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Everything posted by Joss

  1. Already said that SES is 100th of the price, but more work. This is interesting - Sendy hosting http://www.sendyhosting.com/
  2. That is very interesting, thanks Marty
  3. Unfortunately, I will have to do the templates as the client and his designer want it that way, but I have been using Ink and that works well. I am also looking at Amazon SES, though it wont be for this one. Interesting how much cheaper it is than things like Mandrill. My main worry is I suspect that the client might be buying email lists.
  4. Okay - some serious reading needed here. This might save me a lot of messing!
  5. Hi Pwired The problem with that is that if he tries to send 2000 emails, his ISP is going to object. Also, when a company is signed up for Office, they wont want to use anything but Outlook - I don't blame them. In the office environment, with the way it coexists with Onenote, word and the rest, and the pure look of it, it puts Thunderbird in the shade.
  6. I think the use will mean that he wont have to input anything - I believe the plan is that I do the copywriting. So I will do that then just upload the html file. All he has to do is send it. I will look at campaign monitor too! Ta much
  7. Once you got the oats out of your keyboard, of course.... @totoff - Personally, I always had a soft spot for Yellowstone, but Yosemite is nice too.
  8. Awww, sweet. Never did get my hands round that middle bass part though.
  9. Thanks Craig. I just tried a test mail on a responsive template I made with Ink and it worked nicely. Do the free emails get ads in them?
  10. I have never used an email service, but I have a potential client who wants to send out tons of mails to clients, wants them to be complex html and needs them to be responsive because so many people read their emails on phones. Up to now, he has been doing this on outlook, but as soon as we start taking the responsive route, we run into an issue where outlook and many other clients simply strip out the bits you need on the way out. So, he needs to do it through a hosted service like Mailchimp, and that also gives him proper unsubscribe bits and so on. However, never having used these myself, I am not sure what I should be suggesting. No, strike that, I really don't know what I should be suggesting! So, you lovely lads and lasses, what do you recommend? (ps. no solutions that needs to be installed on a server, I just KNOW that is going to cause me headaches!)
  11. Trouble with architects is I keep thinking of the Paul Simon song... "So long Frank Lloyd Wright" Not sure that is the tune we want playing .....
  12. Well, better than naming them after Disney Characters, or Telly Tubbies.... Though, Looney Tunes might be a good source of inspiration, though laced with copyright issues! My personal favourite would be food, of course ProcessWire Fricassée ProcessWire en croute ProcessWire avec Mousli (Diogo special) ProcessWire Fettuccine con porcini e barlotti .... okay, too far that one.
  13. It all depends who you are aiming the names at: If it is Developers, then scientists might work, though I think engineers is probably closer to the DEV way of thinking If it is designers, then it should be the influential designers/artists/architects throughout history. If it is at business decision makers, then maybe it should be using names of great economists and business leaders throughout history Personally, I always thought the trouble with names was that I could never remember which was the current and which was the old one, and if the name was not familiar it did not stick in my head anyway. I like numbers, though you can have fun and add colours or something to give it lift. ProcessWire 2.5 Blue ProcessWire 2.6 Lemon (possible a bad idea) ProcessWire 2.7 Red ProcessWire 2.8 Jade
  14. Maybe it can steal an idea from Ryans table field - have its own table. Or, it could also have its own PW page structure, effectively a "related" page to the current page, that is stored under admin somewhere in the same way repeaters are. Though I think a single table might be more efficient, query wise. However, just to change my mind again, the other day I put on my own site drop downs for Open Graph page type (article and so on) and the same for twitter. I did those with a page field so I have started with the most common five or six, but can add more on the fly as normal with a page-field. Useful functionality for this kind of thing. So, maybe a mix!
  15. Joss

    Muesli Café

    http://www.foodloversdiary.com/good-stuff/the-bowl-of-good-food-we-can-all-invest-in/ and... https://twitter.com/foodloversdiary/status/524323670630469634 In case anyone wants to retweet...
  16. Just digging through some of my own bits and I noticed that somewhere someone said that for facebook and twitter, it helps if the image is square. Is it worth adding a size() to this?
  17. Interestingly I was thinking about this the other day. A friend has his business page as part of his ISP subscription. He is given very basic tools including being able to point a domain at it, but it has no database. Mind you, I am not sure it has php either! I have just done him a sweet little static html page.
  18. Databases are cute, cuddly and don't stay out late at night getting into trouble. Embrace the PW database and give it a nice home!
  19. Joss

    Plain sailing

    Go for it Big and bold, strong contrasts - so it does not get lost in a landscape photo
  20. Joss

    Plain sailing

    One of our TV progs (can't think which, but it may have been a kids programme or daytime magazine or similar) had this thing where they sent a teddy bear on holiday with various people. It was then photographed all over the world and the images shown on the programme. Something like that. So maybe design something like a small A4 poster that has the logo, the right colours and something on it like: "I updated ProcessWire From Here" Then you take a photo of the poster with wherever it is in the background. That could be somewhere exotic or even your back garden or down the pub. Up to you whether you are holding the poster or not.
  21. Nice and clean and simple. Where do the recipes come from? Oh, just answered my own question by translating!
  22. I suppose it depends what the module is doing. If it is doing something live with the content (hanna code or auto links are good examples) then I suppose it will have a small effect. If it is providing functionality to the admin, like a field type, for instance, then no. However, add ProCache to the scenario and this all becomes pretty academic.
  23. Joss

    Plain sailing

    "I'm walking backwards to Christmas Across the Irish sea...." I'm too lazy to update from somewhere interesting. Though I did direct a vocalist over my phone sitting on Haytor rocks in Dartmoor. I was on the rocks, not the singer.
  24. It is quite some time since I wrote tutorials in the wiki and I am starting the task of updating them and putting the new versions in the tutorial section of the main website. To kick things off, here is a brand new, created from the bottom up, Simple Website Tutorial https://processwire.com/docs/tutorials/simple-website-tutorials/ It is aimed at new users who are comfortable with HTML and CSS and have some limited, basic php knowledge. This is different from the very basic tutorials I have been writing aimed at those who know no php at all and have no coding skills. Like the old series, this constructs a website, complete with html and then further tutorials will use this as a basis. Joss
  25. Well, you don't have to! But if they are effectively the same template, yep, that would be good. You can either go the whole hog and create category pages that are then selected with a page field, or you can add a single check box that says "check this if this is an event" Then, in your find statement, you can look to see if that has been checked or not, depending on what you are listing.
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