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Everything posted by rafaoski

  1. This profile can be used as a business card or very simple blog. Requires the latest version processwire 3.0.101 !!! Milligram Site Profile For Processwire 3x with include functions like: MarkupRegions FunctionsAPI wireIncludeFile | wireRenderFile Essentially, this structure uses minimalist CSS framework Milligram and the Flexbox Grid System Gridlex Live Example CAN DOWNLOAD FROM THIS LINK ( Basic Version and simple Blog Version ) https://github.com/rafaoski/site-milligram https://github.com/rafaoski/site-milligram-blog Screenshot: If you want to use Laravel Mix you must first ensure that Node.js and NPM are installed on your machine. Basic example to Debian and Ubuntu based Linux distributions: Node.js curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_8.x | sudo -E bash - sudo apt-get install -y nodejs See more installation options LINK npm is installed with Node.js just check in linux terminal like below: node -v npm -v Set BrowserSync inside folder /templates/webpack.mix.js and change your dev url proxy: 'http://localhost/mix/', to your installation processwire folder like: proxy: 'http://localhost/your-processwire-installation-folder/', Next install npm packages in your templates folder with command npm install Now, boot up the dev server npm run watch, and you're all set go! On completion, use the command npm run production to build styles and scripts in the dist folder Simple Usage ( Basic Command ) Run npm install Watch npm run watch Build npm run production All files to Webpack build steps is inside file ( webpack.mix.js ) Folder With all SCSS files is inside templates/src/scss All build styles and scripts is inside the ( dist ) folder References: Milligram Gridlex Laravel Mix Feather Icons Web Font Loader Verlok Lazy Load Cookie Consent Particles.js
  2. I was wondering if it would be better to change the name of the page after publishing ... wire()->addHookBefore('Pages::publishReady', function($event) { $page = $event->arguments('page'); if ($page->template->name == 'news-article') { $page->name = $page->title . '-myslug'; } });
  3. @matjazp You can try pages.id==1234 It seems to me that in the settings the search appliance looks for similar expressions instead of identical ones which you change with the operator's ( == )
  4. In your example @JoelB95, just use pw-before ... <div pw-before="page-content"> <h1><?= 'BEFORE #page-content' ?></h1> </div> <div id="page-content"> <h1><?=$page->title?></h1> Overview page </div> <div pw-after="page-content"> <h1><?= 'AFTER #page-content' ?></h1> </div>
  5. I tested your version on the latest issue of Processwire 3.0.95 with a defolt Profile (site-beginner) and it works if I add into $pages->find() selector => images.count>0 Now he should search only if the field has images images.count>0 _func.php function test($selectTemplate) { $pages = wire('pages'); $children = $pages->find("parent.template={$selectTemplate}, include=all, limit=3, images.count>0"); $out = ''; foreach($children as $child) { $image = $child->images->first; $out .= '<img src="'.$image->width(50)->url.'">'; } return $out; } basic-page.php <?=test('basic-page'); ?>
  6. Thanks to you and ( @kongondo' , @Pete , @justb3a ) for a great blog profile which is a good alternative to wordpress ... I noticed a very small error in ready.php, the translation function lacks ... Error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function _() in /srv/http/proc-blog/site/ready.php:12 "nextItemLabel" => _("Next Page &gt;"), "previousItemLabel" => _("&lt; Previous Page"), "nextItemLabel" => _("Next Page &gt;"), "previousItemLabel" => _("&lt; Previous Page"), Just add double underlining to translations __() Yeah, thanks a great profile for once.
  7. Maybe it will help you _func.php // IMAGE FROM FIRST CHILDREN function myThumb($page) { $out = ''; if ( !count($page->child->images) ) return 'Add Image'; $image = $page->child->images->first; $out .= '<img src="'.$image->width(200)->url.'">'; return $out; } // IMAGES FROM PAGE CHILDRENS function myThumbs($p_children) { $out = ''; foreach ($p_children as $page) { if (count($page->images) ) { $image = $page->images->first; $out .= "<img src='{$page->images->first->width(200)->url}'>"; } } return $out; } basic-page.php <?php echo myThumb($page); ?> <hr> <?php echo myThumbs($page->children); ?>
  8. This profile can be used as a simple business card or blog. The profile does not use any framework css structure, only styles based on CSS GRID and FLEX. To minimize page loading, I added lazy load for images ( Tupola Lazy Load ). With include functions like: MarkupRegions FunctionsAPI CAN DOWNLOAD FROM THIS LINK: https://github.com/rafaoski/site-grayscale-pw https://github.com/rafaoski/site-min-grayscale-pw Screenshot:
  9. This code should help you get to the wire directory: <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="<?php echo $config->urls->root ?>wire/favicon.ico"> But I prefer to add in the directory of my template files in which I change the path to (templates/): <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="<?php echo $config->urls->templates ?>assets/img/favicon.ico"> Here you can read more about $config: https://processwire.com/api/variables/config/
  10. @desbest this profile is probably adapted to older versions of Processwire like 2.5 and I do not know if it's a good idea to try to implement it with the current version of 3x, maybe it's better to install the blog module ProcessBlog & MarkupBlog ( The Blog Module for ProcessWire replicates and extends the popular Blog Profile ) ...
  11. Thanks @Milenko for investigating what's happening ... Honestly, I do not know what can cause installer errors ... I also had a problem with the test machine (xampp, wampp) ... But after switching to the laragon everything works much better ...
  12. Hi and thanks @MilenKo ... I've just tested on version 3.0.85 and installed the profile without any problems ... I do not know if you have unpacked catalog correctly in the installer folder ... A while back I added a simple tutorial on how to install profiles and maybe this simple tutorial will help you: I also recommend you this profile: Which I recently added and is based on Spectre.css ... I think you should also like it ... It is very simple and clean ... You may have trouble with CHMOD access rights if you use Linux or Mac locally, but I'm not sure because I installed the profiles on the Laragon test environment as well as ordinary shared hosting ... Maybe these links will help in something: https://processwire.com/docs/security/file-permissions/ A simple example for files and folders: https://help.directadmin.com/item.php?id=589
  13. Maybe this way can help ... I often use delayed loading for images from this page https://appelsiini.net/projects/lazyload/ Adds a script in bottom with async or defer to better load page time <script src="<?php echo $templ_url?>assets/js/lazyload.min.js" defer></script> <script> window.addEventListener("load", function(){ lazyload(); }); </script> And I add the lazyload class for the image along with data-src <img class='lazyload' data-src="/your-image-url" alt="img-alt">
  14. Thanks @flydev ... Now the menu should work already well. I changed the .btn-group class to flex-wrap: nowrap in _custom.scss file. Generally, this is my first template on this framework and I still learn about it, but I hope it will be useful to the community.
  15. Hello All ... I just added a new Site Profile Based on Spectre.css ... A lightweight profile that can be the basis for your blog . There are several pages like About Us, Blog, Contact Page, Categories, Authors ... He also uses the Font Awesome. CAN DOWNLOAD FROM THIS LINK: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/site-spectre/ https://github.com/rafaoski/site-spectre Live Example Some Screenshots: If you enable multilingual support, you will have a simple menu for switching between languages.
  16. Your blog and the rest of the pages are on https in my browsers. Try changing your browsing browser or clear your browsing history
  17. Welcome to the forum @rareyush ... Sanitizer can help in this case which cleans up the text. https://processwire.com/api/variables/sanitizer/ https://processwire.com/api/ref/sanitizer/ https://processwire.com/api/ref/sanitizer/text/ Try the following: $p_body = $sanitizer->text($key->body,['maxLength' => 250]); echo "<p>{$p_body}</p>";
  18. Hello @desbest. Below I've added 2 short video how to install Blog profiles for Processwire: REGULAR SITE PROFILE: TWILIGHT PROFILE:
  19. Thanks @bernhard for the brief explanation what I have to do it. I actually sent the PR for the first time ( I hope its good ). In this place addings the link: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/regular/pull/4 Time will tell if PR will be approved
  20. Hi @teppo. Yes you has a lot of experience and your point of view seems to me to be right. When it comes to slimming processwire it would generally be useful to compress all the images that are in the profiles. I used a compressor from here: https://compressor.io/compress And I compressed the images in the Regular profile that you can download from here: https://github.com/rafaoski/site-compress Comparing it with the uncompressed profile from here: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/regular I reduced regular profile by 1.5MB, It would be nice to have some compression when adding profiles to the core.
  21. A great summary of @szabesz. Generally, the selection of the list in which I write about theUikit Frameworks 3 it for this because it is already a ready profile Regular and I do not see the point to change the whole now to another framework. Anyway before this profile I had no knowledge of this The Uikit Frameworks, however after looking through and hijacking the possibilities of the number of elements to code quality is probably the most modern of all I have dealt with. I keep my fingers crossed for you @bernhard
  22. Hey @Tom., I added THIS profile the day before, but somehow it is no here. Just I tried sending it again called Class (SiteTwilight), but it looks like it is in profiles. I do not know why is not visible? on the modules page. This is not my first profile that I added, this profile it was also added earlier. I generally like @ryan words from this Roadmap: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/roadmap-2017/ Which describes how he would like to put it all to some degree in 2017. I'm also advocating his approach to creating two profiles. 1. CSS Framework for fast building sites. 2. The UIKIT Profile that contains the Blog. I do not know if you've understood my message about modern site profiles, maybe I did not get it right as I started writing. I do not want to add new site profiles just enrich existing profiles with 2 files, such as gulpfile.js + package.json (5kb), which gives me and many programmers the ability to quickly create new profiles, as in the above video. I like modern solutions that make my job easier. I do not want to create new startup profiles for myself, i like just start right away with the ones that give me the Processwire installer. I would like to also have such users also be able to quickly install Blog Profile from default Installation Processwire: After reading all the statements, it would be worthwhile to test it on the Processwire Weekly Which leads if I'm not mistaken @teppo ( Thanks to you Teppo for this Newsletter ). My sugestion to polls: 1 - Leave one blank profile. 2 - One CSS starter + One startup blog based on Uikit 3 3 - One CSS starter + Startup blog based on Uikit 3 + New Multilingual Profile 4 - Remove all the profiles and leave only Administrative Core like Laravel Voyager https://laravelvoyager.com/
  23. Hello @Robin S In general, the simplest stack gulpfile.js + package.json is about 5kb in size, its not a big file, and it speeds up front-end frameworks. I like the new UIKIT Starter and I would like to be able to edit it quickly with these tools without learning how to properly connect them to the profile. Processwire is not only a framework for PHP developers, but there are many who are faced with the front end. Note that the new users would like to see what Processwire can do and without Profiles it will not know anything else. The new ones will not know how to add a profile to the Processwire installer, and not everyone will go to the Processwire forum to find out more. You mentioned the reduction of the core and I agree with you 100% to throw out the profile but you could add an installer that gets profiles from github like the October CMS that can install automatic templates. I do not know if it's possible in Processwire (I know the basics of PHP but no more to create a new Download System). And this profile above I created using ProcessExportProfile, which works great, I made it for new users who might have installed it sometime and discover it that in addition to Wordpress, Joomla and Drupal is also ProcessWire ( Except that they need to know how to add to the installer ). I would like more developers and regular users to notice Processwire. But maybe the change I wanted was not the best way. Thanks to Robin for your point of view.
  24. Hello @Tom. @louisstephens I mean,live reload it's very fast and on the real view I can edit my template much faster. See a simple example below: I like this approach but as always there are other alternatives. Template From: https://github.com/rafaoski/site-twilight Support Forum:
  25. I would like every new Site Profile like new REGULAR Profile to have modern support for quick creation like browser sync, minify css, js . Something on the style below: https://foundationpress.olefredrik.com/ https://understrap.com/ One profile that does not have any CSS frontend attached but has the features needed to quickly add eg pagination, comment form, or site menu something like: https://roots.io/sage/ OR https://laravel.com/docs/5.5/mix I'm not very godd with js but webpack.js meybe is good for this solution ... I would like to know what advanced users in the front end think about this combination and what would be the best ...
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