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Everything posted by adrian

  1. Sorry, I don't have much time right now to test your page field scenario, but in general you shouldn't need "Rename on Save" to make it work for API uploading. I just tested to confirm, and everything still works for me when adding an image like: $page->images->add("http://myserver.com/image.jpg"); $page->of(false); $page->save(); What happens if you don't use "Rename on Save" at your end? I'd really like to help you debug this when I have a few spare minutes, but it seems like I will need to replicate your page field setup - maybe you could create a site profile that I could test with? Padloper is actually by @apeisa, but I am sure he'll appreciate your best wishes
  2. Are you still using the "Rename on Save" option? That is likely the culprit, although I am not completely sure why. Obviously I would like to get that completely reliable, but in the meantime, do you actually need it? If you are setting the name of the image based on $page->name and you don't have anyway of changing the name of a page when the title is changed (the default behavior in PW), then I don't think there is much point to that setting in your case. Just to confirm, is it the name of the image in the images field, or embedded into an RTE, or both? Is it random or can you give me a way to reliably reproduce it?
  3. I have a pending PR that adds user images along with some other enhancements for logged in users: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/pull/954 Maybe if you test out those changes and you like them you could add a comment to that PR to encourage Ryan to incorporate them
  4. I haven't played with it myself yet, but does this do what you want? https://processwire.com/talk/topic/10829-comments-fieldtype-with-star-rating/
  5. The forum is not built on PW and the best option is definitely google site search. For the main PW site and the modules subsite, the built-in search could probably still use some improvements, but a tip for the modules - enter as the classname, eg: http://modules.processwire.com/search/?q=admincustomfiles Not perfect I know, but hopefully will help you out in the meantime.
  6. Thanks again @tpr - very nice! I have merged those changes and also merged the dev version of BCE into master. I do have a few more ideas/tweaks to implement, but I'll be working on the master branch again for now. Note - for those using the new BCE with PW stable I have had to disable the new Lister mode as it won't work properly on PW stable. Now that this new version is being pushed out through PW module upgrades and lots more users will be using it, please let me know if anyone discovers any issues.
  7. Hi Wanze, It looks like the current version of this can't be installed using PW's built-in by class name feature, because it tries to install Pages2df before WirePDF. It works fine if you use the URL option and point it to the zip on Github though because that way it downloads and extracts and shows you both modules with the option to install WirePDF.
  8. Thank you - it's been merged !
  9. Thanks @tpr - I have merged your changes so this functionality is now available on the dev branch of BCE. I really appreciate your work on this! As for the table sort feature - it would be nice to have this working - I will add to my list of things, but I am pretty short on time at the moment, but again, PR's are most welcome Given the bugs with the sort handles and the Add New button with stable BCE and dev PW, I would like to merge BCE dev to stable fairly shortly, so if anyone has noticed any other issues, especially with the new Lister mode, the new Inline Fieldset position option, and also the alternative Parent Page option (under the Content / Deletion / Protection settings tab), please let me know. I do have some tweaks I would still like to make to the Lister mode - mainly getting the "Add New" button to work - I have disabled this for the moment because there are target issues with PW modals when called from inside iframes that I need to figure out, but I still think the current dev version of BCE is now more stable given that so many of us are using the dev version of PW.
  10. Ok, you can now define the default sort order in the config settings. However there is still a problem with adding a sort filter to override the default sort order. On my end at least, this seems to be a problem with Lister itself - I can't add a sort filter for a standard lister. Maybe something wrong with my pW sandbox installation. I will need to investigate this further a little later - no more time right now.
  11. Just an FYI - the latest dev version now has the default sort in Lister mode set to "sort" - should be a nicer, more consistent experience!
  12. Thanks for those reports - The problems you were having is due to the new AJAX loading of the Children tab in recent dev versions of PW. I had fixed that in the dev version of BCE, but never ported back to master. I am testing your checkbox toggles here and they work great, but a couple of things need fixing. In the screenshot you'll see that the checkbox is above the column header label - seems to be an issue when the title/name of the child page is really long. The other more important issue is that the checkboxes don't get loaded when using the new AJAX load option in BCE: BTW, the AJAX open option is really only useful if you are placing BCE in a new tab or in an inline fieldset in the Content tab, because the Children tab is already AJAX in PW dev. Would you mind having a look at these and sending me a PR on the dev branch? Thanks again! PS I'll look into the issue of the clickable, but not sortable table header links!
  13. @tpr - thanks very much for the PR - the functionality looks awesome and will be a great timesaver - I'll try to review in the next couple of days. I haven't ever seen the header "order by" icons in BCE - I certainly didn't add them intentionally - have you added these? @BernhardB - thanks for all the likes I just looked at your video and the only issue I can reproduce is the shift-click selecting checkbboxes both hidden and unpublished columns - not sure if I can fix this or not since it is core functionality, but I will take a look. I am not having any issues using the sort/move handles and the Add New is also working fine. I am using the dev version of BCE here, but I know it worked for me with stable before. I would be curious if you have the same issue with the dev version though. Could you also let me know if there are any console errors - looks like the javascript for BCE is not working at all for you. Is anyone else seeing these issues?
  14. Thanks - I do see your point regarding the check all - it would be especially useful for the hidden/unpublished options and I am sure something similar could be done for the delete option in edit view also. Would you mind adding an Issue on Github for me so I don't forget to do this at some point, or better yet, a PR
  15. Sorry for the late response on this one - it is definitely on my list of things to do - unfortunately it doesn't seem to be as simple as it sounds - I am getting conflicts with the main Pages->Find Lister, but when I find some time, I'll definitely see if it can be fixed.
  16. The easiest way to batch delete a huge number of pages is to enable the "Replace" mode and make sure you have the "Text/Paste" option checked under: Data entry / CSV import options > Page data options Then simply empty the TextArea list of all the child pages and click save! Please let me know if anything doesn't make sense - the config options in this module can take a while to get the hang of
  17. A little self promotion here BatchChildEditor gives you an alternate interface that allows for very quick deletion of multiple pages. It may or may not suit your needs. Those delete buttons are toggles that mark the page for deletion, but the user still has to click Save to process the deletions, so this makes it pretty good at preventing accidental deletions.
  18. Thanks for the details. I think it must be a combination of the number in the page name and the "Rename on Save" setting. I am glad the custom ### option fixes it for you though I still can't reproduce it here though, so just curious, what version of PW and CUN are you running?
  19. Hi Alexander, I just tried to replicate here and can't seem to. Could you maybe post some screenshots of your CUN settings and also the tree of pages. Or better yet can you set up an example on lightning.pw so I can see the issue in action?
  20. I wonder if the easiest way might be with kongondo's brand new module: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/10804-module-runtimemarkup-fieldtype-inputfield/
  21. BTW - in case you aren't already, you might want to consider adding the ForcePasswordChange module: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/password-force-change/ This helps to reduce the security issues associated with emailing a password. The user will be required to change their password when they first login.
  22. Great - glad to hear you got everything working. I am super busy here at the moment and don't have time right now to see if there would be a simple way to remove the need for a blank "pass" column in the CSV field, but I don't think it matters so long as anyone attempting this knows it is required.
  23. Hi Ivan, I am still half asleep, so might be completely off here, but you are doing a removeAll on "chalet_dining" - given that, should you be doing: $_page->chalet_dining->add($item); rather than: $_page->pagearray->add($item);
  24. Hi @ZGD and welcome to the forums! Sorry you are having troubles with this module. It does sound like a very weird situation indeed. Can you please confirm that the from email address is correctly filled out in the module config settings, like so: If it is, could you try an: error_log($this->data['fromEmail']); just after line 141 and see what it returns.
  25. @iNoize, Looking at your code, you are loading: EmailAdminNewUser rather than EmailNewUser. So, you are not using this module at all, but rather a module written by @Beluga - https://processwire.com/talk/topic/9811-frontenduser-login-logout-and-register-users-members/?p=101533 So I am afraid you will need to ask him about it.
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