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Everything posted by adrian

  1. The problem is that Ryan doesn't seem to update the docs on the website until he commits a new master version which is I why I always use the API panel in Tracy ?
  2. I actually find the Debug panel > Selector Queries section more useful because it shows which selector calls result in which SQL queries.
  3. Also, this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kcRf3iUgSk It's horribly put together, but the I wonder if perhaps there is something to the "link to malicious or hacked page" - perhaps a link on your site is linking to an external malicious site?
  4. @Kiwi Chris - I haven't ever seen this warning, but it sounds potentially something that needs to be taken care of. Have you seen these info pages? https://developers.google.com/search/docs/advanced/security/social-engineering https://www.getastra.com/blog/911/social-engineering-content-detected/ https://software-wikipedia.medium.com/social-engineering-content-detected-on-your-site-how-to-fix-it-238cd3fb9d65 https://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/pl/security/news/cybercrime-and-digital-threats/google-now-warns-against-social-engineering-content https://software-wikipedia.medium.com/social-engineering-content-detected-on-your-site-how-to-fix-it-238cd3fb9d65
  5. Silly question perhaps, but have you applied the textformatter to the field where the video URLs are being embedded?
  6. Is the problem really related to the <p> tags? Any chances it's related to this: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/TextformatterVideoEmbed/issues/16 Ryan seems to have dropped the ball with this module. Might be time to start using this instead: https://processwire.com/modules/textformatter-video-markup/
  7. Tracy's File Editor panel allows you to easily fix stuff. It doesn't have the file management component like this module, but it works for my needs when I am away from my dev machine.
  8. Click the icon after the "Console" in the title bar to see all the shortcuts
  9. Hi @MoritzLost - sorry about that - not sure how I messed up the keyboard shortcut. Should be working properly in the latest version. Note that I typically use the ALT/OPT + Enter to run snippets because it clears and runs in one action. Regarding deleting a saved snippet - did you do that from the Console panel, or directly from the file system? You should do it from the console panel so that it also removes the entry from its local storage so it doesn't try to load the snippet from disk.
  10. @Ivan Gretsky - sorry for the trouble - could you please debug which of these conditions (https://github.com/adrianbj/AdminRestrictBranch/blob/4964a3f5b83338f7313f7c6daeefe6c6793640b0/AdminRestrictBranch.module.php#L228) is resulting in the error message? And if it's the last one, then figure out where in this method: https://github.com/adrianbj/AdminRestrictBranch/blob/4964a3f5b83338f7313f7c6daeefe6c6793640b0/AdminRestrictBranch.module.php#L236 or in this hook (https://github.com/teppokoivula/AdminRestrictBranchSelect/blob/3ac88e7f4da482a5a16dad1abe3f221fdaeb2742/AdminRestrictBranchSelect.module.php#L54) in @teppo's module it's returning "1", rather than one of the allowed branch parents? BTW - are you having the same issue with ARB without this addon module?
  11. If I understand correctly, this should do it: https://github.com/adrianbj/TracyDebugger/blob/481a548a4d9f09784ccb1c7f598212e2923b2191/TracyDebugger.module.php#L774-L784
  12. @Ivan Gretsky - guest a guess - are you using the correct setting in the main ARB module? Or are you perhaps logging in via a URL to open a specific branch of the page tree?
  13. Does this help? https://processwire.com/modules/fieldtype-image-marker/ I have modified it to use the coordinates, but not show the marker on the frontend. Otherwise, perhaps you could build in fieldtype around this https://github.com/maschek/imgmap/
  14. @rjgamer - you could of course just use a different image field in the repeater so the rules can target it separately.
  15. @rjgamer - just did some testing and I remember now that it's not designed to handle repeater fields as separate pages like you are trying to do. I assumed that rules should be applied to all images on a page, whether they are within a repeater field or as a regular image field. It would have actually been much easier to set up the other way ? I am sure the module could be modified to achieve what you're looking for, but not sure I can do it in a timely fashion for you. I will take a look when I get a chance though. Remember that PRs are always welcome!
  16. @rjgamer - a few things: 1) Not sure if it will break anything, but I'd steer clear of naming a field "meta" because PW has an inbuilt meta field: https://processwire.com/api/ref/page/meta/ 2) When selecting enabled pages, I am not sure it's going to work to select the actual repeater page parent (although I'd need to check to be sure). Does it work if you select the parent of the tree of pages that has the repeater field in their template? 3) It should be fine to have 2 separate rules for each of the fields - have you tried adding an extra rule to handle this?
  17. Hi @bernhard - have you tried the "Clear Session & Cookies" option - I think that does what you are looking for.
  18. @MarkE - this looks really very impressive - looking forwarding to testing it out! @Kiwi Chris - that's one of the things that my ancient Migrator module handles - it takes several loops to correctly install required fieldtype modules, create fields (including any required page reference page trees, as well as any new fields they might need), templates and pages such that all dependencies are satisfied in the correct order. This stuff is all pretty painful. Definitely curious to see how @MarkE has handled this.
  19. Just did a quick test and it looks great - thanks for sharing this - I think it will be a great solution for many folks.
  20. Hi @fisnik - I am sorry I don't have time to look into this, but if you dig into the MigratorWordpress code that parses the xml you should be able to grab the feature image (if that plugin is adding it to the xml). Looking at your other post on the CMSCritic thread, it looks like you are also considering the approach used there - maybe that's a better option for you?
  21. @Mackski - take a look at the "Copy or Move Repeater Items to Other Page" action in the AdminActions module. What you've done may work for some repeaters, but won't handle images if there is an image field involved.
  22. @teppo - this sounds like a pretty decent solution. I wonder if it might be something that could be incorporated into the ARB module as a feature. Let me know if you'd be willing/able to share the code at some point, or even better if you would be happy to incorporate into ARB as a PR.
  23. I'd still recommend backing everything up before-hand, but it should all be ok. If it's a critical website that can't have any downtime, I would also suggest making a copy and upgrading that just to check there aren't any issues, especially with third party modules.
  24. I migrated a 2.3 site directly to 3.x without any problems.
  25. @CliffG - I'd also suggest it might be time to upgrade to PW 3 ? - it's usually just a simple upgrade of the wire directory (.htaccess and index.php files). Rarely does it require anything more.
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