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Everything posted by da²

  1. This is an important thing to know about ProcessWire, also outside of hooks. ? I was modifying a page "P", that request modification of related pages, and when saving related pages before the page P, the page P fields were reset, so the changes were not saved. I was already using uncacheAll=false in my hooks, but forgot how important it is when saving several pages anywhere else. So I added a method on my base page class: class BasePage extends Page { public function saveSafe(bool $of = null): bool { $success = true; try { $this->save(options: ['noHooks' => true, 'uncacheAll' => false]); } catch (WireException $e) { $this->wire->log->error($e); $success = false; } if (is_bool($of)) $this->of($of); return $success; } } The $of parameter makes it quicker to restore output formatting after saving. This is the class that all my custom pages inherits, I have some more stuff on it also. DefaultPage inherits it too, so any page that have no specific custom class page also have this method.
  2. @cpx3 You store the products in the session or a cookie, you don't need the session_id to do that.
  3. Yes this is working, I don't really understand how because the field leaderboardCategories is not used in the rest of the selector... but that works. ?
  4. Hi, I think of refactoring several pages into a repeater, but I need to be able to load a single repeater item by specifying the parent page... and I'm struggling. Here the actual code: $pages->find("template=repeater_leaderboardCategories, carsOrCarClasses=5941, include=all"); The result: ProcessWire\PageArray Object ( [count] => 2 [items] => Array ( [LeaderboardCategoriesRepeaterPage:0] => Array ( [id] => 6065 [name] => 1722945441-3239-1 [parent] => /cockpit/repeaters/for-field-277/for-page-6057/ [template] => repeater_leaderboardCategories [title] => Array ( [data] => cat2 [data5865] => ) ) [LeaderboardCategoriesRepeaterPage:1] => Array ( [id] => 6070 [name] => 1722946036-4849-1 [parent] => /cockpit/repeaters/for-field-277/for-page-6066/ [template] => repeater_leaderboardCategories [title] => Array ( [data] => champ 2 2 [data5865] => ) ) ) [selectors] => template=repeater_leaderboardCategories, carsOrCarClasses=5941, include=all ) I get two repeater items, but coming from 2 different pages. So I want to specify the parent page of the repeater (id=6057), but none of my tests have worked. I've tried a lot of things like this: $pages->find("template=repeater_leaderboardCategories, carsOrCarClasses=5941, include=all, parent.getForPage=6057"); I also tried to search from the parent page directly: $page = $pages->get(6057); $page->leaderboardCategories('carsOrCarClasses=5941'); This works with a ProFields Table, but the repeater loads all items. Any suggestion?
  5. I think this is the wrong approach. Country is not relevant if we are only talking about language. Many countries have several languages, and each language is used in several countries. In some countries a part of the country uses one language and the other one another language (Belgium for example). From the visitor point of view this is confusing, a visitor thinks in term of language, not country. In terms of implementation you are choosing the more complex solution, if PW is straight forward for managing languages, you'll have to develop a solution over this language management for managing countries.
  6. The only field that is related to page url is the field "name", not "title" or custom field. It's located under "Parameters" tab. But you'll probably need to edit PHP code in template files, that depends on how the links are created.
  7. Probably here you should catch Error too: catch (\Exception | \Error $e) I use similar code with Twig, rendering an error template if any error. class Twig { public static function render(string $name, array $parameters = []): void { if (NoticeManager::hasNotice()) $parameters['rfroNotices'] = NoticeManager::render(); $parameters['templatesUrl'] = wire()->config->urls->templates; $parameters['homePage'] = wire()->pages->get('/'); $parameters['buildVersion'] = BUILD_VERSION; $parameters['buildDate'] = BUILD_DATE; /** @var TemplateEngineFactory $twigEngine */ $twigEngine = modules('TemplateEngineFactory'); try { echo $twigEngine->render( $name, $parameters ); } catch (Exception|Error $e) { // Catching everything if (wire()->config->debug) // If debug, throw the error with stack trace throw new Error("{$e->getMessage()}\n{$e->getTraceAsString()}"); wire()->log->error($e); $parameters['errorPage'] = wire()->page->path; try { // Try to render my error template, that shows something nicer for users. echo $twigEngine->render('error', $parameters); } catch (Exception|Error) { // It may happen, rarely, that the error is located at a lower level in my Twig structure (inheritance...), // so I display a very basic template that uses no code and can't fail. echo $twigEngine->render('error-safe', $parameters); } } } }
  8. @SIERRA There's no problem here for me. CSS are loaded first so styles are available when content is loaded. https://web.dev/articles/critical-rendering-path/render-blocking-css
  9. Do you still have the warning when removing this styles?
  10. So you go on an admin page that contains a CKEditor and you get this error? Do you have some hooks that target CKEditor, or some special configuration for the CKEditor? Plugins, other modules that interact with it?... The code that triggers this error is: public function set($key, $value) { // convert extraPlugins string to array // used to be stored as a string in older versions if($key == 'extraPlugins' && is_string($value)) { $value = str_replace(' ', '', $value); $value = explode(',', $value); } else if($key == 'extraAllowedContent') { $value = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n"), "; ", trim($value)); // trim() here receives a null value } else if($key == 'configName') { $this->configName = $value; } return parent::set($key, $value); } So this error happens when using "extraAllowedContent" and passing null as value. What you could do is editing this code and add a throw and look at the stacktrace to see what is calling this function with a null value (if $config->debug = true stack trace is directly shown on page): public function set($key, $value) { // convert extraPlugins string to array // used to be stored as a string in older versions if($key == 'extraPlugins' && is_string($value)) { $value = str_replace(' ', '', $value); $value = explode(',', $value); } else if($key == 'extraAllowedContent') { $value = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n"), "; ", trim($value)); // trim() here receives a null value if ($value === null) throw new Exception('Check the stack trace!'); // trigger stack trace } else if($key == 'configName') { $this->configName = $value; } return parent::set($key, $value); }
  11. Really? ? Maybe check the root directory you set in Apache config. It looks like it's targeted on mysite/site/templates/ instead of mysite/. Personally I use relative paths in CSS (url('../font/NotoSansDisplay-Regular.ttf')), but that doesn't matter, if I enter url('/site/templates/font/NotoSansDisplay-Regular.ttf') it works fine too since Apache root directory is set on parent directory of /site/.
  12. I would just use if ($page->isNew()). This is true when we are on the very first page form with only the title and name fields. Then it's false. This is the same as if (!$page->id).
  13. I would say the easiest is to add an "edit bookmark" to this page, it requires no module or hook nor moving the page in a specific location. Go to modules page Click the tab Configure Find the module Page Edit and click Configure Check to enable bookmarks Go to menu Pages > Edit > Bookmarks Add the bookmark for your page with the corresponding user role (select everyone if no specific role is necessary) Now you can access this page with menu Pages > Edit > Your page
  14. I see, this is probably the module "Page Title (Multi-Language)", I'm not using it, and the documentation talks about these active checboxes.
  15. The problem, for what I understand, is that you are asking for links that open in another tab. It's simple, @Jan Romero already answered the question. But then you say you need a redirect, but a redirect always change the current page URL, it's never opening in another tab. We are not talking about ProcessWire limitations but web standards. Maybe just be more precise on what you want, or maybe it's just me who doesn't understand... I asked ChatGPT what you need (with a link to this topic), and here is what he answered to your request, a JS script that automatically open a new tab on the wanted URL: echo "<script type='text/javascript'> window.open('{$page->external_url}', '_blank'); window.location.href = '{$page->some_other_url}'; </script>";
  16. I don't have theses active checkboxes in my multi-language pages, maybe you are using a specific module and that could help to mention it in your original post? Or is it an old PW version? I have no idea here. ?
  17. Why is it not constructive? Sorry that you interpret my comment that way. I've also read the output strategies tutorials and explanations were clear to me, so if you think "they don't make much sense" and you "struggle to read and comprehend the more complex code" I think you lack some PHP background. Maybe I'm wrong, it seems you are saying the problem is not about PHP knownledge, maybe you could explain so we can be more precise in the help we give to you.
  18. I'm curious, where in PW do you see a list of languages that are active or not for a page? I see nothing like this in my multi-language site but maybe you are using a specific module?
  19. So the next step is probably to learn PHP more. ?
  20. Wouldn't these two statements be contradictory? ? A redirection always change the current page. What you need is a link with target='_blank' like @Jan Romero wrote.
  21. Like Ryan said, the error message is about your database credentials, not the ProcessWire password. Connection with database can't be established because login or password is wrong, they are the same that you use with PhpMyAdmin, maybe login is "root" without password. So I suppose you don't use a versioning system like Git? Take a look at it after solving your issue, and you will never fear a file loss again. ^^
  22. PW provides all the API to create users and login them. You just need to create the frontend form so the regular users will be able to login on the site. No module is required, but if you don't want to write code at all you can use a free module, in the past I've used this one.
  23. I don't understand what you need to do, can you give examples? Parent pages and children are always linked, you don't need a page reference field to link children to a parent. If you're doing only this, you can remove it. What kind of page do you want to add with the page reference field? Do you have set the options on this field to filter the pages it allows? EDIT: I didn't see this message. If the goal is only to create child pages, why not using the "Children" tab?
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