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Everything posted by joshuag

  1. @adamkiss, well, great question, but this is just one example where I have needed this type of thing. Usually easily solved by mod rewrite and some careful templates. But gets to be a real pain on bigger websites where there is a lot of dynamic content.
  2. Thanks for the reply Ryan, and I understand your position and agree. But yeah, sometimes I need to do this. hahaha
  3. Hey did anything happen with this? That would ROCK!
  4. Thanks for the answer. this looks like an ok solution... but I would love to see how more people are dealing with this type of thing. I want to know more about PW and how to take advantage of these hooks etc. Awesome example WillyC Thanks.
  5. Hi all, I have a blog setup in PW like this /blog/ cat1/ article1 article2 cat2/ article3 article4 Here is what I want. I want to have all articles at the URL /blog/article/ instead of /blog/cat/article/ even though the articles are in categories and organized in the page tree like so. Here is the challenge I am having. I still want to be able to use $page->url when I am pointing to an article. currently, I made it so that /blog/ accepts urlSegments then, I am either loading a list of articles, or, if there is urlSegment1 and it's not a category, I am including a single post template file as an include. The sucks for a lot of reasons. I was just going to rewrite the urls with mod rewrite, but then my $page->url is still going to include the category in the URLS in the HTML. Right now, I am essentially creating a new links to articles in the templates like this: $pages->get(/blog/)->url.$article->name.'/'; This sucks. I have had to manage this a million times every time I am outputting a list of pages or links to blog articles. Now my templates are loaded with conditionals looking for links to blog posts and putting in my hacky URLS. Is there a way to do routing with PW. I have run into this a few times, I am sure that I am not the only one. I know that I could have placed all my blog articles in /blog/ and made the categories as it's own tree of pages like /blog/categories/ and placed all the categories there.... buuuuuut.... I found that it is a million times easier for my client to publish and manage their articles with the categories and articles in the same page tree. Maybe I am mistaken, but now it would be almost crazy for me to go back and change the way I did it. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
  6. hahahaha! never thought of it that way.
  7. Hey, thanks for the encouraging feedback
  8. This is totally something you could do with PW. Actually managing permissions can be pretty easy depending on how you want to set up your site. Have you looked at this: http://processwire.com/api/user-access/ You have a lot of options. Sometimes I set permissions in the backend for different people to have access to edit different sections of the website... sometimes I create interfaces in the frontend that allow different groups to add/manage content. I could help with some examples... need to know a bit more about your project. But IMO PW would be my first choice for this type of functionality.
  9. joshuag


    I love huge and clean! Win!
  10. Wow great design on that site, super clean. I like the main page form elements too very classy!
  11. Nice work! Really like the simplicity of this site.
  12. http://drshackleton.com/ Processwire strikes again!
  13. http://ironwood.ca/ Another Processwire & HTML KickStart website. The clients did all the content with ease. Awesome Project. PW saved my life again! Even includes a mobile page editable in PW.
  14. http://www.globi.ca/ built with Processwire (of course), HTML KickStart jQuery Includes tonnes of functionality: Site maps, rss, blog & categories, portfolios, images, user profiles, permissions & private sections! This would have been a mess with anything but PW.
  15. joshuag

    Icon Sets

    http://icomoon.io/ is super awesome for an icon font. Also includes the vectors. I use this all the time. http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/ Rocks the casbah too. http://iconkits.com/ I have purchased a few sets from these guys http://somerandomdude.com/work/bitcons/ - awesome smallness http://somerandomdude.com/work/iconic/ - graphics ,vectors, and fonts http://www.yummygum.nl - Iconsweets & iconsweets2 psds and dont forget the noun project: http://thenounproject.com/
  16. oh yeah, good call. I will post my solutions from now on. Thanks for taking care of that this time for me. Also like the idea of using _nofile as a naming convention for templates without a file. Cool.
  17. Thanks for the answers Ryan. Do you have an ETA on this? I can plan a job with it right now and I will happily buy a license. I would love to try this and get familiar with it. Just excited
  18. @soma, just like Ryan said, I was using the ->children() method, so that makes it makes sense that I was getting back those pages even with viewable. But with the suggestions about, I was able to do what I was trying to do. Thanks a lot guys! I appreciate it!
  19. Thanks for the feedback and explanation guys! The reason that I don't just use a selector is because I used a simple example to a complex problem I have. I actually have like 10 types of templates that don't have files in different places in my website. So I was looking for a generic way to do this, not just a specific example. I am going to read all the source code in PW. I think that will go a long way. Thanks again for the help.
  20. Thanks for the reply nik, but where did u find that method filenameExists()? I swear I read the documentation! I just double checked this after reading your post. noti n the docs as far as I can tell. Also, viewable() didn't seem to work in my experiments.
  21. Hi all, I always create a few templates that do not have a template file. For example, a lot of times I create a "testimonials" page that displays all it's "testimonial" children. But I never want the users of the website to navigate to a single testimonial. I on'y want to list out the testimonials on the "Testimonials" page and store the individual testimonials as children of this page. I never ever want the individual testimonials to be visible. As it stands, if you were to try to visit an individual testimonial, you would get a 404. But if I made a loop and was outputting all the pages, like for a sitemap or menu, I am going to get all the children. How do I ask processwire if the page is visible because it has a template file or doesn't. I want to do something like this: if($page->template->hasFile()) { do something... } Is this possible? Thanks in advance for the help.
  22. This is the greatest thing ever! Yes, I will more than gladly pay for this. Just debit my bank account directly. hahaha Couple of thoughts... Can I access all that data with the API just like I do with pages? I create a lot of forms and I would love to use the API to manipulate and display my form data... guessing yes. I would love to see a main navigation item for forms in the admin. Because site administrators would be looking for the form data and I don't want them poking around in setup. Just off the top of my head I am thinking that I would love to have forms and submissions as part of my main page tree. Fantastic Work Ryan!!! I am amazed by PW every single day. This is probably the number 1 feature ever. You just saved me thousands of hours. Again! Thank you!
  23. wow the PageLinkAbstractor module sounds like a dream come true. Also required fields is a big request! Awesome work.
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