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Everything posted by diogo

  1. Ok, I updated all the paths with the subfolder, and tinyMCE was working, but it told me that it couldn't find content.css... the path it was looking for was teste/teste/site/tinymce/content.css (notice the double subfolder in the base). So, I went to the options and reverted the content_css path to the previous value (without the subfolder), and it's working now. Now I get an error when choosing the template because it is looking for it in /site/tinymce/templates/body_template1.html (no subfolder there). I have to look for the place to change that one. edit: this one was easy, just had to update the path on the body_templates.js. Everything is working fine now!
  2. I do, does it make a difference? Edit: it does make a difference. I added the subfolder name on the right place of the path, and the js file opened on the browser I already did through the js console link. I get a 404.
  3. It's a lamp server on my ubuntu... it look like a permission problem. The file doesn't open on the browser when I access directly to it. I changed the permissions to 777 on all the folder, and I also gave full permissions to the file directly... I also changed the tinyMCE folder to the assets folder and changed all the paths on the options, but no luck...
  4. The javascript console on chrome gives me this: "Failed to load: /site/tinymce/plugins/bramus_cssextras/editor_plugin.js" edit: I have full permissions on this file edit2: I installed codemagic instead of bramus, and now I get: "Failed to load: /site/tinymce/plugins/codemagic/editor_plugin.js"... hm
  5. I did, I downloaded the first one before but now I downloaded this one. and I adjusted the permissions. I did, I triple-checked it before posting The "Third-party Settings" is there, like I told you. It's exactly when I put something there (anything, plugin or only random characters) that tinyMCE disappears from my fields. I know there is not. I am hoping that the effort that you are putting on this will help Ryan to create them http://processwire.c...ndpost__p__9482
  6. I installed this, but it doesn't seem to work. I do have a new third-party plugins field now, but when I put the bramus_cssextras there, tinyMCE stops working and i get a normal text area on the page editing. Also, when i press the new templates button, i get a pop-pup with the dropdown to select the template, but it's empty, although the simple table template is on the js file. I know it's soon, but you have plans to put these options to the tinyMCE module settings, to make them global?
  7. Nico, I still get an error in the archives graph. Nice change on the logo! The new one is more balanced and elegant.
  8. sorry for the messy sentence I just meant having them visible as in any blog
  9. If you assign to those pages a template without file they will always be hidden and you don't have to worry about it. And if you don't want them to be viewable, I'm assuming you didn't setup a template file. As for the larger question: I wouldn't say you're wrong, but you could have all the tags listed on your tagging page, and on each tag page, all the articles tagged with it. It's not much work, and maybe nicer than having them hidden.
  10. @jgerbracht, with page field you can choose any field of the targeted page for it's label. I just tried it, and the label does change when you modify this field on the selected page.
  11. Vítor, I tried to reproduce this and I think I understand what happened to you because I was also confused for one moment. I think maybe you changed the label thinking it was the title, and because in this case they are the same, you don't get immediate differences while editing the template. To confirm the change, you have to go edit a page that uses this template.
  12. I think you can use array_diff() to compare $pages->find("template=basic-page") with $pages->find("template=basic-page, limit=10") and return the difference. I didn't test it, and can't do it now.
  13. If you want to do it often, you can put a checkbox on your home template to turn this OF and ON
  14. I think tinyMCE needs some love in PW maybe having more options for it on the module edit page, and not only when assigning it to fields. It could be possible to link to a new skin, to add customized buttons, etc etc. I know this is a lot of work, but maybe it would be worth it, giving the high demand
  15. Thanks Ryan. So, we can make Pete's suggestion even a little bit smaller $limit = 5; $projects = $page->children("limit=$limit"); $total = ceil($projects->getTotal() / $limit); edit: this is the version I'm using now. And works as expected. I was asking this because I wanted to have a pagination that is not possible with renderPager. I don't want the numbers (only previous and next buttons), and I also needed them to have different text depending on the page they are in: if in the fisrt page: [ next projects ] if in the middle: [ previous | next projects ] if in the last page: [ previous projects ] It's working as I wanted with my handcrafted solution, but as I said, I was wondering if it would be simpler to do it differently.
  16. Maybe you should try one more time. Give sublime text a chance, and you will see how great it is. It even as a vintage mode that works like vim
  17. You have the same screenshot on both situations, but I think I get what you want to do. If it's what I think, maybe you can do it even without telling the editor to set the width. I would do it like this: on the PW tree: home -rows --row1 --row2 --row3 each page "row" will have repeatable fields for segments (put only the tinyMCE text here, not the width field) Now, the editor can create a new row by adding a new page and populating it with as many segments as he wants. On your template for "rows" you can count how many segments were added, and give classes to them accordingly. So, assuming that this repeatable field is called "segments": foreach($page->children as $row){ $n = $row->segments->count(); echo "<li class="row">; foreach($row->segments as $segment){ if($n == 1) echo "<div class='grid_4'>{$segment->body}</div>"; if($n == 2) echo "<div class='grid_3'>{$segment->body}</div>"; if($n == 3) echo "<div class='grid_2'>{$segment->body}</div>"; if($n == 4) echo "<div class='grid_1'>{$segment->body}</div>"; } echo "</li>"; } I didn't test the code, and I'm skipping all checkings if the fields exist and what to do if editors add more fields. And I've seen that there are already two more answers while I was writing, but I will post this anyway and read them after EDIT: nice answer Ryan! EDIT2: My code can be smaller and more automatic of course, but I will keep it like this to be more understandable
  18. Thanks Pete! It's certainly not a big issue, I'm asking more for curiosity. I will use PW's count function as you suggested though
  19. How are you going to group these? I mean, will you group them explicitly (like one group on each entry), or automatically (based on the widths)? I'm not sure if I understand what you want to achieve with this, but maybe this thread could help: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/968-select-custom-css-for-page/page__hl__columns__fromsearch__1
  20. Slkwrm, this will give me the total results on each page. What I want is the number pages resulting from the slicing: If there are 32 children, and the limit per page is 5, i will have 7 pages of results. 7 is the number I need here.
  21. Is there any built in method that returns the total number of used pages when using pagination? I did this "by hand" by dividing the total pages by the chosen limit and rounding this number up: $limit = 5; $children = $page->children; $projects = $page->children("limit=$limit"); $total = ceil(count($children) / $limit); This is working perfectly, but I'm wondering if Ryan already made it simpler for us ps: I know about MarkupPagerNav of course, but I need this for something customized.
  22. Maybe something as simple as having the options to show only uninstalled/installed, and core/noncore modules would already be very useful
  23. what kind of field? does it work on other templates?
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