page. 
  2. After successful login, user is redirected back to frontend of the site.

Why not just create a simple frontend login script?

If that isn't an option, then part of what I stripped out of the redirects module I posted in the other thread is a different default page for certain roles.

I'll reduce it down to something a bit more generic and post it here in a bit.

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Hi Reno,

The thinking here is that the editor will only really be touching content for the journal. In the past I have done like you said and created front-end forms but in this case, I thought why not take advantage of PW's very robust forms.

I think the workflow is quite nice. They have a login button, they login get redirected back to the journal where they can edit / add posts that also get processed with PW.

It saves me building the forms and validation and it saves the editor having to poke around and choose parents and templates.

(It makes sense in this scenario but I don't think I would use it apart from this "blog" scenario)

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  • 1 year later...

very easy now with newer versions! just put this in your /site/ready.php

$wire->addHookAfter("Session::login", function(HookEvent $event) {
    $user = $event->return;
    // check if login was successful
    if($user) {
        // your condition here
        if(!$user->isSuperuser()) {
            // your destination page here
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