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Previous & Next navigation links in page editor?


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It's possible with a special fieldtype without a module just create a field and use plain PHP to get such elements...


Prev next navigation example is already there:


;) regards mr-fan

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Both of those work, but I'd still like to be able to put it in as part of the page edit template itself more so that they appear above and below the fields in any tab. Also, AdminSaveActions doesn't have an option to edit previous page, and for whatever action you choose to carry out, you need to save the page. Maybe you want to browse through in either direction without saving your changes in 1 click instead of 2+.

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  • 3 months later...

Both of those work, but I'd still like to be able to put it in as part of the page edit template itself more so that they appear above and below the fields in any tab. Also, AdminSaveActions doesn't have an option to edit previous page, and for whatever action you choose to carry out, you need to save the page. Maybe you want to browse through in either direction without saving your changes in 1 click instead of 2+.

yeah, turned out i needed the same thing, so there is this now:


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