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Everything posted by BrendonKoz

  1. Although not frequent, and usually not for very long, databases will experience problems and just not be able to be connected to. An error message of just "Unable to complete this request due to an error. Error has been logged." just doesn't seem too friendly to visitors. Perhaps I just haven't seen this (or discovered how to do it), but if it isn't currently an option (or a hook) for this, it'd be a welcomed thing. (If there is a way to do this, I apologize...it's sometimes hard to come up with the proper search terms to find results.)
  2. Okay, it seems I have some more reading and comprehension to do then. I really don't want a redirect, but after reading yellowled's response it then got me thinking about using a ("clone"?) template that could request a page fieldtype and simply pull all of its information. The only difficulty stemming from that would be requiring users to then manually find the original source to modify the content. ... but somartist might have a slightly nicer implementation (I'll have to look it over more carefully to see what it truly does). I'm about to leave for a 4 hour drive to visit family for an extended weekend, so I have not had a chance to fully grasp every one else's responses, but I wanted to drop in really quickly and say "THANK YOU!" as it not only shows the power of Processwire, but also the strong community support. You're all awesome. Hopefully Monday evening when I get back I can look this over and get a much clearer sense of it all.
  3. The more I read through the API documentation, the more I learn, but the more I also manage to confuse myself at the same time, so I thought it was about time that I just asked my question. I built a very, very simple management system for my site awhile back. I received a request that during development of my system I never thought would happen, but seemed completely reasonable once I saw the request - apparently EECMS also doesn't handle what was requested though, so I didn't feel too bad. I'll try to explain below once I ask the question: Is it possible for PW to handle a single page (item/id) under multiple parents within a site's hierarchy? Example Fictitious Hierarchy 1: HOME - Vacuums - - Wet Vac Cleaning Solutions - - - Super Clean 2000™ - Household Cleaning Products - - Super Clean 2000™ Example Fictitious Hierarchy 2: HOME - Payroll - - Paycheck Schedule by Title - Human Resources - - Titles and Salary Levels - - - Paycheck Schedule by Title So the idea here is that a single page/item ("Super Clean 2000™" and "Paycheck Schedule by Title", respectively) only needs to be created and maintained once, but due to logical association should be found as being related to multiple parents within a site's hierarchy (and appear as though they actually are, in fact, children of each parent individually within the navigational structure). Is it possible for Processwire to handle this sort of thing?
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