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Everything posted by kongondo

  1. I can't find this 'add new image'. Could you please post a screenshot? Thanks.
  2. I've sent a couple of you the latest VPS to beta test please before the official release. Thanks!
  3. Hi @Sebastian. What's the difference between your local and remote servers? I have also not tried Blog on PHP 7. I'm hoping to move Blog fully to PW3.x sometime soon (maybe early 2018). Maybe then I can test on PHP7.
  4. I can confirm this (PW 3.0.84). Must be a bug. To get around this, like you said previously, just choose the one under Multiple Page Selection (sortable). It will still work with your Single Page field.
  5. Interesting idea. I'll have think. Maybe we can include and option in blog to specify the image field to use, including Media Manager field and similar.
  6. Hi @quickjeff. I'm not sure I follow. What sort of collaboration between the two modules are you after?
  7. I use PicPick. Open your select menu and then use the keyboard shortcut for tasking a screen grab (region, whole screen, etc)
  8. Unless it was changed recently, AsmSelect and PageAutocomplete are configured to return 50 results. Could that be the reason why some results not showing up?
  9. Glad you like the module. I'll have a look when I update the module to support ProcessWire 3 only. Meanwhile, you could try saving the settings directly via their respective pages. Some live in the comments page, etc. Gotta run, so can't provide more info, sorry.
  10. We have been patient and we have been accommodating with this thread. However, it has now reached a point whereby this thread is no longer constructive and therefore it has been closed.
  11. For now, a simple else for the !is_string() check in sleepValue() will get rid of it. It will mean, though, zeroes saved to DB for any blank values. if(!is_string($languageValue)) $sleepValue[$dataname] = number_format($languageValue, $precision, '.', ''); else $sleepValue[$dataname] = NULL;// or '' or 0
  12. @thmsnhl. Glad you got it sorted.
  13. I need my head to be examined! I was looking at the wrong setting. What we've always had is the limitFields setting. That limits selectable columns. We also currently have disallowColumns, for columns that should not be selectable/displayed. For the columns to display by default we need to set the properties columns and defaultColumns. These two have been missing from VPS. I have added these to the latest version (5) that I am working on. The former is done programmatically. The latter is what you'll see as a setting in a VPS field. I hope to release this tomorrow to a limited number of users for beta testing. @Macrura, I will also add a setting to allow/disallow other users from seeing the columns filter when using the Lister. This means that they will only be able to work with the columns you've set if you wish. I think this was part of your request, no? I can't recall if this is the normal behaviour in Lister Pro. If it is not, please let me know. Bookmarks are not the only way, as per my explanation above. defaultColumns will sort this out. Sounds like a good idea. I'll have to study this first. It will certainly not make it into the current version of VPS (5). Something else I'll have to study, in this case since I've never used Bookmarks before . If you can get VPS5 by tomorrow, defaultColumns should be able to partly solve your issue I think.
  14. My bad! That's what happens when you type just before dashing out the door . As @adrian shows above, it should be InputfieldMarkup. There's a couple of examples in the Blog module link I posted above. Note that since the method is static in the blog case, we use this instead: $m = new InputfieldMarkup; $m->label = __('Blog fully installed'); // blah blah $form->add($m); Guilty as charged sir! Ditto - the rushing out the door . Corrected the links, ta.
  15. You add non-form stuff to forms using MarkupInputfield...for instance... edit typo: InputfieldMarkup
  16. If using the old style, what you need is the method getModuleConfigInputfields(). I think it used to be a static method so no $this, etc, but that could have changed at some point I. Here's how we do it in the Blog module (static method). For that specific case we jump through a couple of hoops but it need not be that complicated in normal use. You can also look at other examples to get the gist of it (e.g. Tracy, [non-static method] and some core modules. Invariably, these will be Process modules, e.g ProcessPageSearch.). Your module will have to implement the ConfigurableModule interface. The Module interface is a good read.. In the links above, see also the code for retrieving saved values. Here are some old links on this topic: Possibly related Edit: see next post if you already know above; my bad; just re-read your post.
  17. @Robin S. Excellent solution! I think it is worth mentioning in the other thread that the solution does work (and cross-reference it with this GIF)...to help those who come across that thread. Ta.
  18. I have never tried it in a repeater but I do have my doubts. I'll test and let you know. Edit: I've just tested...and, we'll what do you know, it works! Well, mostly . I'll just need to sort out an issue similar to this one in VPS (a solution exists [scroll down a couple of posts]; just needs to be implemented). Otherwise, at the moment, the selections are affecting each other (selects have identical IDs since they are just being, er, repeated). No ETA for now though, but definitely on the cards. Thanks for your interest.
  19. I'm even more confused than you . That's the main source of my confusion. This was working before and I remember you asking this question previously. I have now checked, way back to VPS3 and it's not working! Not even in PW2.7. I don't know if it's a caching issue. Not currently supported but it can be done; we have this in Media Manager. I haven't been able to reproduce this. I've just tested and initSelector works fine here (PW 3.0.84). Strange one. We have no add new button in VPS. Must be a CSS issue related to Bookmarks? When the modal loads (if using default theme), there's a brief flash of some button but then it disappears. Sorry about this issues. However, I am afraid these Lister issues will now have to wait until after the next release of VPS which is quite close. I was going to request a number of you to beta test VPS5 (given the move to PW 3 + the other changes coming in RE Robin's suggestions). I hope you don't mind waiting till that is sorted. Thanks.
  20. Ah, I see. A while ago, I had a similar issue with Media Manager which I resolved using preg_match and str_replace. I must have forgotten to do the same for VPS. I'll do this in the next version of VPS. Thanks for catching this.
  21. Hi @mattgs, Sorry for the problems you are experiencing. You'll need to be a bit more descriptive. What is not working correctly? What ProcessWire version? Thanks.
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