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Everything posted by szabesz

  1. Yep, it's been working like this ever since it was released as far as I can remember. Even worse, it does tend to shrink into 60 by 60 pixels (in the case of a square image) when it is set to smallest.
  2. @Enrico or @moderators: I recommend renaming the title of this thread to something like: "Frontend editing and content creation possibilities?" Current title is not descriptive at all, that is why @Enrico The title can be edited when you edit your own post starting this thread.
  3. Not "as if" but it is WireArray. No need to loop, just use the method ->first()
  4. Yes, this a recent trend which is against all common sense but we don't live in a world where common sense rules...
  5. They ARE useful though Think of them as the simplest way of SHARING a site – as a starting point – with the community and it is also needed by the PW installer. No more, no less. Great feature!
  6. There must be a misunderstanding here. When you upload a file in WordPress, it lands in /wp-content/uploads/... Also, modules normally write all sort of files into /wp-content/... Am I missing something? Normally in WordPress no "files" are stored in the database, the most complex thing in the db is JSON. If you are talking about hosting companies trying to force you not to use your webserver for file sharing – well – that is a different story... I would not worry about files being an issue. A WordPress site with lots of plugins usually means 10000-30000 files, whereas a ProcessWire site with lots of modules is 2000-5000 files, excluding uploaded media files, of course.
  7. Did you check installed extensions? I know this glitch does not seem like an extension issue but you never know...
  8. Thanks for the tweaks and new features! I have no idea what the "best" default value could be but I've never run into this issue. Probably because I do not actually use Tracy in the admin, it just sits there catching errors/notices (currently I get undefined index notices form MarkupActivityLog and ProcessWireUpgrade). However, defaults should be tailored to beginners and something like 100 seems to be too low in the frontend. What do others say?
  9. I would partially disagree here, especially in the case of a newcomer. I think currently php 7.0.x is a good compromise. One is less likely to run into issues with third party modules when using 7.0.x, I think. @svsmailus If you really want to become a coder, ProcessWire is a very good choice if not the best one. I started with SilverStripe about six years ago and has been through similar experiences as you are having with ProcessWire now. I did not give up and never regretted it, although I no longer develop using SilverStripe because I switched to ProcessWire PW gives me more freedom. Period.
  10. Can you please elaborate on this? Besides using this one: https://modules.processwire.com/modules/connect-page-fields/ what else is available? Also, there is this no longer maintained module http://modules.processwire.com/modules/page-references-tab/ ? Am I misunderstanding something here?
  11. Hm, I cannot see any suspicious modules among those. Note that I do not have ProDrafts which is made by Ryan so probably not causing any troubles but this one is doing some black magic behind the scenes so one never knows... sure I'm just wild guessing here. Have you checked the related database table? How does it change? It has a pages_id column which indicates the page in question of course. Does the table seem to be ok?
  12. Hi, Do you happen to have any non-core modules dealing with images? I'm asking this because I do not have any, and image fields in FieldsetTab work properly. I'm on ProcessWire 3.0.76 though.
  13. @abdus Yep, I should have read the whole thread not just the last post
  14. Please do NOT die There are other explanations in the forum about why but here is one too: https://webdesign.tutsplus.com/tutorials/processwire-tricks-and-tips--cms-28613 <?php if ($config->ajax) { // AJAX content echo ‘my content’; // Calling halt() stops template rendering but continues towards ProcessWire’s normal shutdown. return $this->halt(); } // non AJAX content below
  15. Also, it should be pointed out so that we do not miss it. And another idea is to somehow "throw" a warning when someone on Lister Pro's config screen is trying to set the columns with AOS in effect. When I have the time I can let @tpr work on development site so that he can test such a feature but currently I'm just to busy...
  16. That depends. Luckily PW is still relatively slim; 2248 files, although getting fattier each release... My diff tool can compare all files in 38-45 seconds over the ocean on a speedy VPS. In the same city it can perform even better; 18-20 secs. I can refresh individual directories afterwards to skip not changed files, so the whole process is fast enough to be able to work in this manner. I update the local database form production in about 5-10 seconds with my bash script. Mine is a dead simple workflow which is good for a solo developer. Teamwork would require more, of course.
  17. Hm, I forgot how to turn it off so I could not do it. Now I see that clicking on the box turns stuff on and off. I will do some further testing on the weekend when I have the time.
  18. Actually, I intentionally do not use any role based features of AOS and the reason for this is that I do not want my admin setups to depend on the module. All should still be usable and "the same" when AOS is disabled/uninstalled. For the same reason, I do not use it for loading "admin CSS and JS" either, for example, but there are other features too I do not use just because of this.
  19. Welcome to the Forums @awesomolocity The simplest setup utilizes the fact that setting up the Page Tree also means setting up ProcessWire's default router. If you do now want to implement "fancy" routing then I recommend using the Page Tree for that and that will also define what needs to be accomplished with page reference fields.
  20. Once I took a look at it, I cannot recall why I was not impressed Never mind I was just curious, anyway. My bash script is half baked but it does the trick already. When finished it will be a lot more powerful. I already have one for WP now I just have to finish this one for PW...
  21. Is there tutorial on the web which shows how it works? I would take a look a it...
  22. Yep, I used to do it but PHPStorm changed license which is too pricy for me. I hate to subscribe for apps, anyway. I switched to NeatBeans which has similar features but somewhat less powerful. As I mentioned, by using a visual diff tool I can perform a lot more. For example I can compare files with different names at will. The system updater creates a htaccess file with something like "htaccess-3.0.76" (I cannot recall the exact name now...) and I can compare and sync it to .htaccess with a few clicks. This way I am also reminded to check the logs too, since those files are never in sync. Lots of cool stuff can be performed with a good diff tool, not just simple code management
  23. This one. I do not have an extreme number to take care of. By working on local MAMP Pro clones I do not have to worry about breaking anything. Isn't it too risky to work on the production site without testing in advance?
  24. I use a dead simple workflow: I use my own bash script to clone the database from production to local (and/or vice versa) via ssh. It takes only a few seconds. I just have to make sure all database related changes are performed on the production server. For testing purposes I occasionally make changes to the local database of course but I never sync any database data. Files are synced with this great and fast tool: https://www.scootersoftware.com/download.php When set up properly, all differences of all files are detected somewhere between 20-60 seconds, depending on the server and its location on the globe. This tool is incredibly powerful. By regularly examining the differences I have also learnt a lot about under the hood file changes made by the system. It is also very handy when upgrading and debugging.
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