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Martijn Geerts

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Everything posted by Martijn Geerts

  1. // Have you called setLocale somewhere? setlocale(LC_TIME, "nl_NL"); // And are you using the strftime function ? http://php.net/manual/en/function.strftime.php
  2. I love what you've done GUI wise to... you removed the unnecessary space the old repeater took and making these not only more beautiful but also more practical. Awesome work !
  3. I purely use CKEditor for text and text only. And only allow a few HTML tags. Mostly h2, h3, h4, then p, strong, em, ul, li and a. I disable the pwimage, table and all other thing not related to pure markup text. All other content could be added with a page table field row. So if they need a form, a map, an photo album, a single photo or something else, they can add it via the page table. All rows of the table are looped and set to a variable. That variable is set to the template and rendered on the main view.
  4. @SiNNuT, I do get your point, but always try to avoid polyfills when not really needed. Thereby I'm really old fashioned about HTML & CSS. I still love the XHTML more then HTML5 for example Somehow I can't let loose IE8, maybe because most the sites i've build in the last years had approximate 5% IE8 users.
  5. For now griddle serves me very well. It's maybe less flexible as flexbox, but more flexible as 'normal grids'. Normal grids need rows even if it doesn't make sense markup wise. Inline-block grids can be make compatible ie7 and up. So no polyfill needed.
  6. Found it via pw3.0 (in seperate class) Looked for it in 2.7 and mentioned to Raymond.
  7. You could use wireRenderFile, if wished Nothing wrong with it.
  8. When I need the same fields on the child pages but diffent layout, I usually go for FieldtypeSelectFile. With that field you can select a file from the PageEdit (admin) to be used as a template.
  9. I don't get why you want to use wireRenderFile when you have a template to work in. What I often do in a template is: $body = ''; if (count($page->pagetable_content)) { foreach ($page->pagetable_content as $row) { $row->set('source', $page); $body .= $row->render(); } } And then on the rendered page ($row) // No direct access to this page, loaded via page table. if (!($page->source instanceof Page)) { throw new Wire404Exception(); } This way my rendered page is protected for direct viewing and I have access to the 'original' page via $page->source.
  10. How the class is written now it don't has access to WireMailSmtp, as WireMail is the parent class and not WireMailSmtp. To make it work with not known methods it needs a total rewrite, if even possible. But there's a work around. // This don't work with methods not know by WireMail $mail = wireMail(); // When you instantiate WireMailSmtp yourself it all works $mail = $modules->get('WireMailSmtp');
  11. Both methods don't exist in my module. I'll create an issue on GitHub to remind my self. Will take a look at later how to solve it. Maybe I can solve it with a magic method.
  12. You could use the whitelist then I guess... https://processwire.com/api/variables/input/ And again, use the wire() function call. BTW, thanks for using my Module...
  13. Not sending to the wrapper. Maybe you could access what you want from the wrapper with the wire('') functions. When you use this module from a normal page page is available with wire('page'). You could also add your variable to the config, later-on in the wrapper you could access that with wire('config')
  14. PHP writes its session data to a file by default, so does ProcessWire. So when ProcessWire starts executing a process the session starts and the session gets locked. After the process is completed the session unlocks and we are able to use ProcessWire again. For normal scripts this is oké. But when you have long running processes like importing big data or you want to create a responsive AJAX API, this can be a real bottleneck. You see this 'issue' for example with ImportPagesCSV where the admin 'freezes' while importing. 1 Dirty way to avoid session lock for big data import is to remove all sessions after you have started the import script. But this will log you out from the admin. An other way could be to use exec() and send the output to /dev/null. (Running the script in background) How do you guys deal with these session locks ?
  15. I don't understand your question, maybe same goes for other people.
  16. I don't think you can solve your issue without setting the width. The only thing I can think of it now is set set the width with javascript.
  17. What kind of fields do you have in those repeaters ? is 'names' maybe a select field, where it has to load all values of that select ? And if so, try to use autocomplete.
  18. An other approach: https://processwire-recipes.com/recipes/auto-fancybox/
  19. Thanks to everyone who has invested in had joy with ProcessWire.
  20. @LostKobrakai: findOne is returning the first of the found in the wire array it's derived from a find. https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/blob/8eb350b0362c1c70003d3895c6961b3a1655ffc5/wire/core/WireArray.php#L1215
  21. Get behaves as a get, you must know that it is there and you know it contents. When you're not sure about content or it needs access checking, you need to search for it. You could always do a findOne() You should note about get() vs find(), but it has nothing to do with 'weird' behaviors . The whole concept makes perfectly sense and every one I explained it did understand it.
  22. I don't understand the 300 sub pages? You mean, 10 posts a day 300 in a month ? /posts/2015/12/19/postname/ /posts/2015/12/19/postnam2/ /posts/2015/12/19/postnam3/ /posts/2015/12/19/postnam4/ /posts/2015/12/19/postnam5/ /posts/2015/12/19/postnam6/
  23. It's blocked in in the code of ProcessPageList.
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