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  1. Is there a way to abort the installation of a module using the API if a certain condition is not met? I am trying to incorporate the module SchedulePages in my module Blog. Instructions would be for the user to first install SchedulePages. But users being users.... ....In case they attempt to first install Blog, I would like to halt the process if SchedulePages is not found. The reason is Blog will need to grab the two date fields created by SchedulePages and add them to the template 'blog-post'. I tried adding some logic in ___install() and init() but got no joy. Blog module was installed anyway. Should I be hooking into something? What is the process flow when modules are installed? What is called first? This situation I describe also arises because currently, AFAIK, PW will not download and install a third party module from the modules directory just because another module requires it. In my case, just because Blog says it requires 'SchedulePages does not mean PW will install it automatically if it is not bundled with Blog . Such third party modules need to be bundled with the module trying to install them. I suppose that is still the case. I tried Thanks.
  2. How can I make this work. downloaded it from module tab in PW and in new tab I searched for PROCESSWIREBOOTSTRAP3and download and installed but still not working, What I see is the default site.
  3. Hi everyone! I'd like to introduce PassiveCron - a module, which allows developers to schedule cronjobs - to you. This will be Conclurer's second Pro Module, following ProcessImageMinimize / minimize.pw. PassiveCron is available now as a beta version. What is it going to do? Have you ever been in a situation, in which ProcessWire ran out of PHP's max_execution_time, because you're doing cool tasks like resizing dozens of images using PIM? Or have you noticed site load performance issues when doing a lot of tasks simultaneously? PassiveCron will fix this by giving developers the ability to schedule tasks to future and / or repeating points in time run tasks asynchronously Isn't this exactly the same as LazyCron? No. LazyCron runs your tasks synchronously as your page loads. So running larger tasks will decrease your page's load performance. Instead of this, PassiveCron is able to run those tasks separately from your site loads, thanks to our new web service cron.pw, which will be released together with PassiveCron. How can I use this in my site / module? We will bundle PassiveCron with an easy-to-use API. Let's say you want to call a specific module action tomorrow at 8:00 am: $cron->tomorrow->at('8:00 am')->run('Class', 'Method'); Or do this specific cleanup task, every night at 3:00 am: $cron->every("day")->at("3:00 am")->run("Class", "Method"); Or just run this one large task asynchronously: $cron->run("Class", "Method"); How much will it cost? We are planning to give every ProcessWire site 200 task executions / day for free. For unlimited task executions per site, it'll be around 5€ (pay once, use forever). During the beta period, no payments will be available. Features overview Easy-to-use API for asynchronous task execution Integrable into existing modules for load time improvements No registration at cron.pw needed Pro Cache will be bypassed En- or disable PassiveCron per module Free minimize.pw background tasks Dashboard with reports per task So, what do you think? Is such a module what you need? Can you imagine additional features or do you have wishes for PassiveCron? Please tell us in the comments. Thank you very much!
  4. I am trying to work out how to add a string to the list tpl in MarkupSimpleNavigation so that I get something like <li data-magellan-arrival="about"> I could add it to list_tpl <li data-magellan-arrival="{title}"> but unfortunately {title} is not interpreted as in the href Any ideas? Appreciated.
  5. The concept A custom table module process (requires Jquery Datatables module by @soma) with configuration. Features: - Custom selector to find the pages. - Custom fields in columns. - Custom fields search. - Set the number of columns. - Create, View, edit, publish/unpublish pages. I´m working on it. Please correct my mistakes is my first processwire´s module have mercy Screenshots: The code: <?php /** * Administrador de Noticias * * Luis Santiago (blad) 2014 * ProcessWire 2.x * Copyright (C) 2012 by Ryan Cramer * Licensed under GNU/GPL v2, see LICENSE.TXT * * http://processwire.com */ class AdminCustomTable extends Process implements Module, ConfigurableModule { const adminPageName = 'AdminTable'; public static function getModuleInfo() { return array( 'title' => 'AdminCustomTable', 'summary' => 'Fully customizable administration table', 'version' => 110, 'permanent' => false, 'permission' => 'AdministrationTable', 'requires' => array("JqueryDataTables") ); } public function __construct() { $this->idparentnews = 'parent=1, include=all'; $this->campo1 = 'title'; $this->campo2 = 'body'; } public static function getModuleConfigInputfields(array $data) { $inputfields = new InputfieldWrapper(); $field = wire('modules')->get('InputfieldText'); $field->name = 'idparentnews'; $field->label = "Custom selector to find pages"; //$field->label = "Selector para encontrar las noticias"; //$field->notes = __('Selector para conseguir las noticias ejemplo: parent=1018, include=all .Se recomienda usar include=all para ver todas las páginas'); $field->notes = __('This selector will be passed to a $pages->find("your selector") Example: parent=1018, template=product, sort=name, include=all .Use include=all for publish/unpublish these pages.'); if(isset($data['idparentnews'])) $field->value = $data['idparentnews']; $inputfields->add($field); $field = wire('modules')->get('InputfieldText'); $field->name = 'campo1'; $field->label = "Custom field for first column"; //$field->label = "Selector para encontrar las noticias"; //$field->notes = __('Selector para conseguir las noticias ejemplo: parent=1018, include=all .Se recomienda usar include=all para ver todas las páginas'); $field->notes = __('Example: title'); if(isset($data['campo1'])) $field->value = $data['campo1']; $inputfields->add($field); $field = wire('modules')->get('InputfieldText'); $field->name = 'campo2'; $field->label = "Custom field for second column"; //$field->label = "Selector para encontrar las noticias"; //$field->notes = __('Selector para conseguir las noticias ejemplo: parent=1018, include=all .Se recomienda usar include=all para ver todas las páginas'); $field->notes = __('Example: body'); if(isset($data['campo2'])) $field->value = $data['campo2']; $inputfields->add($field); return $inputfields; } /** * Inicio del módulo * */ public function init() { $this->config->scripts->add($this->config->urls->AdminCustomTable . 'prog.js'); // $this->config->styles->add($this->config->urls->AdminCustomTable . 'style.css'); $this->modules->JqueryDataTables; } /** * Ejecución del módulo * */ public function ___execute() { $this->modules->get("JqueryFancybox"); $selector = $this->idparentnews; $campo1 = $this->campo1; $campo2 = $this->campo2; $noticias = wire('pages')->find("{$selector}"); $out = "<table id='mitabla' style='margin-top:20px; margin-bottom:20px;'> <thead> <tr> <th style='width:40%'>{$noticias->fields->$campo1->label}</th> <th style='width:50%'>{$noticias->fields->$campo2->label}</th> <th class='sin-orden' style='width:10%'>Actions</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> "; $adminUrl = $this->config->urls->admin; $noticias->fields->title->label; /** * Nos deja buscar el id de la página * */ // if( $this->input->get->sSearch ) { // $q = $this->sanitizer->text($this->input->get->sSearch); // if (is_numeric($q)) { // $selector .= "id=$q,"; // } else { // $selector .= "title|body%=$q,"; // } // } /** * buscamos el selector * */ foreach($noticias as $noticia) { $out .= " <tr> <td>{$noticia->{$campo1}}</td> <td>{$noticia->{$campo2}}</td> <td> <a class='fancybox-iframe' href='{$adminUrl}page/edit/?id={$noticia->id}&modal=1'><i class='fa fa-edit'></i></a></br> <a href='{$adminUrl}page/delete/?id={$noticia->id}'><i class='fa fa-times'></i></a></br>" ; /** * botón de publicar-despublicar * */ if ($noticia->is(Page::statusUnpublished)) { $out .= "<i style='color:red' class='fa fa-square-o'></i>"; } else { $out .= "<i style='color:green' class='fa fa-check-square-o'></i>"; } $out .= "</td></tr>" ; } $out .= "</tbody></table>" ; return $out; } /** * Instalación * */ public function ___install() { $admin = $this->pages->get($this->config->adminRootPageID); $parent = $admin; $page = new Page(); $page->parent = $parent; $page->template = $this->templates->get('admin'); $page->name = "AdminCustomTable"; $page->title = "AdminCustomTable"; $page->process = $this; $page->save(); $this->message("You have installed AdminCustomTable"); if (!$this->permissions->get('AdministrationTable')->id) { $permission = $this->permissions->add('AdministrationTable'); $permission->title = 'AdminCustomTable permission.'; $permission->save(); } } /** * Desinstalación * */ public function ___uninstall() { $page = $this->pages->get('template=admin, name=AdminCustomTable'); $page->delete(); $permission = $this->permissions->get('AdministrationTable'); $permission->delete(); } }
  6. MultiPage Editor is a module that takes any valid ProcessWire selector and shows you all matching pages. You can edit all fields from one page, thus being perfect for bulk editing things like product pages or lists. It works best when selecting on template, because all pages will have the same fields. How to install: Download from: https://github.com/weworkweplay/ProcessMultiPageEditor Place the file ProcessMultiPageEditor.module in your /site/modules/ directory. In ProcessWire admin, click to 'Modules' and 'Check for new modules'. Click 'install' next to the 'MultiPage Editor' module (under heading 'Process'). Following that, you'll see a new menu option for this module on your Admin > Setup menu. Please note that the module currently only shows FieldtypeText-fields. This is something that probably needs some work.
  7. Hi, I was reading a very interesting post in this forum (https://processwire.com/talk/topic/7166-wp-tavern-article-and-processwire-themes/page-4), about PW and its popularity compared to other cms like Wordpress. The key point that has been discussing is: how can PW be more attractive to non developers (ie designers)? (ok here another question arises "Do we want that PW reach an audience bigger that developers only?" but this is another topic...) Wordpress for example has a theming system that certainly is very attractive and quite easy to use, and I noticed someone in the community is already working on a module that could do some steps in that direction. That could be great but there's another thing that in my opinion could help very much: an automatic template file generator. Let me explain... I think that one of the things that scares a person which is not a developer the first time he uses PW, is the fact that after creating some fields and a template that contains these fields from the administration panel, he has to create a new empty file named as the template and put it inside the templates folder. Obviously from a developer point of view this is not a big problem, I go searching the docs and try to find what to put in this file, but from the point of view of a person that has no the developer mental scheme that thing could be scary at the beginning, and I imagine that if this person is trying out a lot of cms to find out which is better for him, he could easily think "ah dawn this is too complicated for me!". Ok, so what if I can, after creating a template, press a button and let the system create the template files for me? This could be great! I can now go to PW tree page, add a page with the template I created before and when I navigate the site I have already a page that is working, and it also outputs the fields that I filled! Then, I go editing the template file that has been created automatically and change the html as I prefer, but I don't have to bother about php code at all... The next step is thinking about a small wizard that create the file when I press the generator button: for example I have to choose if I am creating a simple detail template or a list template. In case of the list maybe we need the user to enter some filter parameters to generate the array list (template type, parent, etc.) and so on... So, this is not a trivial task but maybe not even impossible. In the future you can also think about a way to make this module useful even for developers, for example creating some template for outputting the html of the template files.... But maybe I am going too far So basically I think it could be very interesting to create a module that adds this functionality to PW... What do you think?
  8. I'd like to put up a bounty for the development of a Markdown editor for PW. Ace has been abandoned and I'm a fan of Markdown over standard wysiwyg editors. I'd like to see something similar to what they have in Ghost (minus the double panes). I'll start the bounty at $250 for anyone who is interested in putting something together that works. This would be a public module for the directory. Any takers?
  9. Hi all, I am quite new to PW, and I am starting to create my first modules. In a site I am working on, I have already created some templates, fields and pages to manage a simple event management, with event list page, event detail page, list of categories, and so on. Now I would like to put all this inside a module, so when I start a new site all I have to do is install the module and I am ready to work with the events. I already understood how to create the module and do the installation (and uninstallation of course) of templates, fields and pages, but now I am wondering what's the best way to manage the template files (.php) that the module pages will use. I noticed others have chosen to copy the needed templates files inside the "site/templates" directory during the installation of the module... Do you think this is the best approach? Are there any alternatives? I am not fully convinced since this way I am adding new files to "site/templates" folder and since this folder could already contain a lot of files the situation could become a litte messy (since I have a mix of files I created and files that a module created). If this is the right way to do it, I am wondering if in PW there is a way to use subfolders inside the "site/templates" folder, I am thinking for example to have a subfolder named as the module name, so all templates .php files related to that module could stay here, in a more organized way. Thank you for a feedback on this! enrico
  10. Hello all, i just saw the new Likes Fieldtype and wanted to know if i could use this as a kind of bookmark feature where users can bookmark something, view a list of all bookmarks and also can remove some bookmarks on this list or on the page where they bookmarked this item. is this possible or would it be better, if i use some kind of shopping cart functionality? Thanks!
  11. Hi, With the CropImage Module thumbnails are created with a prefix and stored in the same directory as the original file. Instead, I would like the thumbnails be saved in a subdirectory with the same name as the original file. This because of a slideshow script I use. What is the easiest way of tweaking the module to accomplish this? Thanks, Reems
  12. Hi. I need "user profiles" for a project. So I looked for it for a long time in PW forum and then I came to a decision to make a module from Ryan and the others code. I share this code with you. Wait with great pleasure for your suggestions and comments Module page: https://github.com/orkhan/FrontendUserProfilesPW
  13. I’m currently working on a module called Page Depth that lets you return a page’s depth relative to the root, to a closest selector or a page. Basic functionality is in there. It currently has three functions $page->depth(), $page->depthFromClosest() and $page->depthFromPage(). I’m thinking of adding an integer hidden field named depth to prevent having to run the whole functions each time it’s called, but since it’s pretty basic it doesn’t have much impact on the load time even in its current state. It supports the PageLanguageName module, admittedly I haven’t tried it without it but think it should be working fine. If it doesn’t let me know and I’ll fix it.. finally got a chance to test it, working fine! I’m publishing it now in its unfinished state thinking some of you might have requests or ideas what this could be useful for. I’m currently using it to prevent too many subpages (where pages are individual comments and would be replies to other comments) on a comment system. Documentation and download at : https://github.com/plauclair/PageDepth
  14. I have a module which has dependency on other modules. When upgrading to the latest version on dev branch for testing the latest dynamic roles module. I noticed the module installed got missing. It was not shown in installed nor when checked for new modules. This is something in the getModuleInfo 'requires' => array( - 'Article', - 'Source', - 'Section', - ) Other modules don't have any issues. When removing the requires, and deleting the name from modules table I installed a fresh module again. When the requires is there and trying to install module it shows module installed with session error unknown. Not sure why it is happening.
  15. I've read through the Fredi - for front end editing thread and saw mention of using to Fredi to add new pages. Did this feature ever get added or is it in the works?
  16. I am using MarkupPagerNav pretty much as per the examples with this being the code. The strange thing is that the $pagination at the top does not work but the one after the product loop does. Two identical bits of code. Any ideas? $selector = "template=fabric,collection=" . $type; $products = $pages->find("$selector, start=0, limit=12, sort=title"); $pagination = $products->renderPager(array( 'nextItemLabel' => "Next", 'previousItemLabel' => "Prev", 'listMarkup' => "<ul class='MarkupPagerNav pagination'>{out}</ul>", 'currentItemClass' => "current", 'itemMarkup' => "<li class='{class}'>{out}</li>", 'linkMarkup' => "<a href='{url}'><span>{out}</span></a>" )); ?> <div class="row mainrow firstrow lastrow"> <div class="pagination-centered"> <?=$pagination?> </div> <?php foreach($products AS $product) { ?> <div class="small-6 medium-3 large-3 columns" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Product"> <a href="<?= $product->url ?>"><img src="<?= $product->images->first()->url ?>" itemprop="image"></a> <div class="prod_panel panel"> <h5 itemprop="name"><?= $product->title ?></h5> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="clearer"> </div> <div class="pagination-centered"> <?=$pagination?> </div> </div>
  17. Hi Guys, I have a membership site that I am building. The site is simply composed of user profiles, basically like craigslist personal ads. I need to give the member access to a their profile ad/page for editing of fields located on their ad/page. This access will be given to paid members, once the page has been added by me. The user should have access via a user name and password. They will only be able to edit their ad/pages fields I have with their information. Question 1: Is this possible on ProcessWire? Question 2: Any guidance to where I can start? (Modules, API etc.) Question 3: I have a check box field on the profile ads/pages which I control that allows me to deactivate the page if it is un checked, I also want this to block their access. Can this be done? Any help on this would be great! As always, everyone has been great with helping me find solutions to my questions. Thanks!
  18. I am writing a module for personal use that generates pages with randomly generated content such as text and images. It's an exercise in module writing as much as it is practical. I am generating the pages specified by a template successfully but, for each page generated, I get several of the green messages in the header. Specifically for repeater fields. It's a bit inconvenient when I generate 50 pages. So, since I'm putting it into a module finally, I thought I would before-hook into Page::render and alter the $notices object. $this->addHookBefore('Page::render', $this, 'suppressMessages'); public function suppressMessages(HookEvent $event) { if($event->object->name !== 'generate-pages') return $event; $new_messages = wire('notices')->not('class=FieldtypeRepeater'); var_dump($new_messages); var_dump($this->wire->notices); // $this->wire()->set('notices', $new_messages); return $event; } The two var_dumps print the same thing which is the a $notices array without the offending messages. But the messages are still showing up in the page header. Is the $notices variable used before Page::render? The commented out '$this->wire()->set' didn't do anything. TIA
  19. Are there any modules for Processwire which allow site visitors to 'like' pages or content? And unrelated but for the same site I'm building, I need to be able to output entries/pages in different layouts on the front end. It's for a photographer's site with photos (each linking to a gallery so each would be a page or entry) and the layout calls for photos to be displayed in three different layout formats: full width image half width image floated left with two other half width images equal to half the height of the left floated image same layout as above but with the larger image floated right So other than the full width images, other entries have to be in groups of three (one larger image left or right next to two smaller ones). If it was always going to be in the same sequence, then it would be no problem, but the site author needs to be able to control the presentation. Any idea how to approach it?
  20. Hi all, First of all, thank you (Ryan) for building this awesome CMS and thank you (nice people on this forum) for keeping this welcoming/helpfull community. I recently found myself editing and changing .svg files to .inc files so I can include them with php, making them inline html elements, which allows me to use external css for manipulating them. Because doing this is sort of boring, and prune to mistakes (besides, it's much easier if one could just import svg file saved from illustrator), I started building a module which will take uploaded/submitted .svg file (using InputfieldFile) and: 1.) add user-defined class to group that is wrapping all elements OR 2.) wrap all elements into a group and add a user-defined class OR 3.) just strip all tags (doctype, ...) except SVG tag. I have few problems and I am hoping you will be able to point me in the right direction: 1.) Why is original (.svg) file not saved on server (module output is saved instead, although with different extension)? 2.) How would I convince ProcessWire that it would render (only) those fields (that have this module enabled) as include("modified_file.inc"); so I could just write f.example: <div.icon><?php $page_with_icon->icon; ?></div> 3.) How come module's Boolean value in field's settings page is not saved, but text value (for class name) is? I am also attaching my .module file. Thank you for your help and please let me know, if I need to provide some additional information. Thanks! =) EDIT (30.7.2014): So, I will answer my own questions, if somebody will have same problems in future =) I solwed them like that: 1.) File was not saved, because there was an error in module that was not being reported. 2.) By using "$this->addHook("PageFile::includeSvg", $this, 'includeSvg');" where "includeSvg" is attached method. Method can now be used in templates with: $field->includeSvg(); 3.) It seems it needs to be called separately in function that is defining additional config options (in my case it's "addConfig") as: $checked = $inputfield->makeInteractive == 1 ? "checked" : ""; $f->attr("checked", $checked); I am attaching modified (working) module. interactiveSvg.module
  21. Hi all, I am looking for some feedback on this one … I am using LazyCron and have configured a real cron to trigger my homepage every 10 minutes (need this for another module). But I need one module only to be triggreed every saturday at 9 am (for example). The module sends an email to the CMS admins. Of course I only want this to happen once that day. So I made this one … //$this->sending_day = 6; Saturday //$this->sending_hour = 9; at 9am public function init() { if(date('N') == $this->sending_hour && date('G') == $this->sending_hour) { $this->addHook('LazyCron::everyHour', $this, 'dispatchMail'); } } Is the everyHour() trustworthy? What happens when the cache got deleted or isn't writeable? Or do you think there is a better way of handling this? (Note: Day and time must be configurable from the CMS. I can't call the module from a file that gets triggered by a real cron, because the CMS admins don't have access to the cron jobs on their server) Thanks
  22. Hej! Has anyone ever tried to save & load the files in / from the S3 instead / beside of the local filesystem ? by using http://framework.zend.com/manual/de/zend.cloud.html it is very esay to implement to save/load: http://blog.ebene7.com/2011/01/21/amazon-s3-mit-php-stream-wrapper-verwenden/ - but will PW work with it? By module? Or even better: a plugin that automatically saves/serves any files handled by the backend.. We will now try to build this, but we'll also happy about any thoughts about it!
  23. Font Awesome Page Label (almost stable version) Yet another PageListLabel module, why? Font Awesome is really awesome, hundreds of high quality icons, ready to use. (Don't we all know how cool icon fonts are.) I wished to use icons in conjunction with the other PageList modules out there. (Page List Better Labels, Page List Image Label & Page List Show Page Id ) I wanted the possibility to style the icons individually with CSS. Showing icons triggered bij template name, but can be overruled bij Page ID. (Trash Page, 404 Page not found etc.) I wanted a better file or folder indication in the PageList tree. Download: github modules directory
  24. Hi there, i'm using processwire 2.4.0 with LanguageSupport (id=150, version=1.0.1) and FormBuilder (version=0.2.2): There are following possibilities to embed a form in html: Optiona A (Embed in Text): form-builder/contactform primary language --> ok secondary language --> not ok (Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /..../wire/core/Page.php on line 1253) Option B (echo in some-template.php) echo $forms->embed('contactform'); primary language --> ok secondary language --> not ok (Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /..../wire/core/Page.php on line 1253) Option C (echo in some-template.php) echo $forms->load('contactform')->render(); primary language --> ok (but no styles and no theme) secondary language --> ok (but no styles and no theme) All three possibilities don't work as expected. Does anybody know how to solve this problem? The PageObject seems to be null in secondary language.. object(NullPage)#461
  25. Hi guys, so I am a huge fan of composer. PW is missing one of the good parts of composer. So here is a new installer to install the modules of PW via composer. If you have created a module for PW, what you need to do is add a composer.json file in your github repo and add it to packagist. An example composer.json is { "name": "vendor/package-name", "type": "pw-module", "description": "Your module what it does", "keywords": [ "keywords", "comma", "seprated"], "homepage": "https://github.com/harikt/Assets", "license": "BSD-2-Clause", "authors": [ { "name": "Assets Contributors", "homepage": "https://github.com/harikt/Assets/contributors" } ], "require": { "php": ">=5.3.0", "hari/pw-module": "dev-master" } } Note the minimum requirement is PHP 5.3 for composer is 5.3 . An example of a module that works with this is https://github.com/harikt/Assets ( Move the index.php to any where ) You are welcome to read the post at http://harikt.com/blog/2013/11/08/assets-for-processwire/ Installing modules How do you install the PW modules and the 3rd party dependencies ? Assuming you are in the PW folder. First download composer from http://getcomposer.org/download/. Hope you have composer.phar now. php composer.phar require vendor/package-name Will install if the vendor/package-name is of type "pw-module" and you have added the "hari/pw-module" in require section. { "name": "vendor/package-name", // more stuffs "type": "pw-module", "require": { "php": ">=5.3.0", "hari/pw-module": "dev-master" } } to `site/modules/PackageName` . php composer.phar require hari/assets Try the above and see where it is installed. Please add a composer.json if you are a module maintainer, for there is more things we can do with composer .
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