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Everything posted by kongondo

  1. @OrganizedFellow This is the craziest coincidence ever! I was gonna post here later today. Just this Monday, I have had to go back to my trusty Windows. Reason? printing! For some reason, suddenly, my printouts were all washed out in a strange hue of pink! I decided to try print from a Windows in a VM machine but it wouldn't see the printer. I let that go, but then I needed to scan some things. It took me a little while to find an app for that. I tried it (I can't remember its name) and the previews looked fine. Scanning it though, the scans came out in the same hue of pink! That was the last straw. I suppose some update messed up my printer settings. I didn't have the energy to switch to another distro and hoped it worked. My Linux days are over, probably for good now. So now I am back to my beloved Windows...viruses, ready or not, here I come! ?. I better stop now; I am still running updates! sigh! I am back on Laragon as well, which is great! Cheers.
  2. Oh gosh, no, that's not what I meant ?....just a more friendly error than a fatal one. I didn't notice though that you were using type hinting in the function arguments, so, my bad.
  3. Yes, it's always good to do this but I was wondering if maybe the function itself should (also) do this check? ...just to make it more robust. Thanks.
  4. Hi. Please PM @Pete, the forum admin. Maybe some settings got mucked up. Sorry.
  5. Looking nice even in its unfinished state :-). One thing now that we have you here (I think I might have asked this before), you know when one is browsing list of unread posts/content, we used to be able to hover on a topic's title in the list and click a button/link to mark that AND ONLY that post as read. That was a time saver! There are times when you just want to mark A FEW/SOME posts as read without actually opening them (?). Are you able to look into this please? Thanks!
  6. I use Vega and its sister components. Under the hood, it uses D3js. It was created by some of the guys who originally developed D3js and its precursors. The beauty with Vega is that it is visualisation grammar. It uses a declarative language to build visualisations. The language is just JSON! with a few added strings that the parser will recognise as functions. Vega is actively developed at the University of Washington, so, it looks like it's here to stay. I started working on a Vega module for ProcessWire but never got round to finishing it. It's currently on the slow burner but will revisit it once we get to Padloper reports/analytics.
  7. You are right. I am not referring to the website. However, you might need certain aspects of your products to be multilingual, for instance, their categories/collections, descriptions, etc. Padloper needs to make sure that the developer/shop owner has inputs corresponding to the languages they have installed for entering information. In my example above, if you had a product "Trousers" and your shop is in Canada, you probably have an English and a French version of the site. Padloper needs to give you inputs for both when you are creating product categories, tags, or inputting product titles, descriptions, etc. Maybe you are thinking about old Padloper ? :-). Exactly.
  8. In addition..just in case you missed it: https://processwire.com/api/ref/fieldtype/get-inputfield/
  9. Hello all, Multilingual Quick question(s). I am working on the GuI and refactoring Product code that I posted about a couple of 'updates' earlier. I want Padloper 2 to be multilingual ready from day one. I am not talking about translatable strings but fields whose input may need to be multilingual, for instance Product names, descriptions, etc. I've gone back and forth about product categories, tags and options and their values (e.g. Colour => red, blue, yellow; Size => Small, Medium, Large) but I think these too should be multilingual ready. For instance, you French site can list or users can search for "Rouge", "Maison" etc or you might want to display petit/rouge for the French version of the site and small/red for the English one. Given this, the recommended way to go in ProcessWire are multilingual text fields. This invariably means that most things are 'pages'. On the other hand, for some functionality, if I didn't need the field to be multilingual, I could even make a custom DB table as opposed to a field, if I thought it had some advantages over creating a custom Fieldtype. I just wanted to pick your brains about this issue. Is there anything that you think I should consider? Anything you think I might have overlooked? My current position is to go with ProcessWire pages and multilingual text fields for product properties that can be translated and will need to be displayed in the frontend. These include titles, description, types (e.g. trousers/pantalon), tags (red/rouge), categories (summer/été), etc. I'd love to hear your thoughtss. Thanks.
  10. This also fixed it. Let me clarify Tracy Logs Panel disabled (logs not deleted): Loading speed fast Tracy Logs Panel enabled + Logs speed deleted: Loading speed fast Else: Loading speed slow
  11. Aaah. I see. I didn't know that.
  12. Definitely Tracy Logs and to some extent ProcessWire Logs. I enabled all panels , disabling them one by one to reach this conclusion. Deleting ProcessWire Logs did not help. Deleting Tracy Logs resolved the issue. For now, I've just disabled both logs since I don't need them. Thanks again!
  13. I highly suspect the logs (Tracy and ProcessWire). Sorry, I just disabled both. Let me try enable one by one and see what happens. See my post above as well. Ta.
  14. Seems we posted same time. I didn't have any custom panels enabled. Disabling panels and leaving a few (see my post above) seems to have resolved the issue. This wasn't enabled. I use it sometimes. I have now enabled it and page loads (front and back) are still fast. I did this before I posted my issue and it did not resolve the issue. 7.2
  15. @jmartsch, It works, thanks! I've disabled everything except for Debug Mode (I'm not sure I need this?), Console, Panel Selector and Tracy Toggler
  16. Thanks. Do you mean disable panels?
  17. Folks, I've searched, I promise :-). On the local multilingual site where I'm developing Padloper 2, with Tracy enabled both saving pages and viewing in the frontend takes about 7 seconds to load! With Tracy disabled the loading is fast. Any pointers? Thanks.
  18. It looks absolutely awesome! Please send the PR. i'll review it together with the others you've already made. Thanks!
  19. GitHub Pull Requests in Visual Studio Code How on earth did I/we miss this one?! Reviewing, creating, approving, commenting on and testing GitHub Pull Requests right inside VS Code! Introduction to the extension Creating PRs Marketplace I think this is pretty amazing! ?
  20. See the Page class (/wire/core/Page.php), especially the static array $baseProperties. For children, see this line. The magic itself happens in the method get(). For children(), this line, i.e.: // snip else if($type === 'm') { // local method return $this->{$key}();// magic :-)
  21. Unfortunately I am not a fan of the heredoc syntax (as well as the alternative syntax for control structures endif, etc and PHP short tags). I don't use them. So, I wouldn't accept any PR where these are used. I'll edit my first post. I should have written a contributing code thingy.... ?. Thanks for reminding me.
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