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Everything posted by DV-JF

  1. Hey @Guy Incognito, hey all I've struggled with the same error message, but found a solution: Make sure that you've enabled both API's the "Maps JavaScript API" & the "Geocoding API" . Also make sure to add the wildcards in the restriction settings like so: https://example.com/* https://www.example.com/* http://example.com/* http://www.example.com/* Hope this'll help a little bit. Greets!
  2. Hey all, I'm setting up a site with 3 languages: default = German en = English zh = Chinese simplified Is it possible to set all Chinese fields which are not translated yet to English instead of the default language German? In the settings of the fields I can only choose the default one? I was trying to edit / mess around the file wire/modules/LanguageSupport/LanguagesPageFieldValue.php but without any luck. Is there maybe any hook I could use to accomplish my purpose? Many greets, Jens alias DV-JF
  3. What I've found out, that if you have a Form builder form on your site, a cookie will be set even with the config setting mentioned above. To avoid this you have to disable the cross site scripting protection.
  4. Hey @joshua, I'm using your module in a "project master copy" of PW. Every time I start a new project I mirror this master copy. Most of the time I don't need a consent banner - so a deinstall it. The disadvantage of this procedure is that if I need the banner later or the customer wants to add a banner, I have to make all the settings again after installing it. Therefore it would be nice to have an option to disable the module. What do you think about this improvement? Greets Jens alias DV-JF
  5. @kongondo Just another short question. Is there a possibility to set an active class to the parent of an child element being active when using the $m->render() function? Found it, seconds later ? current_class_level' => 2 @kongondo Sorry for annoying you!
  6. There's of course a (simple) solution for your problem: Create a site with the name "Messages" (I use a template called "options" for this only with a title) Create a template for the messages e.g. with title and body field. Create a field "Choose messages" fieldtype "Page Reference" Setup this field - see: Add this field to your "development" template Code ? foreach($page->messages as $mes) { echo $mes->titel;} Hopefully this will you - if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask ? Greets!
  7. Hey all, hey @horst, I've strange behaviour and don't know where to debug: Following problem: The settings I'm using seems to be correct a test message is sent and I can receive it, but the Debug Log is orange and I can't submit any forms via FormBuilder. Unable to verify successful email delivery of this form submission. Any ideas? Many greets! EDIT: Found the problem, it was sitting right in front of the computer ? Forgot to edit the FormBuilder settings, therefore no mails where sent out. @horst and all others - sorry for being annoying!
  8. That's up to you... I prefer to use the external-media type for videos embedded by YouTube or Vimeo. The cookies themselves will not be labeled.
  9. You need to avoid loading the iframe just try: <iframe src="" data-src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/<?=$page->vimeoID;?>?color=5a90ff&portrait=0" data-category="marketing" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen> </iframe> This will block the whole iframe to be loaded until the user agree to us "marketing" cookies. With a little bit of css you can hide the empty iframes: iframe[src=""]{display:none};
  10. Stumble upon this.... After reading and reading again I don't get it... In German we say "Ich stehe auf dem Schlauch ? " Which ID do I have to add to which field in order to use the selection in this field as a condition of visibility for another field? Hints are welcome ? many greets!
  11. Hey Ryan... you're impressing me - now you can also timetravel ? Thank you for your update!
  12. Just a short question: Is it possible to use this with FormBuilder? Many greets!
  13. Hi @BitPoet , just a friendly reminder ? - Did you had a chance to look at this issue: https://github.com/BitPoet/FormBuilderMultiplier/issues/8 Perhaps you could give me some hints and I'll try to fix this problem. Many greets!
  14. @kongondo Thank you for the hint. Another short question: Is there a possibility to add a data attribute to the menu or/and the items, when using the render function?
  15. Hey @kongondo I've read the docs and tried to find some hints here in the forum, but couldn't find anything regarding to my problem: I need some menus only be displayed on the frontend when they are filled in the backend. When I try to render a menu <?=$menus->render('footer-3', $scnd_options);?> with no items in it I get an error: Even if i try to count the items before with <?php bd($menus->getMenuItems('footer-3'));?> I get this error. So how can I check, if a specific menu has some items, is not empty or is unpublished and render it only if these conditions match? Many greets.
  16. Hey @kongondo I've found a PHP warning, i guess, when there a no items assigned to a menu, have a look at the screenshot: Latest Version of PW 3.0.167 / Menu Builder 0.2.5 / PHP 7.2.34
  17. That's a good point. Right now there isn't a detection for this but I'll think about a way to implement this. Hey @joshua any news or ideas on this?
  18. Thank you for your answer - I'll think I'll have a look at https://processwire.com/api/ref/session/force-login/ Maybe I'll use a unique hash field which changes automaticly after the user is logged in.
  19. Hey all, short question: I've setup a multi-language site using different domains for the different languages in site/ready.php I'm using following code: <?php if($config->httpHost == "www.example.de") $user->language = $languages->get('default'); elseif ($config->httpHost == "www.example.si") $user->language = $languages->get('si'); elseif ($config->httpHost == "www.example.com") $user->language = $languages->get('en');?> All domains are mapped into the same directory - this is working superfine ? Now I have to take care about following use case: If a user is logged in and wants to change the language, the session have to be automatically transferred to the refering domain, so that the user having not to log in again. IS this possible? Can you give me some hints on how to do this best with the current PW version?
  20. Hey @johnstephens when I'm running into such problems, I'm trying to figure out which variable has which value at which time. A tool which is very helpful is TracyDebugger. https://modules.processwire.com/modules/tracy-debugger/ When you have installed the module you could do something like this... $dom = new \DOMDocument(); bd($dom); @$dom->loadHTML(mb_convert_encoding($html, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8')); bd($dom->getElementsByTagName('img')); foreach($dom->getElementsByTagName('img') as $img) { bd(img); } and you'll see exactly what you need to know - https://adrianbj.github.io/TracyDebugger/#/debug-bar?id=dumps Just give it a try and you'll love it ?
  21. @nbcommunication Hey Chris, just wanted to say thanx for this module!!! With ProcessWire 3.0.164 it worked out of the box... great readme.md! Is there a way to get you a cup of coffee ☕ ?? Only one short question? After two months, do I have to renew any tokens or so? Many greets, Jens alias DV-JF
  22. Hey @Pip, you're on the right way - keep on going... I would do it this way: Create a template for the items Create a template for the ingredients Create a page for holding all ingredients I normally use an empty template called "placeholder" for these pages Create a "Page Reference Field" called ingredients and assign this field to the items template Make sure to use "Choose multiple" in "Input" tab It's on your side to choose which one works best for you - just play around Choose the parent page "ingredients" as parent - see 3.) You can check "Allow Creating new Pages" - this gives you the option to add new ingredients directly from the item page. Now every thing should be set up to create a new "item" page. You should be able to select or create new ingredients directly from this page. Your page tree should look like this in the end: - Items - Pizza Dough - Hawaiian Pizza - Ingredients - Sauce - Pineapple - Cheese - Ham Even if this video is a little bit old, here's Ryan showing how it works:
  23. Hey @Mikie, thank you for this hint. Unfortunately this isn't an option for the upcoming project cause this service is not hosted in the EU. In any case I will have a closer look at it, maybe I can use it in one or the other project. I'm not only concerned with the costs that would arise from an upgrade. Of course I'm willing to pay for good software and also support Ryan with the use of some ProModules. I just wanted to clarify beforehand if I can still use the old version of Padloper, which I have already had good experience with, even if it has been difficult at times. Or if the new version of Padloper will be available in the very near future and if it is worth waiting for.
  24. Among other things, I work for an advertising agency that focuses on a specific industry. In 1st line the orders are mostly for smaller websites (max. 20 subpages) for handicraft companies. For this purpose we are currently developing a "Master-Template", which then only needs to be filled by content editors. This template is used for all end customers and will be further developed during operation. Should an end customer have "special" wishes regarding design or function, we usually implement this in the project of the respective customer, and then adapt this functionality into the already existing "main template". For version management, we used GitHub - with the files in the /site/ folder, it works best. However, we're still looking for a way to document changes to templates and fields so we can incorporate them into the main project.
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