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Everything posted by PWaddict

  1. Is the bellow error referring to the resmush.it server?
  2. Now it optimizes the CI3 crops in auto mode. Thank you. The "Optimize on API resize/add" option is probably buggy? Sometimes I'm getting this error in the logs:
  3. Maybe @horst can help you?
  4. Go to a CI3 image field. At the bottom of the Input tab there are the Crop Settings where we can add for example: thumbnail,1200,600. So when you upload an image that CI3 crop is automatically generated along with it's tiny variation 48px. And as you can see from the logs only that tiny CI3 48px is optimized in auto mode. Please don't forget the 2nd problem: On the cropping screen of CI3 when I press the button "Proceed Crop" there is no indication that the image is currently optimizing.
  5. It's fixed. Thanks. The CI3's automated variation from the "Crop Settings" is still missing from the logs.
  6. No. On the screenshot are the logs I'm getting when upload an image. It seems that it's missing the CI3's automated variation from the "Crop Settings" but instead it optimize PW's automated variation twice.
  7. I was getting errors on backend with this as first line in ready() method. I just placed the below code at the bottom of the ready() method just like 1.1.1 and it works: // optimize images in auto mode on resize if(isset($this->configData['optAutoAction']) && !$config->demo && (in_array('optimize_variations', $this->configData['optAutoAction']) || in_array('optimize_variationsCI3', $this->configData['optAutoAction']))) { $this->addHookAfter('ImageSizer::resize', $this, 'checkOptimizeNeeded'); $this->addHookAfter('Pageimage::size', $this, 'optimizeOnResize'); if($this->wire('modules')->isInstalled('FieldtypeCroppableImage3') && in_array('optimize_variationsCI3', $this->configData['optAutoAction'])) { $this->addHookAfter('ProcessCroppableImage3::executeSave', $this, 'optimizeOnResizeCI3'); } } There are 2 issues: 1. The 260px variation gets optimized twice as I'm getting 2 logs for it with 1 second difference. 2. On the cropping screen of CI3 when I press the button "Proceed Crop" there is no indication that the image is currently optimizing.
  8. Same problem happens on "Optimize on resize/crop for CI3" too. So, in Automatic Mode only "Optimize on upload" is actually working.
  9. Yep. The log says only about the original image. Nothing about any other variations.
  10. Then why the automatically generated thumbnail (260px) after you uploaded an image doesn't get optimized?
  11. Is "Optimize on resize/crop" in Automatic mode broken? Cause It doesn't optimize the variations. I have to manually go to the Variations modal and optimize them.
  12. Assuming that the editor uploads an image with a width of 700 pixels. Is it possible during upload to upscale that original image (NOT another copy) to a width of 1000 pixels?
  13. You have to delete the .phrase-index.txt first and then go try the "Live Search".
  14. Please inform the module authors to use HTML entities in notes for html tags. I've already fixed my PayPal module and also informed @Soma for EmailObfuscator module. It seems that with HTML entities just removes the whole messed up text but Live Search still remains broken. I will wait for an official fix from @ryan.
  15. @Soma Please update the module with the following fix to avoid breaking "Live Search" in Languages. Replace the 92 line with this: $field->notes = __("Example </head> or </body>.");
  16. That seems to be the best solution. Here is the code for the ProcessSettings module: <?php namespace ProcessWire; /** * Settings Module * ProcessWire 3.x, Copyright 2018 by Ryan Cramer * https://processwire.com * */ class ProcessSettings extends Process { public static function getModuleInfo() { return array( 'title' => 'Settings', 'version' => "1.0.0", 'summary' => "Modify site settings", 'permission' => 'settings-view', 'singular' => false, 'autoload' => false, 'author' => "PWaddict", 'icon' => 'cog', 'page' => array( 'name' => 'settings', 'parent' => 'setup', 'title' => 'Settings' ) ); } public function execute() { $settings = $this->pages->get("template=settings"); $this->session->redirect($this->wire('config')->urls->admin.'page/edit/?id='.$settings->id, false); // false = 302 temporary redirect } } and with my HidePages module I hide the Settings page from the Pages tree for non-superusers so they can only access it from Setup menu.
  17. @Robin S informed me that it's not possible to use a repeater field in a process module. Maybe if I create a process module that will redirect to the page I want to move under Setup...
  18. @Robin S If I create a process module with a repeater field, will I be able to limit it with your module?
  19. On that page I want to move under Setup I also have a repeater field that uses LimitRepeater module and I'm wondering if it will still function on a process module. How will I be able to output fields content on frontend? Currently I'm doing this since it's just a page: $settings = $pages->get("template=settings"); echo $settings->my_field;
  20. I would like to move a page under "Setup" menu but when I do that by pressing the "move" button and then dragging it under Admin > Setup it doesn't displayed in Setup's dropdown menu. How to do it properly?
  21. I'm currently using the Atom Dark syntax theme and I'm thinking to switch to something else. Any suggestions? Which one are you using?
  22. It's working PERFECT. Thank you. Please post the solution on the GitHub issue.
  23. Having a dot on the text field it doesn't process the filename properly after that dot. It happens on both Windows & Linux. Text Field value: T. Test ä Filename: t._test____1545258287.jpg Text Field value: Test ä T. Filename: test_a_t._1545258287.jpg Note: That issue doesn't happen on 1.2.2.
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