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Everything posted by Joss

  1. I think I am suffering caching issues here somewhere. The buttons should no longer be floating, the music should not be auto starting and the link shouldn't be going to adobe. And all that was changed ages ago ....
  2. Still messing with this a little, but... http://theblokewotdoeswebsites.uk/ Made with ProcessWire, of course, (2.5.3) with the Foundation 5 framework and Adobe Edge Animate on the front page. Hanna code used a lot and Pro Cache. Generally speaking it is more fancy to look at than fancy at the back end. That is the nice thing about ProcessWire - I could do most of what I needed without bloating it out with a ton of plugins. All the graphics are mine (couldn't afford a proper graphic person) - except the globe The music is played out with a very neat little library called howler.js http://goldfirestudios.com/blog/104/howler.js-Modern-Web-Audio-Javascript-Library It is not pro-cached yet (since I am still messing) and I haven't squished the scripts or css yet. But, other than that, it is suitably scary.
  3. I am working on a site where the template has lots of fields, including a couple of large textareas. For reasons of logic, these fields are right in the middle of the form in the admin. I am getting really bored of changing a few words and then scrolling up or down to the save button before checking my little change looks okay on the website. The page, having saved, is now parked back at the top and I have to scroll back down to my field to change a bit more. What would be really nice is a little "Save just this field" icon next to my CKEditor field that saves the field with Ajax so that I don't have to scroll anywhere and I stay exactly where I put myself! I know this is complete laziness, but laziness is good for the soul (and mandatory for the writer....)
  4. Is this aimed at idiots like me who often deal with great big files that defeat PHP upload limits?
  5. Just one other thing: I don't think one method is any more efficient than another from the point of view of load times and so on - at least, not by very much. So, it really is down to how you like to organise your head!
  6. The vital thing for you to do is to construct your files in such a way as you find easy to maintain and work with. For myself, I take a pretty non-techy approach, which probably means it is far from the best. But it works for my sort of head. I am a composer and when I compose music I start with a melody and then I build the rest of the arrangement around it on different tracks - different parts of the score. The main melody is the constant. I write the same way. So with ProcessWire I do the same thing. I start with a huge great DIV that will contain most of my look and feel. In the middle of that I will put my main theme. "Hello, this is my website" Then I add the arrangement around it - a header, footer information, and so on. When it comes to making changes in the arrangement, I will have a functions file with lots of goodies - listing of child pages, news listing, galleries and so on. These get pulled in by the conductor when and if needed. So, at the end of the day, most of my pages are probably based on one template file, with other files included - head, foot, functions, end page scripts, whatever. I know having a head and foot is terribly old fashioned, but it works fine for me. And if I do need other templates that are working in radically different ways, then I just copy and paste my includes over and off I go again. In a way, looking at any existing profile and using it as a starting point can be confusing and misleading. ProcessWire doesn't care which way you work, after all. So, install the blank template and just get writing some good old fashioned html. There you go - a sunny Sunday afternoon magazine style comment. Joss
  7. Dreamweaver Developers Toolbox? Now that is a blast from the past. I once built and entire article management system, complete with full newspaper editorial hierarchy, with Impakt, which Adobe bought and turned into the Developers tool box. Although it was a cumbersome beast, the ability to write good html while building the data handling side was really versatile, and yes, ProcessWire does give you that same freedom, but a huge amount more power!
  8. You should put that on a T-Shirt. Make it a new campaign. I mean, those Queries need saving before they go extinct!
  9. Joss

    Hanna Code

    Ryan, next time you're are messing with the module, fancy putting in a drop down for font size on Ace? For us old blokes, you know......
  10. Okay, I now have it working ... er, sort of. It turned out that the tmp partition on the box was full, which was why it was not sending mail. This must have been affecting everyone on the box, of course - a minus point for Kualo there, who normally get good reviews. But then, at least they found the problem.... Currently using mail() direct on the script - not actually getting anything else working at the moment, but at least I have got the form working
  11. ->url would be missing? <?=$pages->get("/kontakt/")->url ?> Edit ->httpUrl if you want the path including the domain name, though not normally needed.
  12. Like it! Nice photographic work, too.
  13. Joss

    Dancing Bear Music

    Thanks! Yes, I like playing the harp - though I need new ones. Mine are going out of tune.
  14. Hi Teppo, The check connection is reporting fine, so I am beginning to think there is something odd about the server. I am going to send a ticket through and see what they say.
  15. Well, the three five top levels might be: Shops Manufacturers Bars Countries Types Er .. something else. Basically, the rule would be "What questions is the visitor most likely to ask? Then you can just have a hidden parent(s) for all the other bits and pieces - flavours, weights, tags, whatever. One thing I suggest is you probably do the menu manually, rather than try and work through everything! So, Bars would only be a single menu item, but the bars page would have all the subdivisions and so on with some lovely intro stuff. Locations/countries should wax lyrical about the areas of the world..... hmmm... bit of a copywriters dream this, to be honest....
  16. Ah, this is one of my famous big piece of paper things - design it on the floor first of all, it will become a lot clearer! I suggest in the middle of your paper you write Chocolate Bar - this will be central to everything, sort of. Each bar has a type, a manufacturer and a stockist. Though, the stockist will choose the bar and not the other way round. On the chocolate bar side, this is just a case of multi categorization. Any page can be linked to one or more categories and different sets of categories. So, you can use multiple page fields to create: Chocolate Types - milk, dark (different percentages), etc Chocolate Origins - countries, basically Additional flavours - orange, mint... You could set these page fields like you would tags, so that you can add new variations on the fly. You can also set them to choose more than one from each category. There is no problem in searching that sort of thing. You would also have a page field for a list of confectioners, but obviously, that would be single select for each bar. Shops are really a separate deal. They basically stock bars - the rest of the info comes with the bar. The slightly difficult bit is when you need to select which chocolate bars a shop stocks. Selecting one by one would be awful and you cannot guarantee they stock all from a particular manufacturer. I suppose you can list all as check boxes - I wonder how many you could list before it explodes? Once you do get all that together, the real trick is in the searching, to be honest. But since everything is cross linked, that might make your eyes cross, but wont be dreadful.
  17. Joss

    Dancing Bear Music

    Yes, I will need to come up with some ifs and maybes I seem to spend my life doing that. Maybe there should be an international law that says all devices for viewing the internet have to exactly the same size!
  18. here is the link again http://ckeditor.com/forums/Support/What-is-the-syntax-to-allow-all-content-html-a-h1-p-in-the-config.js-page And it still doesn't work! Maybe as code? It looks like IP Board removes the end period from the url http://ckeditor.com/forums/Support/What-is-the-syntax-to-allow-all-content-html-a-h1-p-in-the-config.js-page.
  19. Joss

    Dancing Bear Music

    I meant that the height will change hugely with viewport. On a iPhone, the player is tall and thin! (unlike me)
  20. Yep - but that is more likely to suffer problems, so I am not doing that while testing so I can eliminate those issues.
  21. Joss

    Dancing Bear Music

    haha! okay, that is going to take some serious messing. One for tomorrow me thinks! (Lunch is beckoning)
  22. Does this help? http://ckeditor.com/forums/Support/What-is-the-syntax-to-allow-all-content-html-a-h1-p-in-the-config.js-page.
  23. @ kongondo: I am checking my spam folder. I have set up SPF already, but for testing I am sending to a different email address just incase that is failing for some reason. @horst its outputting the correct address
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