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Everything posted by Joss

  1. I have used that for a while, though it sometimes conflicts with other js. I have been playing with the built in emulator in chrome, but it is very clunky
  2. Conveniently forgetting that best practice says you should base your media queries on what works best for your design and not the other way around, what are you favourite breakpoints? What are the numbers that make you zing!!? Playing around with response.js and trying to work out a common list between that and my css, I have come up with this provisional little list. This is mobile first, so only uses min-width in ems, though I have put the px in the comments. /* 321px 20.063em phone portrait for larger phones - when would I use this? */ @media only screen and (min-width: 20.063em) { } /* 481px 30.063em - Phone landscape */ @media only screen and (min-width: 30.063em) { } /* 530px 33.125em - small tablet portrait/Kindle */ @media only screen and (min-width: 33.125em) { } /* 768px 48.000em - ipad portrait and small tablet landscape */ @media only screen and (min-width: 48.000em) { } /* 1025px 64.063em - One pixel higher than ipad landscape so for laptops and small screens and nexus 10 landscape */ @media only screen and (min-width: 64.063em) { } /* 1281px 80.063em - one pixel higher than my normal width, so for wide desktops only */ @media only screen and (min-width: 80.063em) { }
  3. Paste the whole code Edit: A good debugging trick is to copy the generated code from the page source, shove it back into the template file and work out what is wrong
  4. And.... If you want them to slide open, rather than switch open, I think I borrowed from this at one stage: http://foundation.zurb.com/forum/posts/492-easing-effects-for-top-bar-accordion-and-tabs
  5. Check that the href and the panel id are identical? <a href="#panel2">Accordion 2</a> <div id="panel2" class="content">
  6. ha! Oh, by the way, if you want to set the first one to open, then I think it has to have an "active" class. Find your first one: $firstfaq = $faqs->first(); Then compare it after the foreach opening to the $faq iterations $activeClass = ($faq === $firstfaq ? 'active' : ''); ... I think edit: oh, and then use it! (forgot that bit) <div id='panel1' class='content {$activeClass}'>
  7. When I have done this before, I have grabbed the page id and used that. $faq->id Saves a lot of messing with counts (careful how you say that in your dublin accent) Edit - Damn, Kongondo got there first! Also, I think there is a thing about using a number for a class or id in css, so you need to do something like: href='#accord{$faq->id}' And the the corresponding id on the element in the same way
  8. Just installed this module. It seems to be adding the classes to the email and adding mailto, but in the source, the actual email address is as clear as day...
  9. This has caught me out previously. The assumption in my head is that by setting it a hundred you are setting it to be the maximum it was originally, but of course, it doesn't work that way, it just produces a high quality version of what your image was. It doesn't look nicer, but all the original faults are being rendered wonderfully!
  10. Hi Dragan I have used interchange a couple of times, but for some reason I found a real lag with it. For very simple stuff I sometimes just use a bit of JQuery: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { var $window = $(window); function checkWidth() { var viewportWidth = $window.width(); if(viewportWidth >= 1290) { } else if((viewportWidth >= 800) && (viewportWidth < 1290)) { } else if((viewportWidth > 760) && (viewportWidth < 799)) { } else if(viewportWidth < 760){ } } checkWidth(); // Bind event listener $(window).resize(checkWidth); }); </script> This is plenty if you are loading different background images or something for different layouts: $(".halfright").css("background", "url(<?=$backimageexlarge ?>) top left / cover no-repeat"); $(".right").css("background",""); Also, I don't always use the rest of Foundation 5. At the moment I have been putting together a little default profile just for myself with some choice modules added, Pocketgrid, modernizr, jquery 2, response.js and some basic equal heights thingy. As I am slowly getting my head round response.js I am warming to it, especially as you can do things like create your own tests using both width and heights making breakpoints by area. I haven't actually tried that yet, but the point is you can add tests for landscape on mobile, if you are really being over clever! I have added some custom tests so that it is working in em rather than px, for my purposes on this template. With that and Pocketgrid working in percentages, my site is getting positively squishy!
  11. Glad it worked! Was this with a particular hosting company? If so, it is worth noting in case anyone else has an issue.
  12. There is another side to this community which transcends anything ever found on slashdot.
  13. You forgot "failing dismally and curl up sobbing and weeping in the corner of the room!" Oh, sorry, that's Drumlapress - got them mixed up for a minute there.
  14. Ah, yes ... good point Martijn. Sorry, we all get a bit enthusiastic in here sometimes and forget the niceties. Welcome!
  15. Can you give some information about the system? Make sure it at leasts meets the requirements http://processwire.com/docs/tutorials/installation-moving-and-troubleshooting/page2 Was there an existing htaccess file in the cms directory?
  16. There is a lesson to be learned there, my friend.... I did do a basic gallery tutorial too: http://processwire.com/docs/tutorials/galleries-short-and-long/page2 I must get round to do the followup which would include using a jquery plugin
  17. Here is what you need for basics (either know it, or go learn it) You need to know how to echo something in php It is worth learning what a foreach loop is and how to do one You need to understand what an array is You need to know good practices in putting html and css together (that is not a PW thing really...) er ... That is probably most of what you need to understand to get you started. By the way, you will see on my tutorial that I recommend you install the BLANK profile. THe other profiles will get you started, but if you are trying to learn, sometime a blank sheet of paper is better.
  18. To be honest, you are halfway there, then. The advantage of working this way is you are not limited to how someone else decided to fit in a jquery plugin. You add it to your templates, work out how you want to control it and go off and make the fields you need. That could be anything from images and captions to even create fields for transition speeds and so on, depending on how versatile the original plugin is, of course. You just do what is needed for the client to update safely - restrict image sizes, crop to the right size, limit text length and so on. Yes, it takes more work than Drumlapress, but the result is something that is tailored for YOUR client, not what someone else thinks your client wants. On the template side, it also means you get to choose how you like to put a site together - choose ANY framework, choose none, do it with notepad, do it with dreamweaver - up to you.
  19. That would be me. I am not a coder, and used to know next to nothing about it all - and now I am writing tutorials (albeit, simple ones.... )
  20. Have you got a missing directory or a permission gone wrong on the directory?
  21. The best thing is to do a tutorial just to get you started. http://processwire.com/docs/tutorials/simple-website-tutorials/ This one will walk you though the basics. There even simpler ones in the tutorial section, if you need. When it comes to sliders and so on, you need to be able to grab jquery or Javascript from the web and understand it enough to use it as if you were building a static html site. It is not a big leap from there to use it with ProcessWire.
  22. It is not lacking themes at all. ProcessWire has no built in templating system like some of the more limited CMSs So, as long as you know html and css you can create your own site in your own way, backed by Content Management. This is what makes it a proper business CMS solution. Have a play!
  23. Thanks, Gebeer I think I am more comfortable with media queries and detecting window width and height than with using user agent strings. But its an interesting module. response.js is only 9kb, so I can live with that - it is the art-gallery sized images that might possibly mess up this site
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