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Everything posted by theo

  1. Works a treat. Just the fact, that the two tables in the database are redundant, is a bit sub optimal. I guess it is because of how the page field works? But I can live with that. Thank you.
  2. Thanks Macrura.. I was looking in the "field types" section of module categories, but it is listed under "admin helpers". Great, i'll give it a try.
  3. Hello This conversation is some years old. Is there any update to this? As an example in the skyscraper demo, I would not only like to select an architect on the building page http://demo.processwire.com/admin/page/edit/?id=4195 ...but also a building on the architect page. http://demo.processwire.com/admin/page/edit/?id=5726 These should be in sync or ideally use the same data source. Does such a solution exist now? Thank you.
  4. Well, it's not quite the same problem with Menu Builder. If you create a page as a non-default-language backend user, the page created will get the same name for the default language, but no title. $p = new Page(); $p->template = 'home'; $p->parent = wire('pages')->get('/newscontainer/'); $p->name = 'mynewpage_url'; $p->title = 'My New Page'; $p->save(); PageLister seems to have a fallback mechanism. It is listing the page under its name "mynewpage_url" instead of title. But there is no title set and there is no warning.
  5. Yes, I also think this should be done in core, because it is not only an "unpleasant" workflow, but may lead to bugs in modules.
  6. Thank you tpr. I've reported a similar problem for Menu Builder before:
  7. Hello I have a problem with the workflow for the non-standard language backend. For example if I create a page as a german user, where english is the standard language, I'm getting the screen (2) below, because I forgot to switch tabs and enter an english name as well before saving. I always give the pages the same name in all languages, which is done automatically if you are logged in as standard-language user. While the error message technically makes sense in this case, I looks like as if i am being arrested or sth. Wouldn't it be better, if PW would copy the first non-null name to the standard language if empty? What do you think?
  8. - You can organize your images the way you want and not necessarily per page / repeater-item. For example using Media Library. - You can access the same image from different pages. No need to upload it several times. This can be done in CKEditor, but there was no single field type for this. One example is a repeater for an image-carousel. You can now put all the images in a Media Page called e.g. "Carousel" and then just pick them up in the repeater's ImagePicker. - You can also fill in an external Image URL and you will see a preview in the backend. - You can have an overview of all images in all pages of your site. (Not in Repeaters and Pagetables though) - Website admins can give backend users (editors) a predefined set of images for a certain field which they can choose from by defining selectors. - Picking up images is fast with ImagePicker. Thank you.
  9. Here is my first processwire module (beta). https://github.com/theo222/ImagePickerField A lot of "first times". First time Github, Markdown and of course PW Modules. So be gentle please. I hope it works.
  10. Thanks for the Media Library! Great. Just one thing: It took more than an hour to find out what's going on. Having this code: $user->language = $languages->get("en"); foreach ($wire->pages->find("MediaImages.count>0") as $p) { echo '>'.$p->title.'<br>'; } //Returns all pages having MediaImages. OK $user->language = $languages->get("de"); //German user foreach ($wire->pages->find("MediaImages.count>0") as $p) { echo '>'.$p->title.'<br>'; } //Returns nothing. Why? I was really confused. Then I found out, that the Media Libary pages do not automatically set non-default languages active. Normal child pages of "home" do. Not sure if this is a bug, but I had a hard time with this. Thank you.
  11. Thank you. My level isn't high either. But I think this project is not big enough for teamwork. Not even sure it's a project.
  12. There is another Problem with multi language, but I think this is more a general PW issue. Steps to reproduce: - Configure at least a second language in PW. - As admin, work with the "other" language, not the default (Set in Admin->Profile). - Create menus - Switch back to default language (Set in Admin->Profile) The titles are not set for the default language. (See screenshot). It is the same problem when you create a field etc. in PW as a non standard language user. The value for the default language is not being set.
  13. You are right, it is always better when things come from Ryan. But regarding your suggestions in the message above: I think this is not what my Imagepicker is about. 1: I do not think that the backend user should be able to manipulate a referenced image in the Imagepicker field. An Image field is a better choice in this case. 2: It is a single field, so the size etc. will be set in the template / css and not by the backend user as in a wysiwyg editor. 3: Deletion of the source image: This would require a system wide solution. You can delete an image which is referenced in CKEditor without warning too.
  14. Oh no, do not expect too much, you scare me. It is only a very simple image picker, returning the URL of the selected image. I am not even sure if I should publish the code at all. Thank you.
  15. Thank you. I am trying to write a simple image picker field because of this thread. The idea is to Just click the button -> click the image -> done. It is already working but there is still a lot to do.
  16. Thank you very much. I've simply added a separate MyModule.module file class MyModule extends Process implements Module to the module folder. And in the ModuleInfo of the Fieldtype added: 'installs' => 'MyModule', So i can run my code in __execute of this Process module. Works! Thank you.
  17. The more general question is: A Javascript which belongs to a fieldtype module needs to call a page url which also belongs to the fieldtype. Be it an Iframe or an Ajax call. It needs an URL which runs the PW/PHP code. How do I handle (Install/Setup) this?
  18. OK. Thank you. So I have to do do it the hard way, and copy/generate the template.php file, then install the template and create a page. But what is the right place for a template file which belongs to a InputField module? Thanks.
  19. Thank you. I have no problems with the modal, i have a problem with {$urlOfThePageYouWant} I just don't know how a fieldtype should install a template/page. if I have: class Someclass extends Process I can use public function ___execute() {} To run my code. But what to do with a class Someclass extends Inputfield In other words: A Javascript which belongs to a fieldtype module needs to call a page url which also belongs to the fieldtype. How can I do this?
  20. Thank you for your answer, but I don't understand. I'm calling a modal using this JS code which expects a "modalUrl" let $iframe = pwModalWindow(modalUrl, modalSettings, 'medium'); Thank you.
  21. I am experimenting with writing a FieldType / InputField which is calling PHP Code via modal window / IFrame. It is no problem to set up a normal template file -> template -> page and call it inside IFrame, but how to auto install this? Does it work the same way as for normal modules, like using ___install() and ___execute() ? Thank you.
  22. I would like to see such a simple image select field type too. Especially when used with Media Library: https://modules.processwire.com/modules/media-library/ Functionally it is there, but this is designed for URLs not images. https://modules.processwire.com/modules/fieldtype-assisted-url/ It does what I want, but it is does not show the image.
  23. Thank you dragan! So there is no such module? I'm not sure. If I have to write it myself, I'm probably going the direct way and create the templates and fields directly. new Fieldgroup(); new Template(); new Field(); JSON seems like an unnecessary extra layer here. Thank you.
  24. Hello Great module! I would like to know if there is a module for automatic creation of templates and fields from a SQL schema? Afaics you have create them manually with module "ImportPagesCSV". Right? Thank you!
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