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Everything posted by diogo

  1. I'm on mobile and at my parents door waiting to finish this answer to ring. Just wanted to thank for your text and tell you that it told me a lot about mode, a system that I don't know, but respect. I'm sorry for your losses.
  2. Good news! http://blog.atom.io/2014/05/06/atom-is-now-open-source.html
  3. Can you confirm if the maximum files allowed is really set to 1? Or in the situation that Soma referred, are you turning the output off in any place of the code before this?
  4. I'm assuming it's not off as it would be the normal in this case. To make it clear, this is what Soma is referring to:
  5. Still doesn't make sense. If the maximum files allowed is set to 1 you don't need to foreach because avatar is not an array. Do this instead: $avatar = $user->avatar; if ($avatar->url){ $thumb = $avatar->size(142); $avatar_thumb .= "<img class='img-rounded img-responsive' src='{$thumb->url}'' alt='{$avatar->description}'' />"; } else { $avatar_thumb .= "This ia a test"; } ?> <!--Display Avatar image--> <div class="user-image"> <?php echo $avatar_thumb; ?> </div>
  6. Go to the admin. Edit the page "about". write "lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala" in the field called "sidebar". save the page. open the "about" page in the browser.
  7. I marked Soma's answer as the solution.
  8. I know how it works, I worked if a couple of companies that not being too big had the same kind of policy, more by laziness than any other reason. I understand that we, as service providers can't change that and have to adapt to the circumstances, but that doesn't mean that I understand how it is possible that, after so many years and even after microsoft themselves stopped supporting these browsers, they are still being used. Whenever I go to a bank or state department and they use a IE browser in a XP machine to access my personal data all my body shivers...
  9. I just don't get it. Don't chrome and ff work on XP?
  10. Not needed in PW so leave them out of the way Outside PW, though, Savant looks interesting since it also uses pure PHP http://phpsavant.com/ -- Edit: :D just realised that Savant was first written by the guy that wrote that article you linked to.
  11. diogo

    2048 anyone?

    Martijn, try to keep the pieces on the ground. Trap them (edit: the big ones) in a corner if you can
  12. diogo

    2048 anyone?

    I've been playing in my phone for relaxing and (no screenshot, sorry) i've seen the black square of 4096
  13. Interesting https://github.com/raphaelbastide/ofont http://usemodify.com/
  14. Agree with this. Fortunately Ryan is a sensible person and charges only for features that have very specific uses, I don't think he will ever decide to make commercial something that should belong to the core. I'm convinced that the same would happen with most of the people that dedicate to PW.
  15. The Soma from youtube is a bit more good looking than the Soma from PW, but that's maybe because the photo from PW is pixelated...
  16. Really?? So who's the green person here in the forums???
  17. Agreed with everything else you said but not this.
  18. diogo


    Only their webpage already gives me the creeps, but seeing their demo really freaks me out. I can't install it to try myself, but for what I've seen we are talking of two completely different products. I can't tell you if it's "better", only that one I feel like trying and giving it a chance and the other I feel like never looking at it again. Edit: how can a company that sells a software for building websites have this kind of quirks in their own website?
  19. Wow, this video is quite old and I've never seen it Can, now you can (sorry for the repetition) do this with easily with Apeisa's Fredi http://modules.processwire.com/modules/fredi/ Edit: Soma, who is the cool guy on your youtube avatar? Edit2: Mad drawing and sculpting skills by the way
  20. diogo


    Tried it by drawing a rectangle with some type inside and or what I've seen it creates a very clean code. I just don't really know how to deal with these graphical tools... even being a designer before being a coding I get a bit confused with what I'm supposed to do. Still, it seemed much more intuitive than Adobe's muse or edge.
  21. Some people put a LOT of work in this project that benefit a lot of other people. The fact that they can sell a very small percentage of this work to compensate all this involvement is probably the only warranty that you have that they won't be forced to stop doing it at some point. You are already using a great piece of software* without paying a dime for it. Edit: *sorry for the understatement. Please read: "the best CMS and best CMF in the world"
  22. I hope I interpreted it correctly Besides giving a working example, what I meant was to answer that you do have to use the API, but that it is extremely simple to do and it will also be very simple for the editors.
  23. You can give the choice of having a sidebar or moving it from left to right with something as simple as this: 1. create two checkbox fields "remove_sidebar" and "sidebar_right" with the labels "remove the sidebar" and "move sidebar to the right" and add them to your template. 2. add this to the template file: <?php if(!$page->remove_sidebar): ?> <div class="sidebar<?php if($page->sidebar_right) echo 'float_right'; ?>"> <!-- html code for the sidebar --> </div> <?php endif; ?> This will print the code for the sidebar only if the first checkbox is not checked (notice the !), and will add the "float_right" class to it only if the second checkbox is checked. Then you just have to float .float_right to the right in your stylesheet. This is only an example of class and css, of course.
  24. You can foreach $items but not $items->menu_item. What is the menu_item field by the way? A page field?
  25. Now we know what the S in NSA stands for At that time I was already having lunch, your spying is not very accurate
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