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Hi @breezer - this is a good explanation of the problem: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13734224/exception-serialization-of-closure-is-not-allowe

That link shows up as visited by me in google, so apparently I have come across this before but I don't remember the circumstances.

I actually just removed two serialize() calls from Tracy. There is one remaining in the core Tracy package that is used when logging an exception. I am not sure if this is the reason you are seeing it or not though.

Is this a new issue for you in 4.16.8?

Do you have any serialize() calls in your code anywhere? 

Could you check in the Tracy logs directory (site/assets/logs/tracy) to see if there are exceptions logged. 

Does it help if you modify the getExceptionFile() method where the serialize call is made: https://github.com/adrianbj/TracyDebugger/blob/b195d6ac40e146891151ac7b56590ba34eb03f7b/tracy-master/src/Tracy/Logger.php#L136 - you could empty out all this method and just return true or something like that to help narrow it down.

Let me know about these things and we'll go from there.


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EDIT: This has nothing to do with Tracy, I'm getting the same message with PW debug enabled so the issue is elsewhere. Thanks for your time.

Is this a new issue for you in 4.16.8?

To be honest I'm not sure, I didn't have it turned on lately and I upgraded this morning and noticed the message.

Do you have any serialize() calls in your code anywhere?

No I can't think of any but I'm going through all the files to check.

Could you check in the Tracy logs directory:

No files at all in the Tracy log directory.

I also made the getExceptionFile()  method only return true ( in module file and also checked filecompiler ) and still the message shows, so please don't waste any time on this as I have to assume it's something in my code somewhere. I'll look in all the files and see if I can figure it out.

Again Happy New Year and thanks for a super tool ?

Edited by breezer
After further investigation Tracy isn't involved
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Just committed a nice little enhancement to the Adminer panel - it now loads the panel with the relevant table or row based on the current context. So if you are editing a page, it will load the row for that page. If you are editing a file, template, or viewing a module's config settings, it will do the same. If you viewing the main page list tree or the main templates/files/modules pages, these tables will be opened in browse mode.

Probably not something you'll use that often, but because the Adminer panel doesn't load anything until you open it, I like leaving it activated as one of my default panels so I always have really quick access to view whatever is in the DB for what I am currently working on.

Anyway, hope you all find it useful on occasion.


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I'm attempting to upgrade a site from 2.7.x to 3x, and one of the modules that i'm upgrading also is Tracy.

One major issue that anyone doing this upgrade will encounter is the legacy setting for coreBranch – if that is set on your initial install, then it will be stuck in 'stable' and cause require_once failed to open stream errors on tracy-stable/src.tracy.php;

the 2 ways to fix this are to either first just completely uninstall Tracy before upgrading, or to manually change that value in the database.

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Just got this error message:

Fatal Error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 25956352 bytes) (line 27 of M:\xampp\apps\processwire\htdocs\site-ncog\modules\TracyDebugger\tracy-master\src\Tracy\assets\Bar\panels.phtml)

Any idea what might have caused it or how to fix it?

I uninstalled the module and the error went away. After re-installing it, the error came back. The message at the bottom of the screen reads:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 10563584 bytes) in Unknown on line 0

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Hi @MarkE - can you please try to narrow it down to a specific panel using the panel selector to disable/enable until you figure it out. I expect it's probably the RequestInfo panel so I would start there. If it is the culprit, is it only on certain pages? You can adjust its settings to turn off some of the more intensive sections.

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1 hour ago, adrian said:

can you please try to narrow it down to a specific panel using the panel selector to disable/enable until you figure it out.

It seems to make no difference which panels are enabled (or even none). However, unchecking the "Show debug bar"  removes the error  from the front end or back end accordingly.

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I've just updated the PW search function in the PW Info panel to use the new website's search functionality for all sections, except the forum (where I still use Google) and of course the Github repo.

Hopefully you'll find this is nice shortcut to the new PW site search which is really great!

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22 hours ago, adrian said:

Let me know if you notice issue again

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 33764184 bytes) in M:\xampp\apps\processwire\htdocs\site-ncog\modules\TracyDebugger\tracy-master\src\Tracy\Helpers.php on line 133 Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 10530816 bytes) in Unknown on line 0

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2 hours ago, adrian said:

is it all pages on the site, or just some?

It seems to be all pages. It was fixed after a reboot last time. I'm inclined to blame windoze - that's the usual source of my problems. Meanwhile, I'll turn Tracy off until I need it then reboot again...

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4 hours ago, MarkE said:

... just having a root around - I seem to have 12mb session file - is that normal?

Where are you seeing this session file? In /site/assets/sessions? Is it related to Tracy somehow? Or are you referring to something else?

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10 hours ago, adrian said:

In /site/assets/sessions? Is it related to Tracy somehow?

Yes. I just mentioned it because it is very big and full of things like 

<span class="tracy-dump-indent">   |  |  </span><span class="tracy-dump-key">fuel</span> <span class="tracy-dump-visibility">protected</span> => <span class="tracy-dump-object" ...

I have no idea what it does.

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Just added a new Admin Actions panel - the available actions are context sensitive so you only get actions that are relevant to where you are in the admin (or frontend in some cases).

This is just a first version, but so far we have:

Delete all children
This lets you delete all children of the current page without deleting the page itself which can be very helpful when you're testing API creation of page and you have forgotten to enable Tracy's Page Recorder panel.


Delete field
If you're on the edit interface for a field, this action will let you delete a field even if it is already added to templates, so you don't have to deal with the "This field may not be deleted because it is in use by one or more templates." notice you get when trying to delete the field.

Change field type
Again, if you're on the edit interface for a field, this lets you change the field to any installed field type. This ignores the compatible field type check that you are normally subject to. This is probably not good to use if you already have page data in this field, but it's really handy when you have already set up a field and added it to templates but decide you want to change its type to a non-compatible type.


Delete template
Like the delete field, this bypasses the "This template may not be deleted" because there are pages already using it. This takes care of deleting any pages using the template and then deletes the template, all with one click.


Uninstall module

This will take care of deleting any associated fields (for Fieldtype modules) and modules that require the one you are trying to uninstall so that you can uninstall the module with one click.


Hopefully it goes without saying that these can be extremely destructive and bypass core protections against data loss so use with extreme caution. Each action has a confirmation dialog that you must confirm to reduce any accidental clicks and the entire panel is restricted to superusers only, but you must still use with extreme caution.

I'll add other actions as ideas come to me, but if you have any requests, please let me know.

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3 hours ago, adrian said:

a new Admin Actions panel

Thanks as always, the new panel does sound useful indeed. However, you already have a module called Admin Actions. It might be confusing in some circumstances that these share the same name, don't you think?

Edited by szabesz
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3 minutes ago, szabesz said:

Thanks as always, the new panel does sound useful indeed. However, you already have a module called Admin Actions. It might be confusing in some circumstances that these share the same name, don't you think?

I'm not too worried about it, but I do see your point. I wasn't sure what else to call it at the moment. If you have a better idea, please let me know. Obviously this panel has has a few limited/restricted actions, so it's not meant to be a replacement for the Admin Actions module - just some quick shortcuts to a few things that I come across semi-regularly.

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