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Everything posted by diogo

  1. Perfect! This really puts PW ahead of anything I've seen in all aspects, not only in development flexibility...
  2. you don't really have to get both words right, you know? One of the words is there because you are helping google to scan thousands of old books. * thought it would be interesting for those that don't know it
  3. oh, i'm not sure you can do this in a conventional way. but you can divide your content over several pages under the same parent, and paginate them...
  4. ifttt is such a clever idea, would be nice to have PW as a channel there
  5. I'm not sure to understand exactly what you pretend. Have a look here http://processwire.c...rkup-pager-nav/, you can paginate anything that is on a PW page array. ← EDIT: added the word "page" there
  6. Hm... i wonder if it would be possible to add a check box on page editing to make that page being skipped on URLs... An idea for a module maybe?
  7. The most interesting page is missing As a passionate for typography I would love to see it! I like the website, especially the logo.
  8. I mean that you have to apply here the same logic that you use for pages. Because, unlike what happens with php includes, the javascript doesn't have access to your folder structure. How do you create pages in PW? You create the page on the tree, and you assign a template to it that is connected to a php file on your templates folder. So, here you have to do the same EDIT: Glad that you are getting into it
  9. I second that. You have to use here the same logic that you use for normal pages. You can't reach the php files in the templates folders by AJAX, the same way you can't from the browser address bar. PW is changing the way that the URLs work so that they mirror the tree that you see on the admin. EDIT: Put your memory_mailer.tpl.php file on the templates folder. Create a template on the admin pointing to that file (you can keep only the title field). Create a new page with that template. Lets call it "Mailer", for instance. Hide the page from visitors on the page settings. Use the URL http://examplesite.com/mailer/ on your AJAX calls. I think this should work...
  10. Why don't you do this? Since your site it's a dictionary, I can imagine that each entry will be untouched most of the time, and folders won't be created until you do save the page.
  11. In this case wouldn't be a big problem, If you keep the content block with small width differences, and play with 1 sidebar, 2 sidebar or no sidebar depending on the screensize, the only image that would need more thinking is the big one in the header.
  12. I finally installed the module, and everything is working fine. This is great Apeisa! Back to the other eCommerce solutions... As anyone worked with osCommerce or Zen Cart?
  13. Wow!! Ryan, PW is getting better too fast!!!
  14. I don't know what @statestreet thinks of this, but I think the conditions are gathered to build an official (not a replacement for the default) first PW profile. A beautiful and flexible theme with everything done right. I would prefer responsive instead of mobile version.
  15. You think customer accounts should be integrated on the ecommerce module? Couldn't they be simple users of PW with a "customer" role? EDIT: I still couldn't install and play with this. I will soon, and report back. Also, the ecommerce work that I was proposed to do, is much bigger and complex than I thought, but I would still love to be able to make it with PW.
  16. What Soma is saying makes some sense if we look at it, not only from the perspective of these new fields, but also in general with other fields. I felt the need to define, for instance, the name of one field, differently on different templates several times. I mean... If i want to use the same field, with all the same characteristics, but with only a different name, why should I create another one, and another, and another, depending on the template? What maybe would make sense (could be a module like Ryan suggests), would be being able to override the settings of each field while creating the template. But as I say, this would apply to all field settings, and not only the columns. EDIT: at same time Soma. Overwriting can make more trouble if you do it on all of them, but if you do it only on some, it makes less trouble. I think it's good to have a default value.
  17. Ryan, you went much further with this than i ever imagined I really think this will make the editors experience much more pleasant and easier. But it will at the same time ask for a more responsible and detailed work from the developer. The columns are just great! I had to go look for the post where I asked this some time ago http://processwire.com/talk/topic/715-adding-complexity-to-template-forms/page__hl__complexity__fromsearch__1. Your implementation is way better
  18. You will learn the necessary PHP reading the API docs. And when you have doubts, you will have all this documentation to support you http://www.php.net/manual/en/manual.php. That's the beauty of it
  19. I was not following this topic because I wasn't thinking of building an eCommerce site so soon. But today I was asked if I can... So, Apeisa, do you think this module will be usable for production anytime soon? Or I should look for a solution like Magento or LemonStand? Not wanting to make pressure here. Just asking
  20. So, In this case my answer would be the winner, right?
  21. So many different answers for such a simple question This is how flexible PW is! and I will add another one If you would like to have the kind of "settings" page that CMSs like Wordpress have, you can create a page named "site_settings" or "preferences" or "watheveryouwant", and throw there fields like "site_title", "background_color", "content_width", etc... and call them from templates like this: $settings = $pages->get('name=site_settings'); $title = $settings->site_title; $background = $settings->background_color; $width = $settings->content_width; EDIT: I created variable $settings for readability
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