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Everything posted by tpr

  1. Added the option to AOS, will be available in v130.
  2. It seems to be the "double span" issue again. Could you try replacing the same line as in my post above with this: $event->return = str_replace('<span ', '<span data-pid="' . $page->id . '" ', $event->return);
  3. The Tree menu will come handy, even if I use the Reno theme. Is this feature connected with the Page List module's "Allow use of bookmarks" setting? If I uncheck the tree is gone, except from Reno. Update: only the Bookmarks menu items is present in the Tree flyout if I enable this setting, no pages there. Using 3.054 (multilanguage) the Tree was there but disappeared a few days later.
  4. Perhaps it's article-rating vs recipe_rating?
  5. Why do you need a hook for this if you already have a "physical" locale field? If you need it to be visible only on the Languages field, edit the field Visibility (Input tab, Show this field only if...) and use something like this: id=1022|1023 Where 1022, 1023, ... are the page IDs of your language pages. Unfortunately using has_parent or parent.id are not working.
  6. Seems like the "class" attribute is the culprit, I guess there's some regex going on later somewhere but haven't checked. Could you try replacing this line with this? It seems to fix the issue in all 3 themes. $event->return = "<span data-pid='$page->id'>$markup</span>";
  7. I don't think this is a good solution. By the time your Js runs the iframe may start to load so making it useless. I think it would be better to edit the module itself, and maybe rename the module to avoid overwrite it later when updating. Or even better, submit a PR with a new setting for lazy load
  8. Thanks, it's mostly PageList IDs that is causing this and perhaps PageListThumbs. I'll check it soon.
  9. I've used JavaScript to check the scroll position and show/hide the menu toggle (hamburger icon). Recently though I found out that I can fake it with CSS. The idea is having a header element that is full-width with a background color and covers the fixed position toggle button. On scroll the button is revealed. Of course this technique can't be applied to any site, although in the majority of my projects I could have used it. Before you ask I use no JavaScript to show the mobile menu, it's shown using the :checked technique.
  10. @kongondo Whatever you saw that wasn't me
  11. @adrian haven't you think about merging the two Module-related modules?
  12. @Robin S Here's the fix for the scrollto bug: AdminOnSteroids_config.css
  13. Thanks, will check it. Yes, you can copy the settings.php file to the new site, but first check the checkbox and save AOS, then uninstall, and only then copy it over. Then if you install the old settings should be loaded. A better method that I use recently is the Module Toolkit module where you can export modules with their settings to the new site. There's a JSON copy to clipboard option so all you need is copy-paste that. Modules are re-downloaded from the modules directory so core modules are not supported atm but it's still an incredible time saver.
  14. No issues here with the scroll (Chrome/FF). I have plans to modify the field edit link tooltip, then I'll try to make them work in repeaters too, and perhaps add a template context feature too.
  15. So adRyans are automatic
  16. Thanks, I've added width: auto to the CSS (no version change).
  17. Of course, I waited for this all day I may try to implement the full-width bcePageName layout tomorrow too if you don't mind.
  18. I'll check the text-transform thing tomorrow. I got an error on loading the module settings, plus the language text on top is showing as a non-rendered markup (even if AOS uninstalled, if it's enabled it's not showing at all):
  19. Great updates, thanks! My only concern is the styling (again :)) of the new tooltip. It's too big here and all uppercase, I guess some CSS is interfering. My only idea that could work is adding a +/- icons to the end of the rows (or start), and clicking on them would open a full-width row below the actual line containing all these details. Of course this would require a click to work (and another to close) but maybe it would worth it. But it's just an idea.
  20. I don't have ListerPro but I can add this line if you say it fixes it. I've searched for 100% width in AOS but it seems that it's coming from ListerPro, right?
  21. Just create an empty layout, eg. @empty.latte: {include content} and of course tell the view file to use this layout: {layout '../layouts/@empty.latte'} {block content} ... {/block}
  22. This is how I use multiple layouts in a project. @default.latte: ... <body> {include content} </body> ... @sidebar-left.latte: {layout '@default.latte'} {block content} <div> <div class="main"> {include main} </div> <div class="sidebar-left"> {include sidebar_left} </div> </div> {/block} contact.latte: {layout 'layouts/@sidebar-left.latte'} {block sidebar_left} ... {/block} {block main} ... {/block} Maybe there's a better setup for this, please share if you find one
  23. What is the error you got? Layout inheritance is available in latte too. btw you don't need separate layout for a sidebar, just add an empty block to the base layout and fill with markup when you need it. Plus you don't need to pass the full path for includes, use relative paths, eg include 'components/...latte'.
  24. Thanks, much better Perhaps I would change the new exclamation icon to "fa-info-circle" because it's less strict. Sometimes the page name is intentionally the same in all languages so it's not necessarily an error (eg. /sport/). But the same holds true for the "title" field too. I like the active checkboxes. Or do you mean displaying checkboxes for all languages? How? Perhaps displaying a list of languages + active state in a tooltip on hover? That would be a handy extra info so one could edit the page in question if needed. As for the add new page for non-default language, it's a tough one, I would say leave it as it is and improve later
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