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Everything posted by AndZyk

  1. @Juergen Sorry for being off-topic, but if you like UIkit, you should look out for UIkit 3. I am excited.
  2. Sorry for the late answer. I don't exactly know the "internal uses", other than ProDrafts makes use of it. Maybe thats all it is used for, but if not it is best not to mess around with it in my opinion.
  3. Hello Beate, maybe this will help you: $films = $pages->get("/filme/"); foreach ($films->children as $category) { foreach ($category->children("sort=random, limit=2") as $film) { echo $film->title; } } It is not necessary to add all pages to one array, you could just loop trough them, if I understood you correctly. Regards, Andreas
  4. Hello Jozsef, for the generation of many large image variations, ImageMagick comes in handy. Of course you have to enable it first on your webspace, but most hosters have an manual for the activation, if they support it. Usually I visit the page I added images in to generate the variations. You could probably achieve this also by an hook. But for me it seems more natural to check the changes I made after saving a page. For the lazy loading of images in the front end, I can highly recommend using the plugin lazysizes. It is easy to setup, supports responsive images, background images and so on. There is also the module Markup SrcSet, which uses lazysizes. Regards, Andreas
  5. Hello, I recently submitted an site to the Sites Powered by ProcessWire area. Shortly after submitting I noticed, that my description of this site is not complete. But the site was already submitted. Since there is no option to modify this entry, who can I ask to change it or should I submit the site again with the corrected description? It would be nice, if someone could help me out. Regards, Andreas
  6. AndZyk


    Thanks for remembering. I was aware of the error, but hadn't figured out how to fix it. Turns out, that the fullPage-Plugin didn't needed the slimScroll-Plugin anymore in the newer version. It should be fixed by now. About the missing content: That is intentional, as it only should be revealed after clicking either the logo, toggle icon or container. If you notice anything else, please let me know.
  7. For everyone interested: CodeKit 3 is out now. I know, that everything CodeKit does, can be achieved using an IDE, Grunt, Gulp, CLIs and so on. But CodeKit provides a good starting point for beginners, in my opinion. Regards, Andreas
  8. Thank you, I did not knew about this option. That works for me.
  9. AndZyk


    A small website for the Black Forest based filmmaker Markus Ketterer. You can discover his portfolio or get more informations about him by clicking the logo. Each film page can contain two film stills and two behind the scenes pictures. The transitions between the pages were made with Barba.js (thanks to @LostKobrakai for mentioning it). www.luchs.digital Modules used: ProCache ColorPicker Markup Sitemap XML Tracy Debugger Regards, Andreas Update: This website doesn't use ProcessWire anymore.
  10. That seems to be the more fitting solution.
  11. AndZyk


    This is a single page for an old farmhouse deep in the Black Forest, which you can rent for seminars or as a weekend getaway. When visiting the site first you can slide through three full sized background images. To access the main content you can either click the logo, the toggle icon or the container. The content mostly consists of accordion elements, but in the section nächtigen there is also an calendar (using the new Google Calendar Markup module) and an reservation form included. www.langenbachhof.de Modules used: ProCache PageTable Extended Google Client API Google Calendar Markup Markup Sitemap XML Tracy Debugger Email Obfuscation Regards, Andreas
  12. Hello, this is a small request, but since a while I develop exclusive in Google Chrome and if I have the developer tools open and try to access the back end, I always get following notification: It seems like the Chrome developer tools are looking for a css map file inside the AdminThemeReno, which is not present. Maybe this doesn't bother anybody and it is rare, that I try to access the back end with the developer tools, but I just wanted to point this out. Regards, Andreas
  13. Hello BrendonKoz, I would create a field f.e. date and add it to the needed templates. There is no need for the module mentioned above in my opinion. Although every page has an internal published field since PW 2.6.16 and I think you could change it through the API, I wouldn't recommend it, because it is used for internal uses. A separate field would be more cleaner and you could also easily change the field or the published dates, if you would like to. But that is jus my opinion. Regards, Andreas
  14. Hello bcartier, I don't know, where you did get the published_date but in the API reference there is: Source: http://processwire.com/api/ref/page/#pw-methods-common Regards, Andreas
  15. Hi Jonathan, of course, you are right. I just thought as developer of the website you would have some insights. I will contact him directly. Regards, Andreas
  16. I am also a big fan of the Dash App, so I made a Docset request, but the developer wrote, that it only has 7 upvotes so far and he wouldn't include docsets if there is not much more request. But maybe somebody knows how to generate a Docset and could contribute it to the user-contributed-docsets. Regards, Andreas
  17. First of all I would like to say: Great job @Jonathan Lahijani for bringing CMS Critic back to ProcessWire. I first discovered PW through CMS Critic, so I'm thankful, that they awarded 2014 ProcessWire as Best Free PHP CMS. But I recently wondered, that a so-called "CMS review" site hasn't covered the release of PW3 at all? Is there any particular reason for this or am I just missing something? Regards, Andreas
  18. AndZyk

    Padloper showcase

    Hello Socrate, maybe you should try to contact @apeisa direct via the mail address he provided on Padloper.pw. Regards, Andreas
  19. Thank you for this amazing release. I follow this project since 2.4.0 and the amount of features added since then is just terrific. Hopefully PW3 will attract many more people. Maybe a new shiny website will help, but I already know, that this is on the list.
  20. Hello Andy, actually this is not an issue, because the body-tag, like many others, is optional and can be stripped out to reduce the markup: Source: https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#optional-tags Ryan's blog post about the HTML minification of ProCache: http://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-2.6.9-core-updates-and-new-procache-version/#major-enhancements-to-html-minify-capabilities Regards, Andreas
  21. Here is an example, how you could use Responsive Images with srcset for retina images in combination with lazysizes: <?php $image = $page->image->size(800, 600); $imageRetina = $page->image->size(1600, 1200); echo " <img class='lazyload' src='{$config->urls->templates}images/1x1.gif' data-sizes='auto' data-src='{$image->url}' data-srcset='{$image->url}, {$imageRetina->url} 2x' width='{$image->width}' height='{$image->height}' alt='{$page->image->description}'> "; It is not that difficult, but you have to get used to the markup. Also be sure to check on different devices, if it actually works (for example retina devices). The Chrome developer tools are also good in debugging Responsive Images.
  22. Hello Stefanowitsch, I never used the plugin Adaptive Images, but I would highly recommend you to checkout Resonsive Images. If you want to use them today there is the popular polyfill Picturefill and if you want to use Reponsive Images in combination with lazy loading there is the awesome plugin lazysizes. There is also the module MarkupSrcSet by @tpr, but I never used it and prefer to include the markup myself. You have to get used to the markup at the beginning, but it is worth the effort. As far to your question: I don't think it is possible to use an different folder for uploaded images: Regards, Andreas
  23. Thank you both for your answers. Sorry for my late response, but unfortunately I hadn't got the time to test until now. @Can Exactly that is the reason why I would prefer PW as middleware. Because it doesn't care. Turns out, I couldn't get any response, because I requested the JSON from a PW installation hosted on my local machine using MAMP. After uploading the installation to a server I get a response. I forgot about, that you could set the header content-type on a template basis. That is easier than setting it in the template file. I am running PW 3.0.28 devns and my template setup looks like the above example for now. Right now I am just experimenting if PW would fit as a good solution. @clsource Thank you for the useful resources. I haven't done anything with REST yet, but will have a closer look. Regards, Andreas
  24. Hello, currently I am trying to develop my first iPad app with Xcode. For handling the data on a remote server I want to use ProcessWire as middleware. For synchronizing the data I am trying the Xcode framework Alamofire, which has more convenient functions for handling such requests, especially for a beginner in Swift like me. Now I am wondering how I should output my JSON objects in my template files the right way for Alamofire to recognize them. So far I tried the following: <?php $data = array( 'test' => 'Hello World!' ); header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode($data); But when I build my app and request the JSON after loading the first view, I don't get a response. Maybe I am missing something. The example URL from GitHub works as expected. Do I have to be more specific with my JSON objects and do you think this is a good solution for handling data in general? Regards, Andreas
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