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Everything posted by szabesz

  1. I told you we are in the same boat I have basic git knowledge level because I work on my own and found it time consuming to use it when I have other ways to manage my own code. But those tools are only for a singe developer, of course. But hey, they do work for me (only). I'm always willing to but currently I have no extra time. This is what holds back ProcessWire's growth. We are all busy working for the living, hard to take a break for a while. My own blog is crying for more too...
  2. It is possible to merge the two to your advantage. I have not find a thorough guide/tutorial/example-site for this though. I am missing the experience too so I am slowly learning ProcessWire tiny bits-by-bits every day. At least I'm enjoying it We are in the same boat in this area
  3. Just one more thing. Personally I will not give a damm about the guidelines you linked to. I want to adhere to standards only. If Apple (aka Jony Ive) wants to cut off part of my design then it is his choice. I will tell my clients that it is Apple's fault. They should stick to industry standards but they deviated. I'm strong with the Force in this Either way, it is good to know Apple has gone mad, thanks for the post!
  4. It is not rumbling at all, I call it common sense which is missing from Apple these days. I have always used a Mac for work, I never worked on anything else because Apple makes the desktop OS I like the best. However, I have never had the urge to buy an iOS device because I'm terrified by iOS. You've just showed one prime example why but there are lots of others as well. They want to force us to "think different", you know: the way THEY think. I hate that.
  5. Let's do it! There is enough of us interested: https://weekly.pw/polls/ Probably in Finland as you have shown us Just kidding. But somewhere in Europe where most of us can drive or fly to "cheap".
  6. I have never thought of it but it is so obvious. We are simply trained to do it the other way round. Anyway, my NetBeans marks such an issue on the fly which is hard to miss, and that is why I do not make this mistake these days, otherwise...
  7. Thanks for your detailed answer! You are being very generous, thank you! In the meantime I did install your fork and did not run into any issues. This filed should be in the core, btw... Let's see what @sforsman has to say. He has not logged in for a while, but one never knows
  8. Cool, good to know, thanks! I have not yet tried TracyCaptainHook – to tell the truth – so I guess that is why I did not notice it. Thanks. It might be useful to have it as a separate module but I do not think editors should use it, so probably it is a good fit for Tracy. Let's see what others say.
  9. I wish, I wish... ProcessWire had loooooots of @ryans behind it. As it stands, we all depend on him. As long as he is with us, all is good though...
  10. Do not forget that WordPress is click-and-play and can be easily pimped by googling around the web and pasting some hooks into functions.php. You can't beat that! WordPress is not even a CMS, by the way it is a blog engine with a nice GUI.
  11. Just an idea: could you please implement it in @Soma'Clear Cache Admin and create a pull request for it? You might also want to pull up your sleeves and try to persuade him to register it in the Modules Directory Or you might just want to integrate his module into Tracy? (At least its features.) I hope I'm not asking for too much. Thanks for all your great community service as always!!!
  12. It's hard to tell just by taking a closer look at the forum or github because a lot of developers hardly ever post anything there nor they register at the forum. A better indicator would be some statistics on PW's downloads. If it grows, the platform grows too, I guess. At least this could be a useful conclusion even if it is a basic one Hm, it is always hard to tell what search engines are actually "measuring", but it is better then nothing, I think
  13. By the way, the new way of previewing post is rather misleading, at least most of the time, eg: Here, I wanted to recommend @LostKobrakai's post which is about API variable access and was written as a side note, not as the actual reply to the topic. Including – even worse highlighting! – the topic makes the false impression that my intention was to link to the topic "Custom PHP code selector" but it is not the case. And this situation will not be rare. This new feature will not be helpful in a lot of cases, rather it will add confusion
  14. Here is a related very good post I keep recommending from time to time.
  15. It did happen to me a few times too, but after a while the like icon appeared and since then it stays like that.
  16. Right now it does it for me too but it did not, I swear
  17. For me too but I hate that fact that user names are no longer displayed initially. We need to lick and wait to see even the first users who have already reacted. Is it possible to get back the previous behavior? I also vote for "like" only
  18. Hi @arjen Does the module work without issues with PW 3.x? I'm planning to use your fork: https://github.com/arjenblokzijl/FieldtypeDecimal I'm wondering if you are willing to add PW namespace so that it does not need the compiler anymore (people can still download old version for PW 2.x from GitHub). Also, you might want to take over maintenance as @sforsman does not seem to be doing it anymore. What do you think?
  19. How about using a counter or a flag to signal that the page has already been rendered? If you store the rendered output in the first iteration then you can just output it later on without calling render again. Or am I misunderstanding something?
  20. Hi, Just do not forget: https://processwire.com/api/ref/wire-array/ Quote: "Nearly all collections of items in ProcessWire are derived from the WireArray type. This includes collections of pages, fields, templates, modules and more." Meaning if your WireArray/PageArray is sorted the way you need, you can just use first() to get the page. + one more tip: It is a bit ambiguous, isn't it? foreach($page->product_repeat as $repeater_item) { or similar (eg. $product) would be easier to follow.
  21. Thanks for the fix and the explanation.
  22. I see. I cannot seem to be able track these changes these days... Mine is different because I use Reno's default Color Set and most importantly as I described above I hid the confusing upload button and renamed the not so confusing upload button by (technically speaking) "translating" its label with PW's translate feature.
  23. Hi @tpr I'm having a real pita issue when AOS is enabled. In the screen capture when the mouse pointer stops I single click as well. Whenever I click into the editor the content moves. I could have clicked on the toolbar items too, as it jumps back to its proper position in that case too: [image removed] The moving content of the editor makes it hard to edit things. I tried disabling all CKE plugins I had turned on in the AOS settings but that did not make any difference. I can only get rid of this behavior if I disable AOS. Unluckily this glitch is not present all the time, making it time consuming to test it. Sometimes the content jumps, other times it does not. I could not see a pattern in this, looks like it is randomly happening. I also tried without the custom editor css I use but did not help either, it happens without that one too. Has anyone ever seen this?
  24. CKEditor's inputfield settings -> Details tab -> Markup/HTML (Content type) -> Update image alt attributes: Replace blank alt attributes with image description And this is why hiding the Image inputfield might not be the best idea. If you hide it, how can the editor provide the alt text? Similar to yours but sometimes little things make a big difference: Body -> Body Images Notice the description too. BTW, I could not reproduce your tiny image + caption issue on ProcessWire ProcessWire 3.0.73. My "Select image" modal looks different, see my screenshot in my post above. I have an Upload Image button in the bottom-right corner too, next to cancel. Don't you have those as well? Also, I do not have "Choose File". My "not hacked" upload modal looks like Peter's (+ the buttons in the bottom as well):
  25. In my case the server hides the actual error message and only displays a false one. I did not dig further though.
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