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Everything posted by adrian

  1. Just in case someone stumbles across this in the future - forceLogin() is now available (since 2.6.8): https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-2.6.8-brings-new-version-of-reno-admin-theme-and-more/#new-session-gt-forcelogin-user-method-to-login-user-without-a-password
  2. Sorry - I can't seem to duplicate this at all here - for me there is only the one template option listed. Is there any way you can narrow things down to a certain configuration? Perhaps access to a test install that is showing the issue? Thanks for helping to figure this out.
  3. This module should do what you are looking for: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/after-save-actions/
  4. This is intentional - if you want the automatically generated password to be used, make sure the password field is not populated. Not surprising - EmailNewUser is not autoload outside of the admin interface - see the instructions for using via the API where it mentions that you need to manually load it first. You could either change: "autoload": "template=admin", in the EmailNewUser.info.json to autoload : true or you would need to hack the FrontendUser module so that it loads this module with: wire('modules')->get("EmailNewUser"); // call the module since it is not autoload on the front end Perhaps you could request for pwFoo to add a check if this module is installed and if so, load it - others might find that useful too.
  5. Ok, there is a new version with a new config setting: Automatic Email Send. This is checked by default, but if you uncheck this, then when creating new users the Send Email checkbox will be unchecked by default, so you will need to manually check each time to want to email a new user upon creation. This setting also works with users added via the API. If unchecked, they won't be sent an email, so you will need to use: $newuser->sendEmail = true; to have the email sent. Hope that meets your needs and others also find it useful!
  6. Hi Beluga - glad you are finding it useful, although I have to wonder if your use case for emailing the admin when a new user registers couldn't be better handled by a separate custom module - most of the code from this module is likely not relevant. I think your tinkering regarding a manual only send email feature might be a useful option for this module. It could be a configurable option that adds a checkbox to the user page which could be checked or unchecked by default which determines whether the email is sent or not when registering a new user - would that work for you?
  7. Sorry I thought it was already doing this correctly, but I just checked and noticed that setting "Can this template be used for new pages?" to "No" doesn't remove the "Add New" button - is that the issue you are referring to? I am using addable() on the parent page for determining if the Add New button should be displayed, but I see that this has an override for superusers. It also doesn't consider the noParents setting - you need the createable() method for that. Is this the issue you are having? Are you testing as superuser? Is the behavior correct as normal user? I am in a rush out the door, so will look at this further when I am back, but I might need to use a different approach for checking this.
  8. Hi Orlando - glad you found the MigratorWordpress importer useful. I assume the comments were imported automatically via MigratorWordpress? I think this is a bug in the module. The "Import Created / Modified Dates" settings is not working for comments. Was this your situation or was your initial comments import handled outside of MigratorWordpress? Either way, I'll add it to my list to fix this.
  9. Hey @valan - sorry about that - it was a bug in Hide mode. I just committed a new version that should fix things for you.
  10. I know this doesn't answer your question, but there is already a highly configurable module for grabbing Youtube and Vimeo images: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-get-video-thumbs/
  11. Hey Sephiroth - remember this is kongondo's module, not mine but I am sure he would appreciate PRs. I know that he has been very busy with other things lately and hasn't had much time in the forums, but hopefully he can review and accept a PR fairly quickly still.
  12. Cerulean - sorry for the delay, I was on vacation. Like mr-fan, I haven't had issues either with this, but I do have my memory settings quite high. I should probably add some batch functionality to the exporting like the ListerPro action uses. I'll add it to my list of things to do, hopefully fairly shortly.
  13. Sorry everyone for the delay on fixing this - I was on vacation. It was related to a recent change to prevent it affecting language file uploads. Please let me know if anyone still has any issues.
  14. Thanks Sephiroth for chiming in here and helping - much appreciated! This is my last post for a couple of weeks, but zervis you are in very good hands with Sephiroth - he has used MigratorWorpdress extensively and has contributed to its codebase!
  15. Hi zervis and welcome! You say that the importing works fine, so I don't think it is an issue with MigratorWordpress. If you don't have a view link, then it sounds like you don't have a template file for the new pages - something like news.php in your templates directory. Sorry, I am in a rush here - it's late and I am headed on vacation for two weeks in the a few hours, so hopefully someone else can help guide you through the process of creating the required template file if you are not already familiar with that - it's just like any of the other template files - basic-page.php, home.php etc.
  16. Sorry, in a bit of a rush, so I won't answer your question directly, but if you want to generate an export specifically for Excel, I would take a look at making use of something like: https://phpexcel.codeplex.com/ If you want to stay with the CSV route, the Batch Child Editor module (https://processwire.com/talk/topic/6102-batch-child-editor/) might satisfy your needs. It comes with an admin CSV export, and also an API method that can be used like this: // delimiter, enclosure, file extension, names in first row, multiple field separator, array of field names $page->exportCsv(',', '"', 'csv', true, "\r", array('title','body','images','textareas')); This will export the defined fields from all child pages of the current page. Of course I don't know your exact needs, but thought I'd point out these, just in case they are useful.
  17. This module from Ryan might be a good place for you to start: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/rss-feed-loader/ It could be easily modified to save the content from the RSS feed as pages in PW.
  18. A few more tweaks - you can now specify the separator when importing and exporting tables with the new multi-value fields. Also a couple of bug fixes and a speed improvement when importing.
  19. It's just a simple typo diogo: // if this field doesn't exist continue if(!field) continue; You're missing the $
  20. Thanks diogo - I just read the post title, and apparently none of the actual content of the post - even so my answer was still wrong - oh well
  21. @houseofdeadleg It is working fine in a repeater for me - are you getting any errors (debug mode on?) or can you think of anything unusual about your setup?
  22. Hi Ivan, Thanks for reporting that - it should be fixed in the version I just committed. Please let me know how it goes.
  23. Take a look at this thread: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/1176-hiding-uneditable-pages-from-users/page-2 There are several posts by myself that link to some gists and also an attached module that tackle this from different angles. Regardless you should find something in one of those that will get you sorted out.
  24. Just in case anyone is interested and missed my post in the module's support thread, TableCsvImportExport (http://modules.processwire.com/modules/table-csv-import-export/) now supports all the new options that Ryan added with Table 7-beta - single and multiple page-reference fields and multiple options. Export converts page IDs to the title of the page. Import looks up the titles and populates the table with the IDs of the matching pages
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