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Everything posted by MarcC

  1. Strange. Usually in the command line the double-pipe has a meaning like, "if the first part didn't work, do this next part." So like, "succeed at doing A, OR do B."
  2. I use Freemind and Inkscape for basic brainstorming and planning. I planned a pretty big server migration by charting it out in Inkscape and zooming in / working on each part of the chart as work proceeded. The chart ended up looking pretty cool, and it really helped put a large piece of work behind me fast. I own a copy of Illustrator but Inkscape is better IMO as a quick vector sketchbook / illustration tool. I use a little shell script to play a sound every 20 minutes so I know to look 20 feet away for 20 seconds (20/20/20 rule). My eyes have been dry so it's helpful, and a good reminder to review what I'm working on to see where I'm at and where I need to be. I use KeePassX to store passwords, which I save in a cloud-based file hosting service so the encrypted password file is synced up on my other devices as well. I use iTerm2 instead of the default Mac OS X terminal application, and fish instead of the normal shell (csh?). I like fish so far. I use nvALT for tons and tons of journaling and note-taking. I am seeking a Mac OS equivalent of Zim Wiki though, with an enforced parent/child structure visible in the sidebar. Finally I use Blender to make animated intros for videos for my clients from time to time, and Art of Illusion to sketch out ideas for rearranging furniture in my office.
  3. I think I see what you mean. I don't want to give the idea that I'm against it, either--having created pages like that both in and outside of the admin area. But I had a few experiences where I made really weird decisions until I understood how Ryan's experience added up to a big picture where you get a system that seems to scale really well when it comes time to tweak the original tweaks.
  4. Hm, yeah, just making the tab is dead easy. I just made a new page under the hidden "Admin" page, published it, and I had a new tab. But it is asking for a process to associate with. So what I would recommend next is reading Soma's post, here: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/1272-new-page-nav-in-admin/#entry11276
  5. Welcome! That's a really good & interesting question. One thing I'd suggest is to read this article and Ryan's comments below it: http://gadgetopia.com/post/7242 He talks about "bucket" CMS software, which is really part of what you're talking about, if I'm reading you right. So read what he says about how he prefers to arrange data and see what you think. It could be that you end up writing a really neat system on top of ProcessWire, and I've actually spoken about other CMS developers on that subject, but I think it's a good idea to understand ProcessWire's aims & successes first. I'll hold off on admin tab advice because it's been a while since I've done that and my knowledge may be outdated.
  6. I like it! I personally prefer single-column layouts or maybe 1+sidebar for this sort of information, because my lazy brain tries to gain a sense of hierarchy really fast. But I think the color scheme is great and you're on the right track for a fun personal site-type logo. *ahem* I have at least three. I would write more but I'm afraid you'll realize I'm stealing all your secrets you'll steal all my secrets.
  7. I have no problem looking in the source. Maybe I'll just do that. Thanks.
  8. I tried "-1 day" on a whim and it worked, so I'm curious where I can find other selectors for date fields? I tried searching the forums, cheat sheet, and selectors page on the main site. Thanks!
  9. Nice one, Ryan! Thanks for the tip on echoing before save, too.
  10. The functionality doesn't seem like it would be hard to write yourself as a (really) short module, but I'm not sure if a module would be necessary (i.e. it might already be in core somehow).
  11. Does this help? http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3719-other-permissions-like-page-publish/
  12. I have this task: For any page with "event" template and a date field that is showing a date older than date N, unpublish the event. I need this to happen fairly regularly--is this a good task for lazy cron? Thanks!
  13. Thanks Ryan! This is really great and a huge timesaver. Also learning new stuff about 2.3 this way is ideal.
  14. Video blocked in the very homeland of Led Zeppelin! Ha ha. Good tune though. I used to crank that in my tiny little car. I also really like the keyboard solo in "All of My Love". And "Big Log" is great for relaxing. <-- hmm ha ha Thread contributions: Uptempo Uptempo Slow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AA1eeKAXF5c Slow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ify-buS9JUU Fashionable How I feel when I get to reuse a PHP function I wrote for a previous site
  15. Hi Ryan, thanks for that information. Can the two coexist? For example, can I somehow enable two image buttons, and make the double-click action open the original TinyMCE dialog?
  16. I have a client using Plugobrowser, and they want to use the TinyMCE image editor functionality to edit images they insert with this plugin. So, they double-click, and ideally the old TinyMCE dialog comes up. Possible? I thought I saw a SomaPost about it but I can't find it. Thanks.
  17. Yeah, just don't put any PHP in your templates, I guess. But you need to keep in mind that typically many pages will share one template--that's a big advantage because you aren't repeating your work. Now if you want to back away from such dynamic usage in favor of plain HTML/CSS/JS, you may need to assign a separate template for each page on your site. If your site has a lot of different pages, that's sort of annoying--you'll want to take advantage of the dynamic PHP stuff as soon as you can. At the very least I would encourage you to work with the default templates that come with your first PW install, watch how they use includes, and try to see if you can combine the include statements with e.g. echo $page->title and echo $page->body to get something simple and dynamic up and running.
  18. Nice work. Thanks for sharing it. The images on the Noticias page made me wonder what they are for, but overall it's a neat little site.
  19. What Soma says--use the alternate template filename option. Don't write the same code twice if possible. You can use PHP logic to then detect a template name inside that file and call specific functions as a result. Oh man, that tweaked my stomach a bit. This year I finally removed the last K2 (similar to CCK) markup from a Joomla site I had converted to PW. I hated to rewrite all the CSS but the markup was driving me nuts. However, it's important to keep in mind that if you try hard enough, you can make the same mess in ProcessWire. Watch the forums for Ryan's tips, because he seems to strike a good balance between "simple to maintain" and "tailored for the client".
  20. Nice work, Marty. The lat/long bits on the events really caught my eye. I don't know about you, but when I give clients more choices around how & when RWD is done, a lot of them seem to prefer to get the basic/desktop site up first, then work on the RWD parts as a follow-on. Personally I kind of like doing it that way, given the choice. I'm working on a few of those right now.
  21. Thanks Soma, that's what the authors ended up trying and it worked. I should mention one more thing about this plugin: If you are using suPHP you will need to search & replace 777 with 755 in their core PHP file's various if statements. Otherwise it won't let you do anything. For now anyway. I think they'll be changing that soon.
  22. Ahhhh...I think this is because I'm using a folder (leftover from MODx) called "/assets" and PW has its own folder called "/site/assets". I renamed it to "/test" and it seemed to work OK. But because other images in the site are already using "/assets/images/blah.jpg" I guess I need to either symlink "/assets" to "/test" or search & replace in the database. OK, I think this might be fixed now. Thanks!
  23. I am working on getting a TinyMCE plugin installed (forum post here) and there's a single issue remaining: A script by the authors of the plugin cannot be accessed--the browser is redirected to ProcessWire's 404 page. See below: Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this? Not sure if it might be mod_security (how to troubleshoot?) or .htaccess or what. Thanks!
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