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Everything posted by LostKobrakai

  1. Use both of these in the command line. If both return the same IP you can be really sure. nslookup mydomain.com nslookup copydomain.com
  2. But not on such an old installation. 2.2.17 is definitely before 2.6.7.
  3. I'm not sure if you can access these items with the array notation, try $input->get('keyword') or $input->get->keyword. Edit: And just as I thought, only $pages and $page are available as local variables. All the other api variables need to be accessed as $this->input or wire('input').
  4. You could always use an bootstrap script, which does connect to the Textpattern database, reads the data by mysql queries and then use the processwire api to fill those data into the pages you need.
  5. I think cache purging will be done automatically, so no need to care about that. To invalidate by save and today at midnight I'd just add the following to the cache key: $key = "news_"; // You key properties $key .= $page->modified . "_"; $key .= date("Y-m-d"); $page->modified will not match if a page got saved since the last cache and date won't match if – guess what – the date has changed and therefore today at midnight has passed.
  6. But it may not be the best from an UI standpoint, as they would also nest in terms of modal-windows.
  7. The track change function is actually there to force the changed status for the field, which does explain why it always reportet a change.
  8. It's easy to accidentally click the trash button, especially on narrow screens, where actions are wrapped into a second line. As besides superusers nobody can restore pages from the trash this is disabled. It's pure precaution.
  9. First of all, fieldtype modules are not inputfields, so your posted code does not work no matter which field you actually want to add. Additionally some inputfields depend on their corresponding fieldtype, which makes them unusable in plain inputfield mode, which the module settings are using. Fieldtypes are only used in context of templates, as they handle things like persisting data to the db, which is only needed for pages. This module does not even have an inputfield, because it's using the core one, so to get the same functionality in the modules settings you can copy the code from the getInputfield() function of the module into your code.
  10. Which does have a clause in it's terms of service, that streamed content needs to be gaming, or at least somewhat related to games or gaming, if I remember things correctly. So probably no coding sessions there.
  11. I wouldn't blindly rule out server configuration just because another cms does work. Wordpress for example just stores the domain name in the db and therefore doesn't rely on any server information when building links, while ProcessWire does not know anything about the domain upfront, but parses it from multiple possible server / php globals.
  12. You need those quotes no matter which CMS you use. That's part of the html5 specs. What could be different is that the url is outputted unencoded instead of encoded, where the latter one wouldn't have any spaces in itself.
  13. You need to use quotes if you've spaces in the attributes value.
  14. There's even the maintenance module by pete, where you can setup a raw html page to be shown for guest users.
  15. Ah, the field is actually called "tags" not "tag", that's at least one reason why you can't find fields.
  16. Did you try $fields->find("tag=mytag");?
  17. I actually like the typing animation, but the lines shouldn't jump when going into the next line. I think just changing this bit will make it less eye hurting.
  18. The last one does also work as property without the parenthesis.
  19. Just change the last line to use another field: $form->insertBefore($button, $form->get("id"));
  20. Like this? Or am I missing something? http://modules.processwire.com/modules/page-clean-empty-dirs/
  21. ProcessWire doesn't work without an .htaccess file in the root folder.
  22. That's fine, but those folders should never be part of an url (besides for assets), no matter how you configure the .htaccess.
  23. The site folder should not show up in any urls besides if you put the whole processwire installation in such a folder.
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